
The higher the IQ, the more unsociable

author:Li Xingchenyi

The Depth of Solitude: The Independent Spirit and the Path to Excellence of the Wise Man

Nowadays, "loneliness" is often misunderstood as synonymous with a lack of social interaction, but psychologist Mihaly Chiksente Mihai has found that true loneliness, especially for highly intelligent people, is a bridge to spiritual independence and achievement. Over the course of five years, prominent figures in the arts, sciences, business, and politics often experience social resistance or rejection during adolescence, which is a golden age for immersion and wisdom. Chiksente Mihai's conclusion is resounding: the dependence of individuals on the group of deeply self-explored individuals naturally decreases, and this is not a social barrier, but a spiritual level of autonomy and maturity.

Resonance at the same frequency: the way of the wise man's choice of friends

Wozniak, for example, was a pioneer in technology who was distinguished by his obsession with electronics as a teenager, until he met Steve Jobs, two souls with the same passion for technological innovation met and together created a miracle in the history of technology. Lu Xun, Maupassant and other outstanding figures in history, although the circle of friends is not wide, but because of the high quality and shine. In this way, excellent people are not born withdrawn, but know how to find those spiritual partners with the same frequency in the vast sea of people. Only when magnetic fields attract each other can we stimulate our potential and climb the peak together.

Don't follow the crowd: wise men bloom in solitude

Psychological research has confirmed that high-IQ individuals do not necessarily feel happy in the group, and tend to be alone and enjoy inner exploration and dialogue. Erikson, the achievement of excellence often happens in a lonely moment of total engagement. Immanuel Kant and Thoreau, two great thinkers, constructed philosophical systems and literary classics respectively in solitary life. Loneliness should not be feared, it is a source of innovation. As the American writer James Thurber satirized the phenomenon of blind conformity, insight is often born out of a refusal to follow the crowd.

The Wisdom of the Lone Wanderer: The Power of Solitude

Qian Zhongshu, a legendary figure in the Chinese literary world, with his life's unsociable attitude, how a wise man achieves immortality in the midst of being isolated. In the face of the temptations of Vanity Fair, he adhered to the purity of his heart, focused on literature and scholarship, and left behind cultural treasures such as "The Siege of the City" and "Pipe Cone Weaving". Nietzsche's famous quote "He who can endure isolation is either a god or a beast" is vividly illustrated here. For the wise, solitude is a challenge to one's own abilities, the only way to the pinnacle of spiritual freedom and wisdom.

The higher the IQ, the more unsociable

In summary, loneliness should not be seen as a negative state of isolation, but as a positive choice, a path to self-realization and transcendence. It aims to inspire readers to re-examine the value of loneliness, encourage spiritual independence and pursuit in a chaotic world, and bravely forge their own path, whether in academics, art or daily life, so that loneliness can become a catalyst for growth, rather than a shackle. The Depth of Solitude: The Independent Spirit and the Path to Excellence of the Wise Man

In the fast-paced, high-connection modern age, people tend to fear loneliness and see it as a sign of social failure. However, the research of psychologist Mihaly Chiksente Mihai can find that true loneliness, especially for those with extraordinary intelligence, is an intrinsic drive for spiritual independence and excellence. It took five years for Chiksente Mihay to conduct an exhaustive follow-up of prominent figures active in various fields. His findings are thought-provoking: it is precisely because of the moderate isolation from the population during this period that these high-IQ individuals who experienced social resistance or rejection during adolescence were able to calm down, focus on self-development, and eventually surpass ordinary people's logical analysis and innovative thinking in adulthood. Chiksente Mihai concludes that the deeper a person explores within themselves, the less dependent they are on the outside world, which makes high-IQ people tend to appear less gregarious. This kind of unsociability is essentially the pursuit of spiritual independence, not personality isolation or social barriers.

