
Tomorrow's summer solstice, if you are free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

author:Lemon tea

Reading guide: Tomorrow's summer solstice, free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 don't sit, 3 don't move, 4 to eat


In the scorching summer and scorching sun, we also need to pay attention to protect ourselves while enjoying the comfort brought by the sun. The summer solstice is a turning point in the summer and marks the arrival of hot weather. At this time, we need to be careful not to overexpose ourselves to the sun, as excessive UV exposure can cause damage to our skin. Therefore, we should try to go out as little as possible, especially around the middle of the day, and avoid direct sunlight. If you must go outside, remember to bring sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, if you are free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

Do not sit

After the summer solstice, the weather gradually gets hotter and we feel physically tired and sleepy. Therefore, at this time, we need to pay attention to rest and relaxation. Don't sit still for long periods of time, as this can aggravate the fatigue of your body. We should try to maintain physical activity as much as possible, such as walking, running, swimming, etc., which can help us relax and relieve fatigue. In addition, we can also choose to play some soft music indoors to help us relax and concentrate.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, if you are free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat


After the summer solstice, the temperature rises, and the body's blood circulation also increases. Therefore, at this time, we need to take care to keep our body healthy and stable. Avoid strenuous exercise and high-intensity work, as this may add to the burden on the body. We should choose some relaxing forms of exercise, such as walking, yoga, etc., which can help us relax and promote the health and stability of the body. In addition, we can also choose some ways to relax that suit us, such as reading, listening to music, etc.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, if you are free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat


After the summer solstice, the weather is hot, and we need to keep our body supplied with nutrients and energy. Therefore, we should choose some light, easy-to-digest foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to hydration, because high temperatures can cause the body to lose water. You can choose some cool drinks to replenish your water, such as watermelon juice, mung bean soup, etc. In conclusion, maintaining a healthy diet is very important for good health.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, if you are free or not, remember: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

The above are some precautions and suggestions for tomorrow's summer solstice. Keep these points in mind to keep your body healthy and comfortable during the hot summer months.