
Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

author:Dong Erkan matter

In the past, countries still understood that "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", but now, suspicion and distrust have become commonplace. How to divide the cake of interests, the turf is fought for and grabbed, and the "ideological differences" that cannot be seen or touched but can separate people from 108,000 miles, making the color blocks on the world map more and more chaotic.

Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

Technology is developing really fast, drones, smart missiles, and mysterious cyber warfare make war like a science fiction movie. I thought that these things would make the world safer, but in the end, it was like putting wings on war and making people's hearts beat drums.

Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

In the media and on the Internet, it's a buzz. As soon as someone here finished shouting long live peace, some people over there started to spray, and extreme remarks flew all over the sky as if they didn't want money. Reason? Peace? Sometimes it feels like they're all squeezed into a corner, and it's hard to catch their breath.

When it comes to the signs of war, it is actually not new, it is nothing more than those old-fashioned reasons: whoever is the boss, grabs resources, and kicks away if it doesn't like the eye. Especially those big countries whose homes are not peaceful and who still want to hold on to themselves outside, if they don't do well, they will come to "borrow a knife to kill", and behind the small fights, who knows what big thoughts are hidden.

Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

But we can't just worry about it, can we? Peace is not something you sit and wait for it to come to your door. Just like our uncle in the People's Liberation Army, he sweats more in peacetime and sheds less blood in wartime, which is telling everyone with practical actions that peace needs strength to guard.

Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

However, we also have to understand that fighting is not the best way after all. Wounding the enemy for 1,000 and losing 800 of yourself, this account is not cost-effective. Sometimes, straightening your back and saying "no" is also a contribution to peace.

Speaking of which, each of us is a member of this global village, pay more attention to current affairs, use more brains, and don't let those negative emotions lead the way. After all, peace or war is a matter of concern to each of us.

Danger is coming! Have you observed the four major signals before the war?

Finally, to borrow a phrase: "If you want peace, you have to have the strength to speak." "Let's work together to contribute to the peace of this world, even if it starts from understanding the small things around us. Tell us what you think in the comment area, let's talk about it together, maybe we can collide with a new spark to protect peace!