
Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

author:Passerby A documentary

Everyone has some special "little habits", but there may be huge hidden dangers behind such hobbies.

If you don't believe me, let's take a look at these 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but actually hurt the body, have you ever done it?

Sleep immediately after eating

Sleepiness after eating seems to be a reward for tired body and mind, but it is actually a punishment for the stomach. Melatonin, a common ingredient in sleep aids, is the main culprit of sleepiness after eating. Fueled by a rise in blood sugar and insulin secretion, our sleep hormone levels rise, which in turn produces drowsiness. However, if we fall asleep at this time, the peristalsis, emptying, and absorption of food in the digestive tract will be slowed down, and for people who are not very good at gastrointestinal function, food retention in the stomach may also ferment and produce gas.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Blood circulation will increase after eating, and if you take a nap immediately at this time, the blood supply to the brain and the whole body will be forcibly reduced, and the physical discomfort will be aggravated. Some people wake up groggy after taking a nap, and that's how it works.

So, how to take a nap scientifically? It is recommended that naps should be taken at regular intervals after lunch. It is best to limit the nap length to half an hour and avoid more than an hour and a half to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Nail clippers are too short

We often hear that nails are the "second face" of the human body, and clean and tidy nails always leave a good impression. If you cut your nails too short and you cut them too short, the ends of the nail plate will be wrapped in skin tissue, and over time, it is easy to form ingrown nails, that is, the nails grow into the flesh.

If the nail is hard enough, it will also puncture the nail groove, and after the bacteria invade, it will cause redness, swelling and suppuration, forming paronychia.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Ge You lay down

Have you ever been desperate to lie on the sofa after fatigue and enjoy that brief moment of "Ge You lying"?

"Ge You Lying" seems to be able to sweep away all fatigue and make people indulge in temporary comfort. Maintaining this posture for a long time can easily lead to lumbar muscle strain and even induce spondylosis.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Why does "Ge You Lying" bring so much harm? Let's start with the structure and function of the spine. The normal spine has four physiological curvatures that, like springs, play a key role in weight-bearing, shock absorption, protection, and movement of the spine. However, when "Ge You is lying", the lower back is suspended in the air, these physiological curvatures of the spine are destroyed, the lumbar spine is in a state of folding, and the weight of the body is all pressed on the lumbar spine. In the long run, the metamorphosis of the lumbar intervertebral disc is inevitable.

Prolonged "Ge You Lying" can also lead to changes in body posture. With our necks stretched forward, shoulders buckled forward, and the upper body stretching forward, over time, our posture may become ape-like.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Play with your phone after turning off the lights

Scrolling on your phone before going to bed seems to have become a daily habit for many people. This seemingly harmless act actually hides many harms that we cannot ignore.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Playing with your phone after turning off the lights can be particularly damaging to your eyes. In this dim environment, our eyes need to work harder to adapt to the bright light on the screen, which not only destroys the structure of the ocular surface, but also may lead to damage to tear-producing cells and increase the risk of eye diseases. In the long term, it may also induce glaucoma, because the pupils dilate in dim light, the circulation of fluid in the eye slows down, and the intraocular pressure increases. In addition, lying on the side and looking at the mobile phone can easily lead to different degrees in the left and right eyes, which aggravates myopia.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Excessive cleaning of the ear canal

Excessive ear plucking not only does not make the ear canal cleaner, but can damage the ear canal and eardrum, and even cause infection. Earwax, which is not liked by people, is actually a way for the ear canal to protect itself.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Kuza Fuki

Being sedentary is a common problem among modern people due to the accelerated pace of work and life. Staying in the same position for a long time can not only cause deformity in the buttocks, but can also cause lower back pain and knee problems. The human body is not designed to sit still for long periods of time, but requires constant activity to maintain health.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Pick your nose with your fingers

This indecent gesture is not only unhygienic, but can also lead to damage to the nasal mucosa and deformation of the nostrils. Tartar, again, should not be removed roughly, but should be treated with a more scientific approach.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Skip the breakfast

To compensate for the late sleep schedule, this seemingly smart choice actually disrupts the body's biological clock and affects the normal working rhythm of the digestive system, which can lead to more serious health problems in the long run.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Pick your teeth with your little fingernails

Not only does this habit not work effectively to clean between your teeth, but it can also hurt your gums. The correct cleaning method should be to use tools such as dental floss and oral irrigator, which can not only protect the teeth, but also effectively remove tartar.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

Tear the skin of the mouth

Speaking of tearing the skin, this is an indescribable "quirk" in the hearts of many people. This seemingly casual behavior may actually be a mild self-injurious behavior, which is medically known as "compulsive skin peeling disorder".

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

The dead skin on the lips is itchy, and I always want to tear it. But you know what? This layer of dead skin is actually like a protective wall for the lips. Once torn off, the lips lose this barrier and are susceptible to bacteria. In addition, the skin of the lips is very delicate and rich in capillaries, and if it is torn too much, it can lead to pain, bleeding, and even diseases such as angular cheilitis.

Take stock of 10 behaviors that seem to be very cool, but are actually very hurtful, come and see if you have them

So, how to properly dispose of dead skin on your lips? Simply apply a hot towel to warm the compress for a few minutes and allow the dead skin to soften before gently brushing off with a soft brush. After that, remember to apply lip balm to lock in moisture for your lips and provide the necessary moisturizing care.

These seemingly innocuous daily habits are actually quietly eroding our health.