
Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

author:Leisure wants to touch the fish
Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Among the many versions of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", no matter how many versions are remade, Yang Kang seems to always be the most handsome existence.

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Video source: @drama good-looking duck

Wang Hongyi's version of Yang Kang gives people a unique sense of sickness.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Who would have thought that it would be the simple Chishui Fenglong in "Sauvignon Blanc".

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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He successfully portrayed the complexity and contradictions in Yang Kang's character, with a slight frown, with a hint of melancholy and cunning, which makes people love and hate.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Chen Xingxu's version of Yang Kang, although he is a little fat, has no sense of disobedience when he pretends to be Yang Kang with his scheming face.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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His eyes were full of shrewdness and ambition, and his gestures showed Yang Kang's nobility and conceit.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Chen Xiao's performance is even more unique, he has played both Yang Kang and his son Yang Guo.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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With the same face, Yang Kang played by Chen Xiao is more handsome than Yang Guo.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Yuan Hong's version of Yang Kang shows a different kind of freshness.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Especially with Liu Shishi's version of Mu Nianci, the emotional entanglement between the two is even more exciting.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Miao Qiaowei is handsome, but now he is too milky

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

It's really a version of milk, a version is thinner than a version, a version is sharper than a version, and it gradually degenerates to white and thin

It's been 40 years, and none of them can fight

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

Yang Kang is not handsome, how can Mu Nianci love him so much, and his son is also a handsome guy

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

The identity is not the same.

But I think the latest version is really handsome

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

No matter how many times the Condor is remade, the only thing that remains the same is that Yang Kang is very handsome and Mu Nianci is beautiful

The old man said in the book: That son is rich and handsome, like a jade mountain covering people, and he is very beautiful.

So Yang Kang can be bad, but he must be handsome

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

Yang Kang is not only handsome, but also noble, he is a pampered little prince.

Wang Hongyi's version of Yang Kang successfully portrayed the complexity and contradictions in Yang Kang's character, with a slightly frowning brow, with a hint of melancholy and cunning, which makes people love and hate.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Although Chen Xingxu's version of Yang Kang is slightly controversial in figure, he still presents an impressive image of Yang Kang to the audience with his excellent acting skills.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Chen Xiao gave Yang Kang more layering, allowing the audience to deeply feel the character's inner struggle and helplessness while appreciating his appearance.

Yuan Hong vividly expressed Yang Kang's chic and uninhibited, and every expression and movement was full of charm, making the audience fall in love with his style.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Different versions of Yang Kang, although they have their own advantages in image and interpretation, they all have one thing in common - their appearance is off the charts. They interpreted the charm of this character in their own ways, which left a deep impression on Yang Kang in the hearts of the audience.

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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Whether it is the sickly Huang Hongyi, the scheming face Chen Xingxu, or the vivid Yuan Hong, they all inject a unique soul into the role of Yang Kang. While the audience is also enjoying their wonderful performances, they continue to reminisce about the moving and shocking brought by the classic work "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Win hemp, no matter which version of Yang Kang is off the charts, netizens are frying in the comment area

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In the future, there may be a new version, and new actors will challenge the role of Yang Kang. But in any case, these excellent interpretations of the past will become eternal classics and remain in the depths of the audience's memory.


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