
Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

author:A collection of foolish music
Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Text: Foolish Collection

Editor|Foolish Collection

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

The feature film begins

Tesla, doesn't the name sound familiar? That's right, that famous electric car brand is named after this person.

Tesla is known as the father of alternating current, in addition to his great contributions to professional fields such as radio, X-rays, and infinite energy transmission.

There are many people who say that if it weren't for Edison, Tesla's contribution would have been even greater.

In the early days, Tesla was an employee of Edison, and he invented and upgraded many things for Edison, which Edison attributed to himself, and even deducted his salary.

Later, Tesla researched alternating current, which had a great impact on the direct current system invented by Edison, and Edison was worried that his income would be affected, so he used his identity to frantically suppress Tesla.

This is known as the Battle of the Current.

In the end, although Tesla's invention of alternating current won, for various reasons, he failed to get a patent and was destitute.

You know, it costs a lot of money to engage in invention and creation, so this also limits Tesla's development to a certain extent.

It can be said that if it were not for the restrictions imposed on Tesla by the capitalists at that time, he would have been able to make more contributions to mankind.

What is even more regrettable is that it was not until many years after Tesla's death that people began to slowly learn about his talent.

In fact, there are many people in life who have unusual talents in some aspects, but they are buried for various reasons.

If you had asked your mother to continue writing, maybe you would be a rich second generation by now.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

You have a terrible hearing, I wonder if there is a special area for this kind of hearing?

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Your parable...... It's kind of interesting.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

The old lady not only has a great memory, but also has a good business acumen.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

For a face-blind person like Xiaobian, this skill is like a magic skill in a science fiction movie.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

It's a bit big, wouldn't it be more appropriate for her to be a painter or a photographer?

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Would it be more appropriate for this kind of person to work as a detective in the Public Security Bureau?

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

A good chef requires talent and creativity, both of which your aunt seems to have.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

This uncle can't be retired from the old criminal police, right? That's a unit of thousands of people!

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Therefore, this physical education teacher is also a hero in the sports world.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

This editor has really brushed up, he is a real cow when he fights mice, if in the war years, eighty percent is a sharpshooter.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Sure enough, Mozart in China is farming.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Your grandmother reminded me of the recent hot character Jiang Ping, if Jiang Ping hadn't met a good teacher, she would probably have been buried.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

If the child likes it, let her draw, why forcibly break the child's wings?

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

This talent as a security guard is a bit wasteful, but for kindergartens, it is earned.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Some children's talents are indeed buried by the ignorance and prejudice of their parents.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Alas, it's really a pity, this is probably the jealousy of talent.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

He was undoubtedly lucky, there happened to be a shooting gallery near the hospital, and it happened that a colleague took him there, and he happened to be involved.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Maybe it's not that he doesn't understand, but he just doesn't want to remember anymore.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

If you enlist in the army, you might be a good scout.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

This is really powerless to complain, and such a talent is buried.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

Talent is important, but so is chance.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person

The content of the above pictures comes from the enthusiastic sharing of netizens, and its authenticity is not guaranteed.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have anything you would like to talk about in this issue? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and finally wish everyone good health and financial prosperity.

Is there really someone who has some kind of talent but is buried all their lives? The doorman is really not an ordinary person