
The Philippine army was completely annihilated, Taiwan Island is highly concerned, and the PLA will also strike hard in the Taiwan Strait?

author:Chengcheng topic station

The Chinese Coast Guard sternly responded to the Philippine provocation, and Taiwan kept a close eye on the movements of the People's Liberation Army

On June 17, the South China Sea resurged, and the China Coast Guard took swift and forceful countermeasures against the blatant provocation of the Philippine fleet, which achieved remarkable results, demonstrating the mainland's firm determination to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

The incident immediately sparked widespread discussion inside and outside the island, and people from all walks of life are closely watching whether the PLA will take similar tough measures against the Lai Ching-te authorities, who continue to provoke in the Taiwan Strait.

The Philippine army was completely annihilated, Taiwan Island is highly concerned, and the PLA will also strike hard in the Taiwan Strait?

Combining multiple intelligences, China quickly and decisively escalated its countermeasures in response to the Philippines' provocative actions.

It is reported that a number of Philippine supply ships and airboats have brazenly intruded into China's territorial waters near Ren'ai Jiao without permission, seriously violating the "International Rules for Avoiding Collisions at Sea" and taking extremely provocative actions.

However, this brazen provocation has been met with a strong response from the iron fist of the Chinese Coast Guard.

The Philippine military's orchestrated operations in the clash were wiped out by the Chinese Coast Guard's tight surveillance and swift response.

Six Philippine ships were intercepted by Chinese coast guard ships one by one in their attempt to rush towards Ren'ai Jiao.

For those Philippine warships that ignored warnings and insisted on ramming, the Chinese coast guard took decisive coercive measures and directly used ropes to tow them away from the scene.

In addition, the airboat carried by the Philippine Navy's special operations group was also dealt with in accordance with the law when it tried to interfere with the law enforcement of the Chinese coast guard.

According to detailed reports, the China Coast Guard has shown a high level of professionalism and strict law enforcement attitude in handling the incident.

In the face of the airboat of the Philippine special forces, the coast guard personnel responded calmly, first by shouting warnings, and then taking necessary coercive measures when the other side ignored the warning, including forcing the airboat to stop and piercing the ship, to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

As a result of this series of operations, all six Philippine military ships were subdued, one of the command and supply ships was towed away by the Chinese Coast Guard in accordance with the law, and the remaining five airboats were also punctured or seized.

The Philippine army was completely annihilated, Taiwan Island is highly concerned, and the PLA will also strike hard in the Taiwan Strait?

This incident quickly became a hot topic of discussion inside and outside Taiwan. Many people on the island have questioned and ridiculed the Lai Ching-de authorities' practice of blindly taking a hard line on the mainland, but they have repeatedly suffered setbacks in their actual actions.

At the same time, some green media are trying to take this opportunity to stir up public sentiment, and some even try to form a so-called "eight-nation coalition" to confront China.

However, this unrealistic illusion was soon shattered by reality.

While the Chinese Coast Guard has taken a tough approach, the US Navy's aircraft carriers and destroyers have chosen to avoid the attack, issuing only an innocuous statement after the fact, apparently not daring to directly intervene in the South China Sea dispute.

The CCG's decisive action is widely seen as a model for dealing with similar situations in the future.

Public opinion generally believes that the Chinese coast guard and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) may take more resolute and tough measures to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the future, which is not only a warning to the Philippines, but also a clear signal to Taiwan.

On the other hand, with Lai Ching-te coming to power, tensions in cross-strait relations seem to have escalated further.

The Taiwan authorities have clearly stipulated that once a mainland warship or plane enters its so-called "territorial waters and airspace," the Taiwan military will have the right to carry out a "self-defense counterattack."

However, since the Jinxia Sea incident earlier this year, the mainland has weakened the island's "jurisdiction" over the so-called territorial waters through practical actions.

Coast guard ships and navy vessels have become the norm in patrolling around Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, and the main island of Taiwan, and this trend shows the mainland's determination and confidence in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Philippine army was completely annihilated, Taiwan Island is highly concerned, and the PLA will also strike hard in the Taiwan Strait?

Against this backdrop, if Lai's authorities continue to take provocative actions to try to stop normal cruising activities on the mainland, it cannot be ruled out that the Chinese coast guard and navy will take a tougher response.

These measures may include all necessary means such as eviction, boarding and inspection, and seizure of ship personnel to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

Compared with the Tsai Ing-wen period, the Lai Ching-te administration has behaved more aggressively and risk-taking on cross-strait issues, which has undoubtedly brought greater challenges to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

However, it should be made clear that the Taiwan authorities do not have the right to unilaterally demarcate any territorial airspace and sea boundaries.

Taiwan Island and its surrounding waters have been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times, and the activities of mainland warships here are completely reasonable and legal.

Any attempt by the Taiwan authorities to obstruct or provoke will be futile and will only further aggravate the tension in cross-strait relations.

If the Taiwan authorities continue to adopt hostile and provocative measures against mainland ships and aircraft, then PLA ships and coast guard ships operating around the Taiwan Strait will have the right to take all necessary measures to respond and counteract.

The failure of the Philippines' provocative action in the South China Sea has undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for the Lai Qingde authorities on Taiwan Island.

Lai Qingde's constant remarks on "Taiwan independence" and his adoption of radical measures will not only not help the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, but may lead to more serious consequences.

If the Taiwan authorities do not learn a lesson and continue to provoke the mainland, they will inevitably face more severe countermeasures and punishments.

The Philippine army was completely annihilated, Taiwan Island is highly concerned, and the PLA will also strike hard in the Taiwan Strait?

Therefore, the Lai Ching-te authorities must have a clear understanding of the situation, rein in the precipice, immediately stop all illegal and provocative acts, and attach importance to maintaining the overall situation of peace and stability in cross-strait relations.

In short, the China Coast Guard has taken decisive and effective countermeasures in the face of the provocation of the Philippine fleet, demonstrating the mainland's firm position and determination to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

At the same time, it also brings a profound warning to the Lai Ching-te authorities on Taiwan that any attempt to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity will be futile and will only lead to more severe counterattacks and sanctions.

Therefore, all parties should remain calm and exercise restraint, resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation, and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

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