
Don't let shrimp ruin your health!

author:Watch my skit

Crayfish, as a frequent guest of summer supper, is deeply loved by the public for its delicious taste and rich cooking methods.

However, while enjoying this delicacy, there is a little secret about the shrimp yellow part of crayfish, which many people may not know - that is, the shrimp yellow of crayfish contains a high amount of heavy metals and is not recommended to eat.

Don't let shrimp ruin your health!

This finding is not unfounded, but is based on the results of food safety monitoring.

Studies have shown that there is often a certain degree of pollution in the environment where crayfish grow, and these pollutants include harmful substances such as heavy metals.

Due to the physiological characteristics of crayfish, these pollutants will accumulate in their bodies, especially in the shrimp yellow area.

Shrimp yellow is one of the internal organs of crayfish, which is mainly responsible for filtering and storing nutrients, but it has also become the "hardest hit area" for the accumulation of heavy metals.

Environmental factors play an important role in this issue.

With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the problem of water pollution is becoming more and more serious.

Industrial wastewater and domestic sewage are directly discharged into rivers and lakes without treatment, resulting in the deterioration of water quality, which in turn affects the living environment of aquatic organisms.

As a benthic organism, crayfish live in waters polluted by heavy metals, and the heavy metal content in their bodies will naturally exceed the standard.

Don't let shrimp ruin your health!

In addition to environmental pollution, the way crayfish are raised may also affect the amount of heavy metals in their bodies.

In order to pursue efficiency, some non-standard farms may use feed or additives containing heavy metals, which will also lead to excessive heavy metal content in the farmed crayfish.

Don't let shrimp ruin your health!

Faced with this problem, how should we enjoy crayfish safely? First and foremost, it is a wise choice to choose a reputable restaurant or supplier to buy crayfish.

Crayfish sold through formal channels usually have a stricter food safety testing process, which can ensure the safety of food to a certain extent.

Secondly, when cooking crayfish at home, you should wash and remove the internal organs, especially the yellow part of the shrimp, to reduce the risk of ingesting heavy metals.

In addition, it is also very important to consume it in moderation to avoid excessive intake of potentially harmful substances.

Although crayfish is a delicious and tasty food, while enjoying it, we should also not ignore the health risks hidden within.

Understanding the reasons why crayfish and shrimp yellow should not be eaten, and taking the right way to eat them can allow us to protect our health while enjoying the food.

After all, health is the greatest asset, don't let the delicious become poison.