
In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

author:Historical researcher Zhang

The magnificent moment of the successful launch of the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft

October 15, 2003 is a day that will go down in the annals of Chinese history. In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine on the earth, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is already a busy scene. People are nervous and excited at the same time, because they are about to witness a historic moment - the launch of the Shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

At nine o'clock in the morning, under the launch tower, a huge rocket stood quietly, like a warrior about to go on an expedition, waiting for orders. Yang Liwei, the brave and fearless astronaut who flew for the first time, was already wearing a spacesuit and sat in the return capsule of Shenzhou 5. His face was resolute and confident, and his eyes flashed with longing and curiosity about the unknown. As backup astronauts, Zhai Zhigang and Nie Haisheng are also on the sidelines, ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time.

At the final stage of preparation before the launch, the entire launch center was immersed in a tense and orderly atmosphere. Technicians put the final checks on the rocket to make sure every system is in top condition. In the command hall, leaders and experts at all levels are also nervously watching the progress of the launch.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

As the countdown began, the entire launch center held its breath. When the countdown reached zero, the tail of the rocket erupted with raging flames, and the entire launch tower looked extremely spectacular under the reflection of the flames. The Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft slowly lifted off under the huge thrust and flew towards the distant space.

At this moment, the whole of China was boiling. People walked out of their homes and looked up at this rare spectacle. Countless cameras and camcorders recorded this historic moment, and the cheers and applause of the people continued one after another.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

The successful launch of Shenzhou-5 is not only a major milestone in China's space industry, but also a vivid embodiment of the Chinese nation's spirit of unremitting self-improvement and courageous exploration. The success of this launch marks that China has become the third country in the world that can independently carry out manned space activities, and further enhances China's international status and influence.

At the moment when the spacecraft lifted off, the hearts of countless people also flew into space. They are proud of the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 and are full of expectations for the brilliant future of China's space industry.

In an era full of challenges and opportunities, Zhai Zhigang, a high-profile astronaut, shoulders the trust of the country and devotes himself to the busy aerospace training. However, while he was fully engaged in his work, he failed to detect the bad news from home in time - his mother was seriously ill.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

Zhai Zhigang's home is in a small town away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where life is quiet and simple. His mother, a kind and strong old man, always silently supported his cause and never complained. However, as the years passed, the old man's body gradually weakened, and the shadow of illness began to loom over her.

Due to the special nature of aerospace work, Zhai Zhigang needs to stay at the training base for a long time, spending less time with his family and more time away from his family. He was well aware of his mother's physical condition, but he was always unable to go home to visit him because of his busy work. In order not to affect his work, his family also tried to hide his mother's illness as much as possible, hoping that he could train with peace of mind.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

However, one day, Zhai Zhigang received a phone call from home during training. On the other end of the phone, the choked voices of his family members told him that his mother was seriously ill. Hearing this news, Zhai Zhigang's heart felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and he was extremely heavy in an instant. He immediately asked his superiors for leave to rush home to visit his mother.

However, fate seems to be playing a joke on Zhai Zhigang. When he hurried home, his mother had already died. He missed the opportunity to see his mother for the last time, and could only cry silently in front of her portrait. At this moment, he felt endless remorse and self-blame, why didn't he find out about his mother's illness in time? Why didn't I go home sooner?

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

The death of his mother brought a huge blow to Zhai Zhigang. He realized that while pursuing his career, he was ignoring his family's feelings. He is determined to cherish the time he spends with his family more and not let regrets happen again.

However, for Zhai Zhigang, missing the last time he saw his mother has become a regret in his life. He can only silently miss his mother in his heart, turn her love into a driving force for progress, and continue to devote himself to the aerospace industry of the motherland.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

Zhai Zhigang, this admirable astronaut, has a great and strong mother behind him - Jia Guizhi. Jia Guizhi is a typical rural woman, hardworking, simple and kind, she is proud of her son's ability to serve the country, and silently supports Zhai Zhigang's aerospace career with her endless maternal love and firm faith.

Whenever she talks about her son, Jia Guizhi's eyes always shine with pride. She is well aware that the profession of astronaut is full of challenges and dangers, but she has never complained. On the contrary, she always encouraged Zhai Zhigang to focus on his work and make greater contributions to the country and the people. In Jia Guizhi's view, every ascension of her son is her greatest pride and pride.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

However, as a mother, Jia Guizhi also has deep thoughts and concerns. Whenever Zhai Zhigang left home to train or perform a mission, she would silently pray for him, hoping that he would return safely. But she knows that her son's work is related to the honor and interests of the country, so she always endures her thoughts and infects the whole family with her strength and optimism.

As time passed, Jia Guizhi's body gradually developed some problems. However, in order not to affect Zhai Zhigang's work, she and her family chose to hide their illness. They knew that if they told Zhai Zhigang, he would definitely be worried and distracted, which would not be conducive to his training and mission execution. Therefore, they chose to bear the pain silently, supporting Zhai Zhigang with their sacrifice and understanding.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

In the process, Zhai Zhigang's family showed a high sense of family responsibility and sacrifice. They know that Zhai Zhigang's aerospace career is not only his personal dream and pursuit, but also the glory of the entire country and nation. Therefore, they are willing to pay anything for the cause.

