
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

author:Benny said the world

Wang Erni has had a unique passion for music since she was a child. Despite being born into a poor family and her parents working outside the home to earn money to support their family, they never neglected her musical talent and passion.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Although her poor family could not sponsor her to continue her studies, they never stopped Wang Erni from pursuing her musical dreams, but instead provided her with musical enlightenment under limited conditions.

Wang Erni remembers that when she was a child, whenever her parents returned from hard work, they always found time to teach her to learn notes and play simple tunes. Watching their daughter's obsession with music, although they couldn't help more, they never wavered in their encouragement to pursue her dreams.

This most simple support and expectation from her family gave birth to Wang Erni's dedication and persistence in music in the future.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

When she grew up, Wang Erni decided to give up her high-paying job and devote herself to a music career full of challenges and passion. In the face of the doubts and confusion of her family and friends, she firmly believed in her choice, and despite the hardships ahead, the passion for music burned in her heart like a fire that could not be extinguished.

In order to realize her musical dream, she taught herself to sing, practice musical instruments, and constantly hone her acting skills.

At the beginning, she was very difficult, hitting walls everywhere, and she couldn't find opportunities to perform. However, she never gave up and would do her best as long as there was a stage. She firmly believes that as long as she works hard enough, her dream will come true one day and more people can hear her voice.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

In 1985, Wang Erni met Li Fei in a singer competition. Li Fei was attracted by this enthusiastic and enthusiastic girl who is full of enthusiasm for music, Wang Erni was born from the grassroots, she has a persistent pursuit of music since she was a child, and firmly believes that music is the greatest ideal and pursuit in life.

After getting married, Wang Erni has always maintained her love for music. She looked around for opportunities to perform in nightclubs, theaters, and even if it was just a small stage she came across on the street, she would not hesitate to show her singing voice.

Even, their wedding ceremony was chosen to take place in a humble open-air venue, which, although austere, was full of musical elements.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Li Fei admired Wang Erni's perseverance and determination to pursue her ideals at that time, and he was proud to have such a talented wife, and he also felt lucky to be able to spend his life with someone with such beautiful qualities.

He could not have foreseen such a big disagreement and estrangement between himself and his wife.

However, just a few years later, one day, something unexpected happened......

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

In 2001, Li Fei decided to start working in the business field. At first, Wang Erni was able to fully realize the significance of her husband's decision and fully supported his new career. However, it didn't take long for the contradictions between the two to begin to show.

After starting business, Li Fei's thirst for money and material things was in full swing. He began to wear expensive name brands, drive luxurious sports cars, and live a life of luxury. He developed an unprecedented fascination with this luxurious lifestyle.

Wang Erni had tried to tolerate and understand Li Fei's behavior, but Li Fei's indulgence made her gradually feel disgusted. What's even more worrying is that as material pursuits become more and more extreme, Li Fei began to deny the music dream that Wang Erni has been pursuing.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

He ridiculed his wife's "insignificant" dream as just a waste of time, believing that blindly pursuing ideals would only lead to the dilemma of "self-restraint", and he only saw the supremacy of money.

Wang Erni was in great pain, and begged Li Fei several times to respect her choice, but everything was in vain. Their conflict escalated, erupting in a fierce argument over money and values, and eventually the two decided to separate.

In 2007, they officially broke up, and since then they have been exempted from each other's marital obligations.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

The years of the breakup were Wang Erni's most desperate period. The trauma of the breakup, the hardships of her career, and the constraints of life, all these pressures almost crushed her. But just when she was most helpless, the fire of her once love for music was rekindled in her heart, giving her great courage and strength.

After ending this gloomy breakup, Wang Erni resolutely decided to rekindle her persistent pursuit of music. She told herself that no matter the setbacks or tribulations, music would be the only thing she insisted on and ideal in her life.

In order to achieve this goal, Wang Erni began to practice harder, and worked tirelessly to find performance opportunities everywhere. Despite the fact that life is still tight, she doesn't care. As long as she can stand on the stage and show her talent, she feels extremely happy.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Every grassroots performance in a place, Wang Erni will devote herself wholeheartedly, as if this is her last farewell to the world, this is the highest level of her pursuit of music. For every performance, she has great sincerity, no matter how many people in the audience are appreciating, she is as serious as the last performance, this kind of dedication and persistence in treating music as life is also her greatest charm.

Wang Erni's efforts have not been disappointed, even if she is low-key, she can't wear out the light of her strength. More and more people began to appreciate her, her popularity gradually grew, and she met more and more friends in the cultural world.

In 2013, she was invited to be the resident singer of a variety show, and presented wonderful performances to the national audience with her simple and simple singing voice.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Although Wang Erni has achieved success, she is not complacent. In her view, music is not the pursuit of fame and fortune, but the purest artistic pursuit. She insists on being a simple, close to ordinary people's grassroots, and touches people's hearts with her sincere and touching singing voice.

This simple and persistent quality is the unique charm of Wang Erni.

Although some achievements have been made, Wang Erni has never neglected self-reflection. She often recalls the conflict with Li Fei and thinks about the root cause of the estrangement between the two because of the huge difference in values.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

She didn't blame her ex-husband, but felt that both parties lacked enough understanding and tolerance at that time, if she could be more considerate of Li Fei's yearning for a comfortable life, and if Li Fei could also respect her dedication to the music career, things could have gone another fork in the road.

Every time Wang Erni recalls her marriage experience with Li Fei, she will be full of emotion. If they could have understood each other's pursuits, then they should have been the most suitable loving couple.

However, due to a lack of sufficient understanding and tolerance, Li Fei's desire for money and material things gradually eroded his love for music, and finally in the conflict between ideals and reality, the two chose to break up.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Looking back, Wang Erni did not resent her ex-husband. She understands that everyone has their own life pursuits, but she feels that it is a pity that both parties lack mutual respect and appreciation at the beginning.

If she could understand Li Fei's yearning for a comfortable life more; If Li Fei also respected her dedication to the music career, things might have ended in a different direction.

However, the past is a thing of the past, and she finally lets go of the regrets in her heart. Music will always be the most desired and obsessed with in her life, and no matter what happens, she will not hesitate to move forward.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni and Li Fei have been married for 8 years, she sticks to her original intention, but he seems to be a different person

Even if there are thorns ahead, even if she has to struggle alone, as long as the music dream in her heart is still there, she will never choose to give up. Looking forward to the future, Wang Erni is more confident in her music path. After years of training, she has been able to live entirely on music and live a decent and dignified life.

In the future, she will continue to adhere to the grassroots line and convey her sincere feelings with the most simple singing voice to touch the hearts of more people.

Looking back on the past, Wang Erni finally understood everything, the pain of breaking up, the poor life, and the setbacks in her career, all of which became the baptism on her life path, making her pursuit of music more pure and firm, and these tribulations will always accompany her until the last moment of her life.

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