
The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

author:Poon Choi who loves to laugh

Huawei and SAIC: From working together to forgetting each other

It has to be said that the marriage between Huawei and SAIC was a beautiful example of the integration of technology and automobiles. I remember that in 2015, these two guys began to look at each other, and SAIC Motor took Huawei's hand and imagined the future together in the world of LTE-V.

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

In the following years, like a couple in love, there were frequent good news of cooperation. I remember the moments of intelligent manufacturing, 5G test site construction, and remote driving demonstration, as if it were yesterday.

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

Divergence: A prelude to a rupture

However, the good times were short-lived. In 2020, SAIC suddenly became a bit of a disdain for Huawei. At a shareholders' meeting, SAIC's attitude became much clearer: whoever does the overall solution is the soul, and SAIC cannot accept being someone else's body.

This sentence undoubtedly drew a rift between the two companies that is difficult to heal. SAIC Motor wants to hold its soul in the palm of its own hand, so it chose to take over with NVIDIA and embarked on a new journey, while Huawei can only be out of reach.

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

Change: Huawei's restart

In the face of this sudden "breakup", Huawei did not stop moving forward. Instead, Huawei has launched a wider range of cooperation, from providing components to launching Huawei Inside full-stack solutions, to co-building the HarmonyOS Intelligent Mobility model with partners, and has not only focused on technology supply, but also deeply involved in the design and sales of automotive products.

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

Huawei's transformation has been recognized by the market. From the question with Celis to the ongoing Chery Zhijie, to the new models that will be launched in cooperation with BAIC New Energy and JAC, Huawei's smart car project is gradually grasping the pulse of the market. Yu Chengdong's "limited resources, focus on these four model points" is not only helpless about the status quo, but also reveals firmness and hope for the future.

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

Reflection: What is the way forward?

After seeing the dazzling array of cooperation and breakups, one can't help but think: in the future of deep integration of technology and automobiles, what is the best model for cooperation between the two sides? Is it Huawei's way of deeply intervening and trying to control the entire product chain, or is it SAIC's desire to maintain the independence of the product soul?

The marriage between Huawei and SAIC, you seemed to ignore it back then, and today you can't afford it

Technology never stops, and the automotive industry is accelerating. Past cooperation and rupture may have only been a temporary stop in this long-distance race. In the future, whether it is Huawei, SAIC, or other contestants, they will face more challenges and opportunities. Only by constantly exploring, trying and innovating can we find our own place in this race that keeps pace with the times.

Perhaps, in the near future, Huawei and SAIC will have a day of cooperation. When the time comes, how will they return? Let's wait and see.