
Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

author:Royal gossip

June 15th, is the most solemn day of the British royal family's annual activities, the annual "military parade" was held in front of Buckingham Palace in the racecourse, King Charles III and the royal princes dressed in tuxedos, heroic posture, and the parade of the three officers and soldiers ceremoniously opened.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

This year, though, the focus is not on the majestic troops at the parade, but on the graceful figure in a blue and white striped dress. She is the long-lost Princess Kate, and now she has finally unveiled the veil of mystery and reappeared in front of the world.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

For a while, the spotlight of major media was all focused on Kate's beautiful face. The front page of the Times that day chanted "Amazing Kate", and it was clear that everyone was very concerned and gave Kate absolute attention.

To be honest, the last time a princess could make such an uproar was back in the time of the late Princess Diana. However, this time, Princess Kate was in the best state and gave a resounding slap in the face to those who were malicious and suspicious of her all over the world: the old lady is back.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Kate's blue and white striped gown is a subtle tribute to her most respected mother-in-law, Princess Diana. This seems to mean that today's Kate has officially evolved into a complete, calm, wise and responsible new era "Diana 2.0". 

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

For a long time, Kate will compare with her mother-in-law Diana, and various scandals and gossip are also the troubles they face together. There are indeed too many similarities between them, they are also good-looking, they are also charity-oriented, they are both "commoner princesses", and more importantly, they are both married to the crown prince.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

But unlike Diana's fragility and misfortune, Kate has always been wise and calm. The "disappearance" incident half a year ago attracted the most attention than the rumors of Prince William's extramarital affair.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0
Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

In the face of snowflake rumors, Kate was calm and did not say anything from beginning to end, this is not weakness, but she knows that she should be like this as a princess and leads by example. After all, blindly fighting back fiercely will not only push public opinion to a higher level of discussion, but also destroy the little credibility of the royal family.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Kate has always been very sober and knows very well how to be a qualified princess, she is the princess first, and the identity of the wife is secondary. It's a pity that Diana didn't understand the meaning, and in her opinion, the world was not as big as her love.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Also in the face of the extramarital affair scandal, Diana chose confrontation, confronted Camilla, cried to the queen, and even disclosed the true situation between her and Charles, which made Charles very faceless, and it was these drastic practices that caused her final tragedy!

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Kate, by contrast, has an extraordinary wisdom on how to deal with crises. When asked by a reporter about Prince William's "does he cook at home", seeing that William was about to say something, she immediately rescued Changyuan and resolved the crisis.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

The two are such a model couple who trust each other and take care of each other, which is particularly important to Wang Shi's family. The clues can also be seen from the parenting philosophy of the two.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

At his sister's wedding, Prince George deliberately stepped on the bride's wedding dress, and was immediately reprimanded by Kate and cried and taken away from the scene. Kate's education of her children has always been rigorous and measured, fully following the traditional guidelines of the royal family.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Diana, on the other hand, prefers to be a casual and free mother, hoping that her children will not be constrained by rigid royal etiquette. She would rather take the princes to experience civilian life and eat fast food on the plane.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Indeed, Diana's educational philosophy is a little more down-to-earth. It's just that according to Kate's foresight, she knows that the future prince will definitely take over the responsibility, so she must cultivate a steady and deep character from an early age. It can be seen from Prince Harry's rebellious personality that Diana's philosophy did not set a good direction for her son's life. 

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

 The passionate individualism of Diana's personality is finally exposed during a family Christmas show. To surprise her husband, she danced a frivolous ballet herself. Charles was immediately furious and scolded her for "losing the face of the royal family".

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

This incident shows that Diana is indeed lacking in whether she is too casual and suitable to take on the important role of the princess. She is more like a modern woman who pursues herself, and she doesn't understand the rigid rules of the royal family.

And Kate, as a real professional, has been fighting for the only goal of "becoming a princess" since she was young. For this reason, she did not hesitate to receive an elite education, and even transferred to another school in order to follow Prince William, and still gritted her teeth and persisted after several breakups.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

When asked about her husband's housework, Kate's calm control and tactful response can be seen. All kinds of crisis management skills are also sharpened by Kate step by step. She has a deep understanding and understanding of the norms and decency of the royal family.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Last year, Kate alone attended 128 public events and fired her personal assistant for seven years in order to get rid of her traditional image. In the face of such high-intensity work pressure, her performance is really good, and she is indeed a model worker.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

It is often said that every woman has a Diana complex in her heart, yearning for her true personality that is eclectic and longs for freedom. But this kind of beauty can only be realized in the lives of ordinary people. And standing in the position of the princess, Kate's choice is correct.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Authority and freedom are incompatible, and Kate, through her wisdom and tenacity, has found a spiritual path that can balance the two.

She gave up some of her personal freedoms and chose to take on more responsibilities and obligations. And this is exactly the price you have to pay to become a qualified princess.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

In contrast, Diana chose a seemingly smooth and free path. She longs to seek catharsis in the bondage of the royal family, boldly breaks the traditional discipline of the royal family, and even openly vents her anger on Charles.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

This is indeed a very charismatic approach, but it also pokes the adherents of the royal family's stereotypes into a panic. The media uproar poured oil on the fire, and the royal scandal was quickly exaggerated and amplified in the field of public opinion, and finally caused a tragedy.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

If Diana's ending is considered a cauldron of royal dogma, Kate's choice is the best way to success. She is well aware that as a princess, she should follow the rules rather than violate them, and should be considerate and uphold the decency of the entire royal family, rather than blindly pursuing personal freedom.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Once at a restaurant in Hamburg Kingdom, 3-year-old Prince George cried uncontrollably, and Kate did not indulge the child like Diana, but immediately carried him out of the restaurant and focused on maintaining the majesty of the royal family.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

Many people think Kate's approach is too rigid and impersonal. But from the perspective of maintaining the royal system, this is exactly what it should be. After all, George will be king in the future, and he needs to establish a proper code of conduct from an early age.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

The reason why Kate can gain a firm foothold in the royal family is not only her outstanding temperament and wisdom, but more importantly, her high awareness and understanding of the responsibilities of the royal family.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

She knew that being a princess meant giving up a lot, and she had to abandon some personal emotional demands for the sake of the family's interests. And it is with this indomitable sense of responsibility that she can excel in many tests and become a model of the best princess in the new era.

Diana's eventual death is certainly deplorable, but the personal freedom she sought also caused her too much trouble. In contrast, Kate's balance between self and duty is the perfect balance that has made her what she is today.

Princess Kate, who disappeared for half a year, finally made a strong comeback and became Diana version 2.0

To be a great princess and want the freedom of a commoner, where is there such a good thing? There must be a trade-off between the two, and Kate did it, and that's why she can have a completely different ending with Diana. Compared to freedom, responsibility is her best quality. It is with this responsibility that Kate can truly become the queen.

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