
Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

author:Sun Yangxin

Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is drained, can drain our body's qi, if the drain function is abnormal, it may produce arrow qi, that is, fart, in addition, liver wood will also hurt the spleen and soil, resulting in spleen and stomach disorders, and there will also be a lot of fart.

Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

So our first step is to soothe the liver, if you are often angry, sulking, usually feel dry mouth, dry eyes, etc., this may be liver qi stagnation, you need to refer to the Chinese medicine to soothe the liver and regulate qi!

Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

But if it has caused spleen and stomach problems, the spleen and stomach are weak, and the qi is stagnant and cannot be scorched, the obvious characteristic is that there is a lot of qi in the stomach, and if you eat a little bit, you will be full, and your abdomen will be distended.

Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

If you usually have fatigue and fatigue, poor appetite, not only love to fart, but also easy to hiccups, easy to produce oily head and face, sleepy body, can't wake up in the morning, can't sleep at night, this may be caused by liver depression and spleen deficiency, heavy dampness, you need to clear the liver and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness!

Farts a lot? It is mostly a distress signal for the liver, spleen and stomach, and many people are misled!

There is also a situation, that is, there are more stinky farts and stuffy farts, which are mostly caused by food accumulation, and are also related to the ability of the spleen and stomach to transport, and at the same time, the mouth also has a peculiar smell, accompanied by acid reflux, heartburn, constipation, etc., which needs to be consumed and stagnation! Have you learned?