
Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever


Early one morning in 1987, 84-year-old Liang Shiqiu sat alone in his study, staring at the black-and-white photos of his wife when she was young. The wife in the photo is beautiful and elegant, gentle and virtuous, which coincides with the image in memory.

Looking at the photo, Liang Shiqiu's tears couldn't stop flowing and moistened his eyes.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

Liang Shiqiu's wife has been dead for 13 years, but in his heart, she seems to be by his side, accompanying him all the time. He recalls the years with his wife, and his heart is full of mixed emotions.

Looking back on the past, Liang Shiqiu felt that his wife's death was like a hammer hitting him in the heart. They have known and loved each other, supported each other, and spent the most difficult time in their lives together.

His wife, with her broad mind and selfless love, has always supported him to move forward.

However, fate is always cruel and merciless, and after that episode in 1974, his wife died suddenly and left Liang Shiqiu forever. Since then, they have never been able to be together as they have been in the past, and there is no chance of reunion.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

The eight words "Heaven and man are forever separated" are like a sharp knife, stinging Liang Shiqiu's heart all the time.

Liang Shiqiu deeply misses his wife, who has always been tolerant and understanding of him, for him, she is the most important pillar and support in his life, and it is the biggest motivation for him to keep moving forward.

Even in the twilight of his life, his wife's love for him is still deep in his heart and constitutes his best and warmest memories.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

One autumn day in 1921, Liang Shiqiu, who was only 18 years old, met her at the age of 25. When they first met, Liang Shiqiu was attracted by her beauty and intellectuality. She was dressed in an aqua blue gown, with a myriad of demeanors, like a virtuous lady.

Liang Shiqiu understands that she is not only outstanding in appearance, but more importantly, superior in wisdom. As a knowledgeable and intellectual woman, she can resonate with Liang Shiqiu's heart and thoughts.

They are soon attracted by each other's talents and aura, and embark on a romantic love journey.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

Although there is a certain generation gap between the two with an age difference of 7 years, this does not really stop them from loving each other. Liang Shiqiu realized that she was not only an outstanding lady, but also a confidant with herself.

Their encounter is like a poetic romantic movie. Liang Shiqiu can always recall that when they first dated, she was wearing an aqua blue cheongsam, with a gentle and generous temperament, like a noble lady who has traveled through time and space.

They walked around the campus, talking and laughing, and since then Bluestone Road has become their exclusive taste road.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

Although Liang Shiqiu was still a literary and artistic young man with an uncertain future at that time, she didn't care about these, and treated and showed the wisdom and tolerance unique to women with all her heart. She firmly believes that true love is treated with sincerity and does not need to consider fame and profit.

So, the two soon built a nest and started a happy newlywed life.

In 1937, the continuous War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and the flames were full of flames and gunsmoke. As a patriotic literati, Liang Shiqiu devoted himself to the struggle for national liberation without hesitation and contributed to the freedom of the country and the people.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

His wife is his strongest support, her virtue and virtuousness have supported him for a piece of heaven, they have experienced the cruelty and tribulation of war together, but have never given up their love for life and hope for the future Whenever in the suffering of war, Liang Shiqiu will think of his wife, she is his sweetest concern in the revolutionary struggle.

His wife has always unconditionally supported Liang Shiqiu's anti-Japanese war activities, shared weal and woe with him, and spent one difficult year after another together. She silently gave her own strength and took care of the housework at home, so that Liang Shiqiu could devote herself wholeheartedly to the propaganda of the Anti-Japanese War.

The living environment at that time was indeed very difficult and difficult, but his wife never complained, nor did she complain about Liang Shiqiu's career. On the contrary, she is always busy taking care of the housework, while using her warm smile and generous heart to tolerate Liang Shiqiu's resentment, and inject him with courage and strength to move forward.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

Whenever Liang Shiqiu was engaged in writing or propaganda work, she always waited silently by his side; When he returned exhausted, she never blamed him, but comforted his irritability with a broad heart, and dissipated his worries with virtuous proverbs.

His wife's fearless spirit and tolerant mentality are Liang Shiqiu's greatest spiritual pillar and motivation. In those turbulent times, it was his most precious treasure. With the support and love of his wife, he was able to stick to his cultural career in a difficult environment and fight bravely against the enemy.