Although Jia Guizhi's physical condition is getting worse, she has never revealed any news to Zhai Zhigang. She always faces life with a smile and an optimistic attitude, hoping that her strength can bring strength to her son. With the encouragement of his mother, Zhai Zhigang worked and studied harder to repay his mother's nurturing grace and the support of his family.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

In Zhai Zhigang's aerospace career, his mother's support and pride, and his family's sacrifice and understanding have become his driving force. He knows that this love and support is one of the important reasons why he can persevere. In the days to come, he will continue to work and study hard and contribute to the aerospace industry of the motherland.

At that moment, the entire launch site seemed to be enveloped by an invisible tense atmosphere. Everything around seemed so solemn that even the air froze. The sound of people's heartbeats mingles with the slight sound of machinery operating, creating an atmosphere that is both solemn and tense.

The rocket under the launch tower stood silently, like a giant beast about to awaken, waiting for the order. And at the top of this behemoth, the Shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft quietly awaits its mission. Everyone present, whether it was the staff or the audience, held their breath and stared at the scene in front of them.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, and the tail of the rocket erupted with raging flames, and the entire launch tower was illuminated red. At this moment, people's hearts seemed to stop, and all eyes were focused on the slowly rising rocket.

As the rocket lifted off, the atmosphere at the scene became even more tense. People waited nervously, for fear of any surprises. However, at this very moment, a crisp report sounded: "Everything is normal with the spaceship!" This report, like a dawn, illuminates people's hearts.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

When the good news came, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became jubilant. People cheered, applause and cheers came one after another. At this moment, all the tension and worry melted away, and it was replaced by endless joy and pride.

However, in this jubilant crowd, there was one person who seemed a little lonely. He is Zhai Zhigang, the high-profile astronaut. Although he did not become the first astronaut of Shenzhou 5, he was equally pleased with the success of this launch. However, when he saw the rocket take off, he inevitably felt some regret in his heart.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

He recalled his years of hard work and dedication, and in order to become an astronaut, he put in more sweat and effort than others. In the end, however, he was not able to become the first astronaut on the mission. This feeling of regret lingered in his heart for a long time.

But even so, Zhai Zhigang did not give up. He knew he still had a long way to go and many opportunities awaited him. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, one day he will achieve his dream. At the same time, he is also proud and proud of the successful launch of Shenzhou 5. He knows that this is not only his success, but also the pride of the entire country and nation.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home from his mission, but he caught up with his mother's funeral, and no one could afford to kneel in front of the statue

In the vast land of Heilongjiang, there is an inconspicuous town, where the people live a simple and hard life. In this land, Zhai Zhigang was born in an ordinary poor family. His parents were hard-working farmers, waking up early and working hard every day to provide a basic living condition for their children.

However, despite his family's poverty, Zhai Zhigang has shown unusual tenacity and perseverance since he was a child. He knows that if he wants to change the fate of himself and his family, he must put in more efforts. Therefore, he was diligent and studious since he was a child, and his grades were excellent, which became the pride of his family.

In Zhai Zhigang's growth path, there is one person who has played a vital role, and that is his mother - Jia Guizhi. Jia Guizhi is a very far-sighted woman, she knows the importance of education, so no matter how difficult the family is, she insists that Zhai Zhigang go to school. She often told Zhai Zhigang: "Knowledge can change fate, and only by continuing to learn can we get out of this town and see the wider world." ”

Jia Guizhi's persistence and support gave Zhai Zhigang endless motivation. He was well aware of his mother's expectations and dedication, so he studied harder. In school, he is not only a top student, but also actively participates in various activities to exercise his abilities and qualities. His hard work and talent have been recognized by his teachers and classmates, and he has gradually become a leader on campus.

However, Zhai Zhigang's ambitions don't stop there. He yearns for a wider world and hopes to contribute to the country. Therefore, after graduating from high school, he resolutely applied for the aerospace academy, hoping to become an astronaut. This decision seemed almost crazy at the time, because the aerospace industry was out of reach for ordinary people, let alone Zhai Zhigang, who was born in poverty.

However, Jia Guizhi firmly supported her son's decision. She told Zhai Zhigang: "As long as you have a dream and have the courage to pursue it, you will definitely be able to achieve it." I believe in you, you will be able to become a good astronaut. His mother's support made Zhai Zhigang more firm in his belief, and he used his hard work and talent to finally be admitted to the Aerospace Academy.

In the Academy of Astronautics, Zhai Zhigang is facing more severe challenges and competition. But with his perseverance and talent, he gradually stood out. He has not only achieved excellent results in his studies, but also actively participated in various scientific research activities and simulation training to continuously improve his ability and quality. His performance has been highly recognized by teachers and classmates, and has also laid a solid foundation for his future aerospace career.