
Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

author:Outward whales

In the course of New Oriental's development, there have always been many problems in the treatment of talents, resulting in many famous teachers such as Luo Yonghao leaving one after another.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

And Dong Yuhui's birth is like a dawn that pierces the darkness, bringing an unprecedented huge turning point for Dongfang Selection under New Oriental. Dong Yuhui has an extraordinary affinity, and his gentle and magnetic voice can always inadvertently touch the softest corners of people's hearts.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

He is talented, whether it is the poetry and songs quoted from the classics, or the deep insight into the philosophy of life, he can tell it in his mouth, which makes people fascinated. With his unique charm and outstanding talent, he has successfully promoted the transformation of Oriental Selection from obscurity to fame, and in this process, his contribution can be described as significant.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

However, as the saying goes, "the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it". Dong Yuhui's too dazzling light not only brought glory to Dongfang Selection, but also caused some subtle changes within the country. Dongfang Selection began to take a series of de-glorification measures internally, trying to reduce Dong Yuhui's personal prominence and influence in order to balance the overall image and development of the team.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

For example, in terms of publicity and promotion, the individual emphasis on Dong Yuhui was gradually reduced, and the team's cooperation and overall brand image were more highlighted; In terms of resource allocation, it is no longer overly inclined to Dong Yuhui as before, but tries to achieve a more balanced allocation among various anchors. Although these measures maintain the superficial balance of the team to a certain extent, they also inevitably arouse questions and speculations about the internal management and talent strategy of Dongfang Selection.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

After the Oriental Selection Essay Incident, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions, Dong Yuhui's influence showed a momentum and increased day by day. He is like a bright new star, shining brighter and brighter in the vast starry sky of social media. The number of followers on his Douyin account has snowballed, surpassing Yu at an astonishing rate.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

Not only that, Dong Yuhui's new account "Walking with Hui" and the team he led showed incredible explosiveness and creativity. In less than half a year, they have stood out in the highly competitive market like dark horses and achieved amazing results. They carefully planned each live broadcast, whether it was the accurate grasp of the selection of products or the ingenious design of the live broadcast link, they all showed a high level of professionalism and innovation ability.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

They dig deep into the stories and cultural connotations behind the products, and recommend the products to the audience with language full of emotion and warmth, which has won the trust and love of consumers. Thanks to their efforts, sales have been rising, and even surpassed Dongfang Selection, a former industry leader. This kind of transcendence is not only a digital breakthrough, but also an innovation and success of ideas and models, which makes the entire industry look at it.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

In the high-profile live broadcast of the Shanxi trip with Hui, Yu Minhong once again appeared in front of the camera in the same frame with Dong Yuhui. However, at this time, Yu Minhong has completely lost his confident and high-spirited appearance. In the past, he was always talking and scolding Fang Xuan in the live broadcast, showing a powerful aura of controlling the overall situation. But at this moment, he seemed a little restrained, his body posture was no longer so stretched, his hands were unconsciously crossed and clenched, and his eyes showed a trace of uneasiness and uncertainty.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

He became reticent, no longer leading the conversation as he used to, and occasionally speaking briefly, as if he was considering every word, for fear of saying something wrong. Even the smile seemed a little reluctant and cautious, as if he was afraid that his every move would attract unnecessary attention or misunderstanding.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

Dong Yuhui's explosion and rapid rise were like a sharp sword, deeply stabbing Yu Minhong's heart. Once, Yu Minhong was the undoubted core figure of New Oriental and Oriental Selection, and his status was unshakable. But the appearance of Dong Yuhui broke this situation with an unstoppable force.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

With his unique style and charm, Dong Yuhui has quickly accumulated a large number of fans and popularity, and his influence is expanding day by day. This situation is undoubtedly a huge impact for Yu Minhong. He had to re-examine his status and role, and in the face of this sudden change, Yu Minhong's inner pride and self-confidence were challenged and shaken like never before.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!

In the past, New Oriental stumbled on the road of talent management, and now Dong Yuhui's success has forced Yu Minhong to re-examine and think about the future direction of New Oriental.

Dong Yuhui's explosion deeply hurt Yu Minhong's heart!!