With the unswerving support and waiting of his wife, Liang Shiqiu survived the most difficult and dangerous years of the Anti-Japanese War. In 1945, when the dawn of victory shone again, people finally ushered in peace, and they were able to return to a quiet and stable life.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

However, the good times did not last long, and on a seemingly ordinary day in 1974, a small episode suddenly changed everything and became the fuse for the breakdown of Liang Shiqiu's marriage.

In the early morning of that day, Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces fell apart for some reason, and his wife immediately stepped forward when she saw it and wanted to tie his shoelaces for him. However, the accident happened at this time, and the wife stumbled and fell to the ground, falling hard.

His wife's condition was not serious, but an accident turned her life upside down. Not only was she seriously injured, but she also suffered a series of complications from which she never recovered.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

This episode was like a thunderclap that completely disrupted their lives.

Liang Shiqiu waited in front of his wife's sickbed day and night when he was seriously ill, but he felt powerless. His wife, who had been a wise and virtuous woman, was now weak and dying.

His kindness to him had made him feel guilty and remorseful, and his heart was filled with pain, and he could not sleep all night, and his heart was filled with endless grief.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

The two once loved each other like glue and foamed at each other. Liang Shiqiu prayed to heaven countless times, hoping to reunite with his wife, but fate gave him a cruel verdict - "no". It wasn't until the last hope of the two was exhausted that his wife passed away forever, separated from Liang Shiqiu forever.

Since the death of his wife, Liang Shiqiu has felt at a loss, as if he has lost the most important pillar and source of strength in his life. This blow was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shattering all his hopes and expectations for a better life.

How smart and virtuous she used to be, selflessly supporting him through the most difficult times with her great love; And now, she is gone forever, leaving only his endless sorrow and remembrance.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

Such a small episode completely changed the fate of the two. The death of his wife not only took away her precious life, but also caused Liang Shiqiu to lose his beloved, and he will have eternal regret for the rest of his life.

The heaviest blow in Liang Shiqiu's life was the death of his wife. After the loss of his beloved, he fell into a dazed loneliness for a while, unable to extricate himself. However, as a literati, Liang Shiqiu finally found his own unique way of remembering - through words, to keep his wife forever.

In 1977, three years after the death of his wife, Liang Shiqiu created an autobiographical anthology "Twilight". In the form of nostalgic brushstrokes and reminiscences, this work affectionately depicts the life of the two people.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

This work uses a warm beam of sunshine to depict the tacit cooperation of the young couple, who can support each other even in adversity and go through the romantic process of difficult years. Liang Shiqiu used his poetic words to describe in detail the scene of his first encounter with his wife.

It was the first time he had seen his wife, he wrote, who was dressed in an aqua blue gown, gentle and virtuous, like a peerless woman who had come out of an ancient scroll.

In the article "Twilight", Liang Shiqiu repeatedly recalled the good times with his wife. They strolled around the campus together, smiling happily on their faces; His wife has always been a staunch supporter of him during the war-torn years; When he immersed himself in writing, his wife silently stood by the side, and this scene was vividly depicted, making people feel as if they were there when they read it.

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

It can be said that the work "Twilight" is a novel in which Liang Shiqiu depicts his wife in words, and it is also a way for him to express his deep nostalgia and cherishment of his wife through words. In this work, the wife is portrayed as an intelligent and tolerant woman, the most precious pillar and source of strength in Liang Shiqiu's life.

In the process of writing, Liang Shiqiu often couldn't help but cry. In the article, he wrote: "Whenever I write about something nostalgic or moving, I can't stop crying.

Those sweet, painful, difficult days, and the day you passed away forever, reappeared before my eyes like a marquee."

Liang Shiqiu's shoelaces were loose, and his wife leaned over to tie his shoelaces, but who knew that he would be separated forever

"Twilight" is not only an outstanding work for Liang Shiqiu to remember his wife, but also a carrier for his soul in his later years. In this work, the love between Liang Shiqiu and his wife transcends the boundaries of life and death and is eternal.

After creating this work, Mr. Liang Shiqiu once sighed: "I only now realize how difficult it is to use words to remember a person. However, no matter how difficult it is, I will use the most simple and simple language to tell your life and let your story live forever.

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