
Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.!

Grandma has been thinking about her legs lately, and from time to time she will take her father's hand and look at me. "Look, how are my legs?" She always squinted and asked thoughtfully.

I couldn't figure out why she was so concerned about her legs. Until one day, my grandmother dragged me to the community health center and found a white-haired old man named Dr. Li.

"This is my granddaughter, you can tell her about it." Grandma said to Dr. Li with a serious face.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

Dr. Li pushed his glasses and smiled gently at me, "Little girl, do you know? By looking at the changes in the thighs of the elderly, we can actually roughly judge their health status and life expectancy. "

I was stunned, it was a surprise. Is there really such a miraculous thing?

Seeing my puzzled face, Dr. Lee went on to explain, "There are usually three changes in the thighs of the elderly, each representing a different health condition."

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

It turns out that when people reach old age, the fat in the thighs will change, and these changes are closely related to physical health. Dr. Lee described to me in detail the characteristics of these 3 types of thigh changes:

1. The subcutaneous fat of the thighs is reduced and the thighs appear to be thin. This usually indicates poor nutritional status and a shorter life expectancy.

2. The thigh muscles gradually atrophy and appear shriveled and weak. This often means that the body is weakened, the immunity is weakened, and the life expectancy is shorter.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

3. The subcutaneous fat of the thighs increases and appears plump. This often means adequate nutrition, good physical function, and a longer life expectancy.

"So you see, by looking at the changes in the thighs of the elderly, we can roughly judge their health and life expectancy." Dr. Lee concluded.

It dawned on me that this discovery was really thought-provoking. No wonder grandma always asks if her legs are "long-lived".

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

Just as I was thinking about all this, I saw my grandmother come over and look at me expectantly: "How do you look at my legs?" Isn't it quite plump? I should live for more than ten years, right?"

I took a closer look and found that my grandmother's thighs were indeed plump and full, and her muscles had not atrophied much. After listening to Dr. Lee's analysis, I suddenly had more hope for my grandmother's future.

"Grandma, your thighs look fine, you should live a long time." I said with relief.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

Grandma clapped my hands happily, her eyes full of gratitude and joy. I think she must have let go of her worries and looked forward to the future.

This incident made me realize that when we pay attention to our own health, we should also pay more attention to some subtle changes in our body, which may give us some valuable tips.

Perhaps by observing the changes in our thighs, we can better understand our physical condition and take appropriate precautions in advance to prolong our healthy lifespan.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

Literature studies have shown that this practice of observing changes in the thighs to predict health status has some historical roots in China.

As early as the 80s of the last century, some scholars in the Chinese medical community put forward the "thigh prediction theory".

Through long-term follow-up studies of a large number of older people, they found that this method can indeed predict the life expectancy of older people with relative accuracy.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

For example, a study by the Institute of Geriatrics of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences showed that

The average life expectancy of older adults with decreased subcutaneous thigh fat is only 74.2 years, while that of those with increased subcutaneous thigh fat has an average life expectancy of up to 84.6 years [1].

This result once again verifies the reliability of this observation method.

Do you have a long life, just look at the changes in your thighs? Doctor: In the elderly, there are usually 3 changes in the thighs

I believe that if we can master these "tips" of health warning, it will definitely be of great help to our health regimen.

Not only does it give us a better understanding of our physical condition, but it also allows us to take appropriate health management measures and strive to live longer.

For my grandmother, I really hope that her thighs will always be in this plump state, and her life will be "longer" and "longer" like her thighs. I will be by her side and witness her wonderful life in the future.


[1] Institute of Geriatrics, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Application of Thigh Prediction Theory in Geriatric Health Management. Chinese Journal of Gerontology,2015,35(5):1223-1226.]