
Don't be sorry for Secretary Yu anymore, she has apologized, recognized her mistakes, and has to be forgiving!


According to media reports

On the cusp of public opinion, Yu Qi, secretary general of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, finally came forward on June 19 and released an apology video through the media in response to the inappropriate words and deeds that occurred in Beijing earlier. In the video, Yu Qi bowed twice, expressing her deep apologies and promising to take responsibility for the adverse consequences caused.

Don't be sorry for Secretary Yu anymore, she has apologized, recognized her mistakes, and has to be forgiving!

On June 16, a video of Yu Qi driving an embassy-licensed vehicle in Beijing attracted widespread attention. The video shows Yu Qi claiming diplomatic immunity when he was being dealt with by the traffic police, and his actions and remarks immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. In the face of rising public attention and criticism, Yu Qi chose to apologize publicly.

Don't be sorry for Secretary Yu anymore, she has apologized, recognized her mistakes, and has to be forgiving!

In the apology video, Yu Qi said: "Hello everyone, I am Yu Qi, the current secretary general of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, and I have fallen into deep self-blame in the past few days, and my heart is full of guilt and apology. Due to my inappropriate words and deeds on the 16th, it has caused an extremely negative social impact, and the majority of netizens have sincerely criticized me. After serious reflection, I would like to make a profound review and express my deepest apologies to all of you. ”

Established in 2008, APSCO aims to provide a technical cooperation platform for countries in the Asia-Pacific region and to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among member countries in the field of space science and technology. As the secretary general of the organization, any of Yu Qi's actions represent the image of the organization. This incident not only affected Yu Qi's personal image, but also had a negative impact on the international organization he represents.

Don't be sorry for Secretary Yu anymore, she has apologized, recognized her mistakes, and has to be forgiving!

The reaction to Yu Qi's apology on the Internet was polarized. Some netizens believe that Yu Qi's ability to recognize his mistakes and have the courage to publicly apologize is a positive act, reflecting his personal sense of responsibility and sincerity. However, some netizens feel that as a senior official of an international organization, Yu Qi should be more cautious about his behavior to avoid bringing unnecessary trouble to the organization.

Behind the incident, there is also a concern about the sense of privilege and legal responsibility. The expert noted that while diplomats enjoy specific immunities under international law, this does not mean that local laws or social morality can be disregarded. Such incidents should be an opportunity for public figures to reflect on how to properly use their powers and how to handle public relations.

Yu Qi has expressed her introspection and sense of responsibility through a public apology, an important step in demonstrating her sincerity and willingness to take responsibility to the public. In the apology, Yu Qi said, "I sincerely accept the criticism of me from all sides, accept the handling of relevant departments, deeply learn lessons, and take responsibility for the adverse consequences caused by this misconduct." Her actions were not only a correction to her own behavior, but also a response to public concerns.

Don't be sorry for Secretary Yu anymore, she has apologized, recognized her mistakes, and has to be forgiving!

In traditional culture, there is a saying that "forgive others and forgive others", emphasizing tolerance and understanding. Yu Qi's apology was seen as an opportunity for reconciliation and a starting point for restoring public trust and respect. Although her actions have received reasonable attention and criticism as a high-ranking official of an international organization, she has taken initial steps to correct her mistakes and try to repair the damage caused.

Continuing to blame and criticize Yu Qi may not help solve the problem, but may exacerbate the conflict. From the perspective of building social harmony and promoting understanding and tolerance among people, it is a virtue to give people who admit their mistakes a chance to make amends. Yu Qi's case is a reminder to everyone that while they enjoy their privileges, they should also take responsibility for their actions, prove their repentance with their actions, and show the public that they are serious about their mistakes.

We look forward to and welcome further views and comments from netizens on this incident, and work together to promote the progress and development of society.