
Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

author:Infinite history is a little bright

In that war-torn era, history will always leave an eternal mark on everyone's side. Wu Bo, a woman from a scholarly family, was supposed to live an ordinary life, but she threw herself into the torrent of revolution under the arrangement of fate. With her excellent recording ability and keen observation, she became an important secretary and intelligence officer of the party, and silently made outstanding contributions to the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation. And when she died at the age of 100 in her old age, people couldn't help but think of her legendary life and the touching love affair between her heroic husband Ye Jianying. This good story is like a flower blooming after the baptism of war, allowing us to look back on history while also savoring the eternity of love.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

The frost and snow have stained the years, and the years have left traces of vicissitudes on her shoulders. November 13, 2023, is destined to become an important node in history, because the revolutionary hero Wu Bo passed away on this day at the age of more than 106. One can't help but wonder what role this pivotal woman played in those turbulent times.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

In fact, Wu Bo was born in a scholarly family, and he was bathed in the edification of literature and ink when he was a child. Her father was strict and fearful that his daughter would be pampered, so he used the word "Bo" when naming her, hoping that she would be well-read and knowledgeable. Indeed, Wu Bo, who received a good education from an early age, showed excellent memory and quick thinking, which laid a solid foundation for her future work.

Luck also fulfilled this lucky girl. Due to his family background, Wu Bo was able to come into contact with party comrades at an early age, and was recommended by his father to work in the library. Today, you may think that library work is unremarkable, but in those days, this job provided Wu Bo with an excellent opportunity to get in touch with underground intelligence work.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

"The girl's handwriting is really neat, and she is like a smooth flow!" Colleagues are full of praise for Wu Bo. That's right, this young girl quietly became an important intelligence messenger and messenger by virtue of her beautiful calligraphy and unforgettable memory. She invented a special decipherment method that only insiders could decipher the codes, allowing secret information to be delivered safely and quickly. Looking back now, people can't help but admire how calm and resourceful this little girl was at a critical juncture.

By chance, Premier Zhou Enlai noticed Wu Bo's extraordinary talent. So in 1938, 22-year-old Wu Bo was sent to Chongqing to become Ye Jianying's secretary and meeting recorder. At that time, the relationship between our army and the national army was delicate, and the talks between the two sides were complicated, and Wu Bo became a silent bridge between the two armies. She not only recorded the details of each meeting with her agile thinking and skillful shorthand skills, but also analyzed the content of the meeting with unique insights to point out the direction of the negotiations between the two parties. It is said that Ye Jianying was deeply impressed by Wu Bo's talent when she first met her.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

In this way, love quietly sprouted in the flames of war. In 1940, Ye Jianying and Wu Bo got married, but the warmth of the newlywed did not last long. The following year, Ye Jianying went to the Northeast Front, and Wu Bo also returned to work. However, with her silent assistance, Ye Jianying was able to grasp the front-line dynamics and operational information in a timely manner. It can be said that Wu Bo also participated in the entire Anti-Japanese War in his own way.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

Finally, in 1945, when Japan announced its surrender, the two reunited after a long absence, and ushered in a new life. Yes, the arrival of a new life brought endless hope and motivation to the revolutionary couple. Since then, Wu Bo has put down his work and wholeheartedly supported her husband's career.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

In the blink of an eye, the country became rich, and Wu Bo and Ye Jianying also changed from young people in their prime to old men with crane hair and young faces. However, the exploits of the past have not been forgotten. In 1948, when Ye Jianying was a military school teacher, Wu Bo was also invited to teach his own unique secrets in class. Since then, she has cultivated batch after batch of outstanding military talents for the country.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

In this way, Wu Bo has contributed her strength to the revolutionary cause all her life, and even in her old age, she has worked hard to cooperate with the work of the party and the state. Until the end of her life, she never forgot her identity and mission. Today, the legend is in peace, but her story and spirit will forever inspire future generations.

Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends
Marshal Ye Jianying's wife Wu Bo unfortunately passed away! At the age of 106, he married at the age of 23 and his life is full of legends

An ordinary girl has an extraordinary bearing, and her life has had many twists and turns, but she has never wavered in her ideals and beliefs. Wu Bo was an important intelligence officer and meeting recorder of the party in the first half of his life, and he worked silently but made great contributions; In the second half of her life, she was the wife of a great leader and a supporter of the cause, contributing to the development of the country in her own way. She was alone but never felt lonely, because she had love for the motherland and dedication to the revolutionary cause in her heart. Let us remember the spiritual wealth of this heroine and continue to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the nation in the new era.