
4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

author:Director Meng said children

It is the height of summer, and the children have ushered in the golden growth season, and parents are eager to try, which is bound to make the little guy "superior".

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

A child's growth in height is not static, and there is a period of height growth. Children in the fierce period can grow more than ten centimeters taller in a year, and if parents can catch it, the height of adulthood may be a gap between 170 and 180.

If parents find that their child has the following 4 manifestations recently, it means that he is in the long term, and parents should seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long soup for the child to strengthen the spleen and kidney, so that the child can grow 5 cm more.

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

The child is fierce and long-term performance

Feet grow fast

As the saying goes, "children with big feet are tall", because many children grow taller, their feet grow longer than their head, if parents find that their children's newly bought shoes quickly become smaller, then congratulations, children are starting to grow taller like crazy.

At this time, in addition to changing comfortable clothes and shoes for their children, parents should also pay attention to nutritional matching so as not to lag behind.

Hungry fast and eat more

When the child grows, the metabolism is fast and needs to be supplemented with a lot of nutrients, so when you find that the child has eaten Ma Ma Xiang recently and the amount of food has increased significantly, it means that the child is growing like crazy.

At this time, parents should not only pay attention to the nutritional combination of the diet, but also pay attention not to let the child eat too much, which is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach and affect digestion and absorption.

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

Love to sleep

Growth hormone secretion is most vigorous when children sleep, so children who have been crazy for a long time are more likely to feel tired and need a lot of sleep.

At this time, parents should develop good habits for their children, don't put too much pressure on their children, and ensure that they have enough sleep.

Feeling unwell

Many children grow with knee, thigh or calf pain, known as growing pains, because of the natural response to the rapid growth of bones and muscles. At this time, parents can gently massage the child's painful area to help relax the tense muscles.

Some children may experience cramps, mostly in the legs, which may be caused by a lack of minerals needed for growth.

At this time, parents should pay attention to whether there is any problem with their children's nutritional matching.

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

During the child's surge period, stew a bowl of long broth

If you have to use one sentence to describe the height of the child, I think "seven points are destined, three points depend on hard work" is the most appropriate, parents should not underestimate these three points, grasp it well, the child will easily grow to 185.

So how can you grasp these three points? In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, there are two aspects that need to be supplemented - spleen, stomach and kidney.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and are in charge of the nutrients needed for physical development; The kidney is the foundation of innate nature, the main bone and marrow, and is in charge of the growth and development of bones.

To put it simply, the growth of a child is equivalent to building a house, the spleen and stomach are responsible for the production and transportation of bricks and cement, and the kidneys are the foundation of the house; Whether the house can be built depends on whether the bricks and cement are enough; Whether the house can be built high depends on whether the foundation is stable.

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

To strengthen the spleen and kidneys for children, I have a dietary prescription, the effect is very good, and I will share it with you today.

Strengthen the spleen and kidneys

Ingredients: walnut kernels, dried yam, gourd seeds, lotus seeds (heartless), pork bones, ginger

Method: Lotus seeds, dried yam and gourd seeds need to be soaked for two hours, and the pork bones should be blanched and washed for later use;

Put all the ingredients into a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for more than 1 hour, then add seasonings to taste (children's taste is recommended to be lighter).

Contraindications: This dietary prescription is suitable for children over three years old, if the child has food accumulation, parents should first give the child to eliminate the food accumulation; In addition, if your child has a cold and fever, it is not recommended to drink it.

4 signals for children to start growing like crazy, seize the opportunity to stew a bowl of long broth, and let the child grow 5 cm more

In this spleen and kidney soup, dried yam is an ingredient for flattening the spleen and stomach, which can tonify the essence of the spleen, lungs and kidneys at the same time, and has the effect of strengthening the kidney and benefiting the essence;

Lotus seeds can not only nourish the spleen, benefit the kidneys and strengthen essence, but also have the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, which is very suitable for hot summer;

While tonifying the spleen and strengthening the kidneys, it also has the effect of dispelling dampness, which can help children discharge garbage from the body;

Walnuts can nourish the kidneys and sperm, and have certain benefits for children's brain development.

These 4 herbs strengthen the spleen, tonify the kidneys, dispel dampness, and are paired with stewed soup with big bones, which can help children grow taller.

There is a characteristic of helping children grow taller, that is, the direction is correct, and with a little help, he can grow up quickly.

Summer is not long, and there is not much time left for children to grow taller, parents who want their children to grow taller and more ideal this year must pay attention to their children's conditions and replenish their kidneys, spleen and stomach.