Resonance at the same frequency: the way of the wise man's choice of friends

When you look at some of the most prominent figures, both historical and contemporary, you will find one thing in common: although they may seem lonely, they are actually surrounded by a lack of companions who can resonate with their spirits. For example, Wozniak in "The Biography of Steve Jobs" is a boy with an extremely high IQ and an infinite love for electronic technology. During his childhood and adolescence, he was often disconnected from his peers due to his unusual interests. However, when he met Steve Jobs in the fall of 1970, two souls who shared a great passion for electronics met and immediately resonated with each other. The common interest gave birth to innovative products such as the "Blue Box", which laid the foundation for the later Apple company. In his autobiography, Jobs admits that working with Wozniak taught him the importance of teamwork, while also increasing his confidence in solving technical problems and turning innovative ideas into real-world productivity.

Lu Xun, known for his profound thoughts and sharp brushstrokes, seems arrogant on the surface, but his deep friendship with Cai Yuanpei, Qu Qiubai and others proves that he is not withdrawn, but chooses to be with souls of the same level. Similarly, the French literary master Maupassant, despite his arrogance, could find solace in his soul and spark of inspiration in his dealings with literary giants such as Flaubert and Turgenev. These examples show that good individuals are not averse to socializing, but are just waiting for a partner who can resonate and make progress together. Ordinary people seek a sense of group identity, while wise people seek spiritual resonance and upliftment.

Don't follow the crowd: wise men bloom in solitude

Psychologists have further shown that the average person may be able to enjoy immediate pleasure in social activities, but people with high IQs tend to feel fulfilled when they are alone. Tend to self-explore, to have a dialogue with one's own heart, to expand the breadth and depth of one's life through constant introspection. Erikson's theory that when a person devotes himself wholeheartedly to a certain cause or pursuit, it is often done in solitude, which is a key link in achieving outstanding achievements. Immanuel Kant, the great master of classical philosophy, never left his birthplace of Königsberg, and it was during those seemingly monotonous and repetitive years of solitary solitude that he founded the system of philosophical influences. Thoreau's Walden, also in a lakeside hut away from the hustle and bustle, through intimate contact with nature, completed an immortal work about simple life and spiritual freedom. These cases illustrate that loneliness is not a punishment, but a valuable opportunity for self-growth and creativity.

The higher the IQ, the more unsociable

The Wisdom of the Lone Wanderer: The Power of Solitude

Qian Zhongshu, a treasure of modern Chinese literature, and his misfit throughout his life are the best interpretation of the wisdom of the lone wanderer. He rejected many temptations from the outside world, including fame, status, and even simple social activities, and devoted almost all of his time to academic research and literary creation. The publication of "The Siege of the City" made Qian Zhongshu famous, but in the face of the flood of praise and various invitations, he chose to continue his isolation and responded to the expectations of the outside world with his pen. His "Pipe Cone Weaving" and "The Siege of the City" are monuments of Chinese literature and the best proof of his value for solitude. As Nietzsche said, "He who can endure isolation is either a god or a beast." Qian Zhongshu's story tells that truly wise people can find their place in loneliness, and would rather choose loneliness that is not understood than lose themselves and go with the flow.

Conclusion: Embrace loneliness and achieve self-achievement

In the flood of real life, everyone is faced with a choice: whether to go with the flow and live in the expectations of others, or to be brave enough to go your own way, even if it may be lonely and challenging. Wang Xiaobo's people who are "at peace with the life they are set to live" may be able to achieve a kind of peace, but this peace is based on the consciousness of self-sacrifice. On the contrary, 1900 in the movie "The Pianist of the Sea", although he has never set foot on land in his life, finds his world through music, and his story reveals that not to follow the crowd and to be brave enough to insist on oneself is a noble and respectable choice.

True loneliness is not the loneliness of a person, but the fact that you can still hear your inner voice in the hustle and bustle, keep independent thinking, and not be easily swayed by the outside world. Life is a solo journey, and learning to enjoy solitude is to leave a pure land for one's soul, let it grow in silence, and finally bloom with dazzling light. Remember, when you feel lonely, you are fertilizing your mind and preparing for a good harvest. Give a thumbs up, cheer yourself on, and for those souls who are also working silently in loneliness and pursuing excellence.