
What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

author:Director Lu of the Department of Tertiary Surgery
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With the prevalence of gallbladder disease, especially gallstones, many people opt for gallbladder removal surgery to relieve symptoms. However, although gallbladder removal solves the immediate problem, it may bring some sequelae. Understanding these potential sequelae can help patients be well prepared and take precautions accordingly.

Gastroesophageal reflux

After gallbladder removal, bile is no longer stored in the gallbladder and flows directly into the intestines and stomach. When there is too much bile accumulation in the intestines, it can reflux into the stomach, leading to reflux gastritis. This condition can cause heartburn, acid reflux and other uncomfortable symptoms, and may even cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, and in severe cases, it can also lead to upper gastrointestinal or stomach cancer. Gastroesophageal reflux not only affects quality of life, but can also lead to other complications, so it requires special attention.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Cholecystectomy syndrome

About 30% of patients may develop cholecystectomy syndrome after cholecystectomy. Symptoms of this syndrome include nausea, fever, insomnia, loss of appetite, and jaundice, among others. Although these symptoms are not necessarily serious, they can have an impact on the patient's quality of life and require appropriate treatment under the guidance of a doctor. The incidence of cholecystectomy syndrome is high, so it is necessary to pay close attention to your condition after surgery and report to your doctor in time.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Affects digestion

After the gallbladder is removed, some people's digestive function may be affected. Because bile cannot be stored and concentrated as efficiently as it once was, the ability to digest food may decrease. This can lead to symptoms such as decreased appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating, and more. Some patients may develop chronic gastroenteritis as a result, requiring long-term conditioning and treatment. In order to avoid digestive problems, patients need to adjust their diet after surgery, eat less greasy food, and increase their intake of dietary fiber.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Common bile duct stones

After gallbladder removal, the common bile duct needs to take over the function of storing and concentrating bile. The common bile duct does not have the same structural features as the gallbladder and is therefore prone to increased pressure and compensatory dilation. Repeated secretion and accumulation of bile may lead to the formation of common bile duct stones, leading to inflammation of the common bile duct and even common bile duct stones. Regular check-ups on the health of the common bile duct and taking precautions under the guidance of a doctor can reduce the occurrence of stones.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Abdominal discomfort

After gallbladder removal, the balance of intestinal flora may be affected. A large amount of bile enters the intestines, which changes the distribution of intestinal flora, which can easily cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. In severe cases, it may also lead to enteritis, affecting the patient's quality of life. Maintaining a good diet and exercising properly can help maintain intestinal health and reduce the occurrence of uncomfortable symptoms.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Compensatory effect of the bile ducts

After gallbladder removal, the bile ducts need to take on some of the functions of the gallbladder, such as storing and concentrating bile. Although the bile ducts can partially compensate for the function of the gallbladder, their storage capacity and concentration capacity are far less than those of the gallbladder. This means that after the removal of the gallbladder, the concentration and fluidity of bile will change, which will have an impact on the digestive system. The compensatory capacity of the bile ducts varies from person to person, and some patients may be completely adapted, while others may experience uncomfortable symptoms.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Limitations of compensatory mechanisms

The compensatory mechanisms of the bile ducts may not be sufficient to completely replace gallbladder function in some cases. Especially when bile is secreted in large quantities, the bile ducts may not be able to store and concentrate bile efficiently, causing bile to flow directly into the intestines, triggering a range of digestive problems. In the long term, it may adversely affect the liver and intestines. To avoid this, patients need regular follow-up check-ups after surgery to ensure the health of their bile ducts.

The application of gallstone extraction

There are various treatments for gallstones, among which gallstone removal is a more conservative treatment. For patients with certain conditions, this method can remove stones while preserving the gallbladder, reducing damage to the body.

What are the sequelae after gallbladder removal? The doctor said: There may be 5 endings, understand

Applicable conditions for gallstone extraction

Gallstone-preserving surgery is indicated for those who still have good gallbladder function but have stones. Specifically, the applicable conditions include the gallbladder is of moderate size (usually between 6 and 8 cm), the gallbladder has no obvious malformation, the gallbladder has normal systolic function, and there is no acute cholecystitis or other serious complications. When deciding whether or not to undergo cholelithotomy, patients need to undergo a detailed medical evaluation to ensure that they are suitable for this type of surgery.

The gallbladder plays an important role in the human body, and early detection and treatment of gallbladder problems is essential to maintaining overall health. Actively manage gallbladder health, prevent and treat gallbladder diseases under the guidance of a doctor. Regular medical check-ups, a healthy diet, and good lifestyle habits are important means of preventing gallbladder disease. I hope that every reader can pay attention to gallbladder health and enjoy a healthy life.

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