
Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

author:Xiaolan talks about history

Hua Guofeng, this name may be a little unfamiliar to the ears of today's young people. However, for the Chinese in the late 70s and early 80s of the last century, he was a household name and a well-known leader. As a generation of founding fathers, Hua Lao not only made outstanding achievements, but also paved the way for China's special era with his own strength. But in 2008, when the 87-year-old man passed away, four "unexpected" things happened, which made everyone in China feel heartbroken and burst into tears. What exactly are these four things?

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

Look, on August 20, 2008, in a hospital in Beijing, a gray-haired old man passed away forever. Isn't this old man the revolutionary father and founding general Hua Guofeng? At that time, Hua Lao made great contributions to the establishment of New China, and now he died at the age of 87, which really made the people of the whole country sigh and lose their loved ones.

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

Of course, the Party Central Committee will not remain indifferent to the death of Hua Lao. Immediately afterwards, the first thing that was "unexpected" happened: that is, the authorities held a grand and grand state funeral ceremony for Hua Lao. Seeing this battle unfolding, people can't help but be shocked: several members of the Standing Committee who are busy on weekdays have appeared one after another, bowing and mourning to Hua Lao's body; The officials who came from various organs and units to pay tribute were also crowded in the mourning hall, and Chairman Mao's own grandson Mao Xinyu also came to mourn; What is even more shocking is that tens of thousands of people came to bid farewell that day, and they said goodbye to Hua Lao with tears in their eyes, mourning bitterly. It seems that as a founding veteran of the party and the country, Hua Lao is indeed transcendent and highly loved.

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

This is not the end, in the official evaluation, he even praised Hua Lao as a "time-tested and loyal communist fighter" and "proletarian revolutionary". This is the highest praise that party members and workers dream of! The reason why Hua Lao deserves such high praise is naturally because he turned the tide at a critical moment, so that the country was saved from falling into a bloody situation, and he has this credit. Presumably, for Hua Lao, such treatment is well deserved.

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

What is even more "unexpected" is that after Hua Lao's death, everyone thought that he would definitely rest in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. never thought that Hua Lao was finally buried in his hometown of Jiaocheng County, Shanxi. It turned out that although he was a high-ranking national official, Hua Lao's thoughts about his hometown had never been discounted. When he was young, he began the anti-Japanese road of throwing his pen from Rong and killing the enemy to serve the country on the hot land of Jiaocheng. Therefore, even if he has long passed away, he hopes to "return to his roots", return to his hometown to sleep, look at the friendly countryside, and enjoy the tranquility of the mountains. Naturally, the Party Central Committee would not go against his wishes, and finally buried him on the Hexagram Mountain.

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

The next even more "unexpected" scene happened: the central government actually built a cemetery for Hua Lao in Hexagram Mountain! At first, everyone thought that Hua Lao's return to his hometown was just a simple cemetery. Who knows, this cemetery not only covers an area, with thousands of square meters, but also specially built up to 392 steps, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling. However, compared with other aristocratic mausoleums, Hua Guofeng Cemetery is much simpler, and there is absolutely no extravagance, which is also in line with his consistent style. No wonder some people praised: "This cemetery is small, but it is elegant, like a diamond in a chocolate box."

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"

Through Hua Guofeng's "unexpected" state funeral ceremony, we can clearly see that the party and the country have a high degree of respect and nostalgia for this founding father. It has to be said that today's achievements in China are inseparable from the struggle and contributions of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Hua Lao. It is precisely because they exchanged their blood for New China that we have the reunification of the motherland and the happiness of the people today. Therefore, the reason why the people mourn Hua Lao so much is because he is a child of the people and has always put the interests of the people first. It seems that as long as we always maintain our original revolutionary aspiration and seek the interests of the people, we will certainly be able to win the hearts and minds of the people and stand the test of history.

Hua Guofeng died of illness in 2008 at the age of 87, and before and after the funeral, there were 4 "unexpected"