
If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

author:Dr. Wang of General Surgery

Lao Zhang is a retired teacher who loves walking and playing chess on weekdays, and his body seems to be very healthy. In recent months, Lao Zhang has found that he is always a little strange when he goes to the toilet. At first, he felt some bleeding during his stool, but he didn't pay attention to it, thinking that he had just eaten something that was on fire. But gradually, he noticed that the shape of his stool had changed, becoming thin and long, accompanied by irregular abdominal pain and bloating. Lao Zhang was a little worried and decided to go to the hospital for examination.

If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

At the hospital, the doctor recommended him for a colonoscopy. The results showed that Lao Zhang had several polyps in his intestines. The doctor told him that it was fortunate that the polyps were detected early, otherwise the polyps could have progressed and could even develop into bowel cancer. Lao Zhang realized that although intestinal polyps may seem like a minor problem, if they are not detected and treated in time, the consequences can be very serious.

What are intestinal polyps

Intestinal polyps are growths that grow on the lining of the intestines, usually formed by abnormal growth of the intestinal mucosa. Polyps can be classified into many types, including adenomatous polyps, hyperplastic polyps, and serrated polyps, among others. Among them, adenomatous polyps have the most potential for cancer, so special attention is required.

Intestinal polyps are often asymptomatic in the early stages, and many people only find them incidentally during a physical examination or colonoscopy. However, as polyps grow or increase in number, some warning signs may appear. For example, bleeding in the stool, changes in bowel habits, abnormal stool shape, abdominal pain or bloating, etc. These symptoms are often overlooked or mistaken for other common gastrointestinal problems.

Fecal bleeding

Bleeding in the stool is a common symptom of intestinal polyps, especially when the surface of the polyp is damaged or ruptured, and blood can mix into the stool. The color of the blood can be bright red, dark red or even black, depending on the location of the bleeding and how long the blood stays in the intestines. Although bleeding in the stool can also be caused by other causes such as hemorrhoids, if it occurs frequently, especially if there is no obvious trigger, it should be taken seriously and a bowel examination should be done as soon as possible.

Changes in the shape of the stool

When intestinal polyps grow, they may affect the normal passage of the intestines, causing changes in the shape of the stool. Common changes include thinning, lengthening, or irregular shape of the stool. This is due to polyps occupying a portion of the intestinal space, allowing stool to be squeezed and obstructed as it passes through. If you find a long-term abnormality in the shape of the stool, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly for a detailed examination.

Changes in bowel habits

Intestinal polyps can also cause changes in bowel habits, including changes in the frequency and timing of bowel movements. Patients may experience alternating diarrhea with constipation, or may feel incomplete and unpleasant during bowel movements. These changes are often due to the effect of polyps on intestinal function, resulting in abnormal intestinal motility. If there is a sudden change in bowel habits and it lasts for a long time, it should be a cause for alarm.

Abdominal pain or bloating

If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

When polyps are present in the intestines, they may cause localized inflammation or intestinal spasms, resulting in abdominal pain or bloating. The location and severity of the pain varies from person to person, some people may only experience mild discomfort after eating, while others experience more severe abdominal pain. This pain is usually intermittent, but if the frequency and intensity increase gradually, a colonoscopy is needed to rule out intestinal polyps or other more serious problems.

Intestinal polyps are small, but they are not to be ignored. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing polyps from becoming malignant. Regular check-ups and colonoscopies are effective ways to detect intestinal polyps, especially if you have a family history or other high-risk factors. By paying attention to the subtle changes when going to the toilet and seeking medical attention in time, you can effectively reduce the health risks caused by intestinal polyps. Lao Zhang's story reminds us that every seemingly tiny physical signal can be a health alarm bell. Timely attention and treatment can ensure long-term health.

Early detection and prevention of polyps

The importance of early detection

Early detection of intestinal polyps is a crucial step in preventing colorectal cancer. While intestinal polyps don't necessarily cause cancer on their own, some types of polyps have the potential to evolve into cancer. Therefore, early detection enables timely detection of polyps and the necessary treatment measures can be taken, thereby reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Common detection methods


Colonoscopy is one of the most reliable tests available, which can directly observe the inside of the intestine and detect and remove polyps in time. Adults over the age of 40 are recommended to have a colonoscopy every 5 to 10 years.

fecal occult blood test:

Fecal occult blood tests screen for colorectal cancer and polyps by detecting occult blood in the stool. Although this test is simple, it may miss the diagnosis and is recommended in conjunction with other tests.

Virtual Colonoscopy:

If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

Virtual colonoscopy uses computer technology to generate images of the colon that can examine the inside of the colon, but it has a low detection rate for small polyps.

dye-contrast colonoscopy:

This test involves spraying dye inside the intestine and then examining the intestine through X-rays, which can reveal some intestinal polyps.

Precautions for polyps

Prevention is better than cure, and here are some ways to prevent intestinal polyps:

Eat a healthy diet:

Eating more high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can help maintain gut health.

Limit your intake of high-fat, high-cholesterol foods and reduce your consumption of red and processed meats.

Hold Healthy Weight:

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of colorectal polyps, and maintaining an appropriate body weight can help prevent polyp formation.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol:

If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

Smoking and alcohol abuse are closely related to the development of colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer, and quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can help reduce the risk of disease.

Exercise regularly:

Moderate aerobic exercise can promote intestinal motility, help maintain intestinal health, and reduce the likelihood of polyps.

Reduce long-term use of NSAIDs:

Long-term heavy use of NSAIDs may increase the risk of polyps and should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Through regular early detection and preventive measures, we can effectively reduce the risk of intestinal polyps and colorectal cancer. At the same time, a healthy diet and lifestyle habits are also important factors in protecting gut health.

If you have polyps in your intestines, there will be 4 reminders when you go to the toilet, don't wait until the middle and late stages to regret it

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