
What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

author:Outward whales

In the business field, Yu Minhong's New Oriental was once a star in the education industry, but there were repeated problems in talent management, causing many famous teachers such as Luo Yonghao and Dong Yuhui to leave.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Luo Yonghao, as one of the many representatives who left New Oriental with dissatisfaction, has a long history of grievances and entanglements between him and Yu Minhong.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Back then, Luo Yonghao, who graduated from junior high school, heard that he could get a high income as a teacher in New Oriental, which made him excited, and he had a strong desire to teach at New Oriental.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In order to achieve this goal, Luo Yonghao has made great efforts that ordinary people can hardly imagine. He devoted almost all of his time and energy to self-study English, studying hard day and night, desperately increasing his vocabulary, and delving into various grammar and teaching techniques.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In this process, Luo Yonghao encountered countless difficulties and setbacks. Due to his low education, in order to get the opportunity to interview with New Oriental, he even wrote a 10,000-word cover letter to Yu Minhong affectionately, which was full of his desire and dedication to this job.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Although Luo Yonghao's determination and hard work are impressive, his job search path has not been easy. In the first two trial lectures, Luo Yonghao performed poorly because of excessive nervousness and ended in failure. These two failures made Yu Minhong lose patience with him, and even directly told Luo Yonghao that he was not suitable to be a teacher, and asked him to find another way.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

However, Luo Yonghao did not give up because of this, and he kept begging Yu Minhong to give him another chance. In the end, Yu Minhong was moved by his persistence and reluctantly agreed to give him another chance to try to speak.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Fortunately, Luo Yonghao's third trial lecture was a great success. With his solid knowledge reserve, unique teaching methods and humorous teaching style, he has won high praise and love from students, and successfully won the opportunity to teach at New Oriental. In the subsequent teaching, Luo Yonghao gave full play to his advantages, quickly stood out, and became a popular teacher of New Oriental.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

However, during that period of change, New Oriental had to adjust its business strategy in order to achieve the goal of going public. The company's focus has gradually shifted from the initial obsessive pursuit of education quality to the blind pursuit of profit and market share. A series of reform measures, such as the commercialization adjustment of the curriculum and the standardization of the teaching model, have gradually deviated from the original intention of education that New Oriental once adhered to.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In this context, as a staunch idealist, Luo Yonghao had a strong rejection in his heart. He watched as what was once a mecca of education full of passion and ideals became a competition ground for commercial interests. The educational ideas that he was once proud of and fought for have been shattered by the impact of reality.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

And Yu Minhong's refusal to give him shares undoubtedly became the last straw that crushed Luo Yonghao. Luo Yonghao has always believed that with his talent and hard work, he has made great contributions to the development of New Oriental. He is looking forward to participating in the company's decision-making and future development as a shareholder, and growing together with New Oriental.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

However, Yu's refusal completely shattered his expectations, making him feel that his value was grossly undervalued, and all his efforts were not duly rewarded. This deep loss and anger were intertwined, so that Luo Yonghao finally resigned angrily and resolutely left this place where he had placed countless dreams and passions.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Now, under the opportunity of the Dong Yuhui incident, Luo Yonghao did not hesitate to point the finger at Yu Minhong again and condemn him. You must know that the Dong Yuhui incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion, and at such a sensitive moment, Luo Yonghao chose to stand up and speak out, which undoubtedly pushed the contradiction between him and Yu Minhong into the public eye again.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Although Luo Yonghao has long been dissatisfied with Yu Minhong, those past experiences and unmet expectations have left a deep imprint on his heart. However, it is worth mentioning that even under such strong dissatisfaction, Luo Yonghao did not take the means to fall into the ground.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

He did not deliberately exaggerate, maliciously slander, or attempt to further damage Yu Minhong's reputation and interests through improper means when he was facing difficulties. Luo Yonghao's denunciation is more based on the elaboration of past problems and the expression of his own experience, rather than pure malice and revenge.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In the final analysis, this series of problems and disputes is the result of Yu Minhong's own mistakes in talent management and incentives.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Yu Minhong once made a deep reflection on the phenomenon of famous teachers leaving one after another. He sat alone in his office for countless silent nights, pondering why. He carefully reviewed the bits and pieces of getting along with every famous teacher who left, and analyzed the company's management system and incentive mechanism. Eventually, he realized that the company was not doing enough to meet the expectations and needs of famous teachers, which led to a large loss of talent.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

It is regrettable that although Yu Minhong has such an understanding, a similar situation is still repeated in Dong Yuhui. Dong Yuhui, a talented and well-loved talent of the audience, also encountered the problem of insufficient incentives in the development process of New Oriental.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

Maybe it's because of the company's decision-making mistakes, or maybe it's because of poor communication, in short, New Oriental, which should have been able to retain outstanding talents like Dong Yuhui, is once again facing the crisis of possible loss of talent for the same reason, which is undoubtedly a regrettable situation.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In the final analysis, this series of intricate problems and irreconcilable disputes are the inevitable result of Yu Minhong's own serious mistakes in talent management and incentives.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In terms of talent management, Yu Minhong may not have a full insight into the needs and expectations of employees, and lacks effective guidance and support for employees' personal development planning. For example, for talented and ambitious employees like Luo Yonghao, he did not give enough attention and personalized career development path planning in time, resulting in employees feeling lost and lost in the company.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In terms of incentives, Yu Minhong may not have established a scientific, fair and attractive system. He may not have fully considered the value created by employees for the company, and failed to give corresponding material and spiritual rewards according to employees' contributions. Just like when Luo Yonghao wanted to obtain shares to reflect his own value and participate in the company's decision-making, Yu Minhong's refusal not only hit Luo Yonghao's enthusiasm, but also sent a signal that the company's lack of awareness of the value of talents.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?

In short, it is precisely because of Yu Minhong's mistakes in the two key areas of talent management and motivation that New Oriental has fallen into the dilemma of brain drain and constant disputes.

What grievances are there between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong! Why does Luo Yonghao always hold on to Yu Minhong?