
Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

author:Jianke's ® heart


Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

In the far east, there is a small town where people live an ordinary and unpretentious life. There is an old man named Uncle Zhang in the town, he is over half a hundred years old, he has been industrious and honest all his life, and he is deeply respected by the neighbors. However, in recent years, Uncle Zhang has been troubled by one thing.

Things have to start with Uncle Zhang's son Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang has been smart and clever since he was a child, and his academic performance is excellent, which is the pride of Uncle Zhang. After graduating from college, Xiao Zhang stayed in the big city to work, and in order to let his son gain a firm foothold in the big city, Zhang Bo took out his savings to buy a house for Xiao Zhang. However, since his son got married, Uncle Zhang found that his son and daughter-in-law became more and more strange, and even began to dislike him.

Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

One day, Uncle Zhang received a call from his son, saying that he would pick him up and go to the big city to enjoy happiness. Uncle Zhang happily agreed, thinking that he could finally reunite with his son and enjoy the joy of family. However, this is not the case.

Life in the big city was not as good as Chambers had imagined. The son and daughter-in-law are always busy with work and rarely come home, and the house is deserted. Uncle Zhang felt very lonely, but he didn't want to cause trouble for his son. So, he began to learn to play dumb in order to protect himself.

Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

One day, the daughter-in-law came home to find Uncle Zhang throwing dirty clothes into the washing machine, but forgot to press the start button. The daughter-in-law couldn't help frowning, thinking that this old guy was really getting lazier and lazier. But Uncle Zhang smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot how to use this washing machine, young people are smart, teach me." The daughter-in-law shook her head helplessly, so she had to teach Uncle Zhang how to use the washing machine.

Gradually, Uncle Zhang became more and more "incompetent" at home, and his son and daughter-in-law began to complain that he would not do anything. But Uncle Zhang enjoyed it, because he knew that the more "incompetent" he was, the more his son and daughter-in-law would pay attention to him. And the facts proved his guess.

Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

One day, my daughter-in-law suddenly received a notice from the unit, saying that she was going on a business trip for a month. She was worried that Uncle Zhang would not be able to take care of herself at home alone, so she asked Uncle Zhang how to take care of herself. Uncle Zhang pretended to be innocent and said: "Oh, I'm so old, and I don't know if I can take care of myself, so you can rest assured." The daughter-in-law had no choice but to teach Uncle Zhang some common sense of life, and then went on a business trip nervously.

A month later, the daughter-in-law came back and found the house clean and tidy, and Uncle Zhang was in good spirits. She asked Uncle Zhang in surprise: "Dad, you are so powerful, you can take care of the family so well!" Uncle Zhang replied with a smile: "Hey, I'm old, so I have to pretend to be stupid." ”

Title: The Wisdom of Half a Hundred Old Men: Learn to Play Fool and Laugh at Life

The daughter-in-law smiled guiltily, she realized that she had neglected Uncle Zhang before, and vowed to care more about the old man in the future. And since then, Uncle Zhang has also understood a truth: learning to pretend to be stupid when you are over half a hundred years old is also a kind of wisdom.

In this story, by learning to play dumb, Uncle Zhang not only made his son and daughter-in-law realize his shortcomings, but also won their care and respect. And he also realized the true meaning of life and understood the wisdom behind pretending to be stupid. Since then, Uncle Zhang has lived a happy life and laughed constantly.

This story is purely fictional and any similarities are coincidental