
The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

author:Sport Alpine 8Z6m

A story about a black man sleeping on someone else's Land Rover sparked an argument on the Internet. The incident is shocking and ridiculous, and it has also triggered reflection on social issues such as racial discrimination and anomie of public morality.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

According to reports, on the day of the incident, a car owner found an unfamiliar black man hovering over his Land Rover, and then actually lay down and began to sleep. The owner tried to wake him up, but the black man turned a deaf ear. In desperation, the owner had to call the police for help.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!
The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

Unexpectedly, when the police arrived at the scene, the black man who was still clicking suddenly became agitated, boasted that he had been discriminated against, and began to make a loud noise, abusive and abusive to the law enforcement officers and the car owner, and the scene was out of control for a while.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

Such an unreasonable behavior of the black man undoubtedly caused an uproar among the onlookers and netizens. Many people have said that regardless of skin color, ignoring other people's property, disturbing public order, and being rude to law enforcement officers, this kind of behavior is against the bottom line of law and social morality.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

In some Western countries, due to the long-standing problem of racial discrimination, ethnic minorities often develop a certain "weak mentality", and then unconsciously develop a certain hostility towards mainstream society. As netizens said, racial discrimination is undoubtedly wrong, but targeting the innocent general public is never the right way to express it.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

Some commentators have argued that the matter should not be reduced to a "racial issue" but should be judged from a legal and moral perspective. No matter what country or race you are, you should respect local laws and customs in a foreign country, which is the basic morality of a civilized society, and violators will naturally be punished.

Equality, harmony and inclusiveness are the goals that modern society should pursue, but this is by no means an excuse to indulge in willfulness and ignore the rule of law. To build a friendly and multicultural environment, it is necessary for everyone to be strict with themselves, respect and tolerate each other with an open and rational mind.

The black man lay down on the Land Rover to sleep, and the owner had no choice but to call the police, and the black man yelled at the police and commented on the fryer!

Only when everyone abides by the law and upholds public order and good customs can the whole society truly show a civilized and courteous side.

I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to contribute to the construction of a more civilized and orderly social environment.