
Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

author:Teacher Lu shared
Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

Lao Li is over 80 years old this year, and he can't imagine that he can live to such an age, because his parents died when they were fifty or sixty years old.

Therefore, Lao Li always thinks that it is a gift from God that he can live so big, and since it is a gift, he must naturally cherish it.

So Lao Li, who is in his 80s, actually lives very regularly, and what to do at any point in time is a matter of habit.

In addition, his mentality is very optimistic, and everyone says that Lao Li is at least a centenarian.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

However, Lao Li is not perfect, he has a very bad hobby, that is, smoking.

My wife and his children have persuaded Lao Li countless times, telling him to quit smoking quickly and be good for his health.

Lao Li also tried to quit smoking, but all failed.

Because in his heart, he always felt that smoking had become his habit, and if he changed this habit at will, it might affect his lifespan.

So what's the truth? Don't you need to quit smoking when you're older? The doctor especially reminded that smoking should keep in mind the "5 do not smoke", which is conducive to good health.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

1. The dangers of cigarettes

With the continuous development of society, the emancipation of people's minds, and the change of behavior patterns, the smoking population has long been no longer limited to men, but has gradually expanded to minors and women.

The reason for this strange phenomenon is that, on the one hand, both men and women, whether they are adults or not, are facing pressure from different levels.

For example, regardless of the distinction between men and women, adult groups have to bear the pressure of life and work, and also face the pressure of urging marriage from their parents, finding a partner, and having children.

For minors, they are subject to academic pressure from their parents and school.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

In addition, some parents do not pay attention to the education of their children's mental health, which eventually makes the underage group vent their inner dissatisfaction by smoking.

And no matter which group smokes, it will eventually bring great hidden dangers to health.

We all know that the main ingredient of cigarettes is tobacco, although it is only a simple substance, but because of the addition of many chemical components.

As a result, more than 4,000 chemicals are produced after lighting a cigarette.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

And most of these types of chemicals are carcinogens.

For example, acetone produced from cigarettes can affect the mouth, liver, kidneys, nerves and skin of the human body.

The aluminum in cigarettes can cause contact dermatitis, and some research teams have also found a strong link to Alzheimer's disease.

Benzene, which is a substance classified as a Class 1 carcinogen, can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting and even death when exposed to it for a long time.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

For example, carbon monoxide, long-term smoking can cause dizziness, respiratory problems, and in severe cases, it can cause breathing difficulties, lung cancer and hepatitis.

Women who smoke not only tend to affect their skin, but also increase the risk of developing cancers in women, such as cervical cancer and breast cancer, which are 50% and 30% higher than those of women who do not smoke.

And if a minor smokes, it will not only affect growth and development, but also make a bet on the health of a lifetime.

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Regardless of gender or group, smoking can have an impact on the brain, and is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, rectal cancer, colon cancer and other cancers in various organs.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

What's even more terrifying is that smoking contains nicotine, an addictive substance, which will keep the smoker in an uncontrollable state, and eventually form a vicious circle.

Smoking is harmful and unhelpful, but there is one group that is more special, and that is the elderly.

Is it necessary for the elderly to quit smoking, as they enjoy old age and face the threat of death at any time?

2. Is it necessary to quit smoking when you are old?

The clear answer is that smoking cessation is regardless of age, as long as you want to quit smoking at any time, and the longer you quit smoking, the better for your health.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

In a foreign medical journal, a study was done on the relationship between smoking cessation and health.

The researchers divided the participants into men and women, and then divided them into six groups based on the number of years they had quit smoking.

It was eventually found that quitting smoking for less than three years reduced the risk of death to 90% and 95% of the original risk of death.

If you quit smoking for 10 years, the risk of death is similar to that of people who don't smoke.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

As for the specific relationship between smoking cessation and the risk of various cancers, South Korea has also done research on this.

More than 3 million Koreans who participated in the survey are surveyed every year, and the final and reliable conclusions are drawn through the annual questionnaire records.

In the course of more than a decade of records, nearly 200,000 people have been diagnosed with cancer, and the remaining nearly 2.8 million people have improved their health.

People who have quit smoking for 10 years still have a certain degree of cancer risk, but it has been significantly reduced compared with before, and if they persist for more than 15 years, the risk of cancer will be reduced by half of what it was before.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

3. Longevity in smoking

All in all, quitting smoking is definitely good for your health, but should everyone quit smoking?

Of course not, in real life, there are some elderly people who have the habit of smoking all year round, but it does not harm their health, what is the reason for their longevity?

For this kind of elderly group who can ensure their physical quality, they can choose not to quit smoking, and the reason why they can develop this different physique is mainly because of the following three points:

The first point has to do with genetics.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

According to some researchers, those who smoke but do not risk disease have a gene called single nucleotide polypeptide, which can repair cells to the greatest extent.

The second point has to do with physical defense.

As the smoking time increases, the number of cigarettes gradually accumulates, and the erosion of the body deepens, and eventually reaches a critical value.

After this critical value, the body will automatically form the last line of defense in order to ensure normal life and work.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

In this case, there will be no more mutations in the DNA, and the probability of cancer will plateau.

Last but not least, these elderly people who have smoking habits but are in good health are because they have very good habits in addition to smoking.

These elderly people with special groups are very peaceful, optimistic and positive from the level of mentality, and even if something bad happens, they can adjust their mentality in time.

In terms of diet, these special old people always maintain the regularity of eating on time and on time, and the taste of the diet is relatively light, keeping less oil, less salt, and less sugar.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

In particular, these elderly people who smoke for a long time pay special attention to the intake of water intake, which can improve metabolism and blood circulation through water supplementation.

The last point is sleep, these people with special physiques have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, never stay in bed, never stay up late, and sleep and rest are very regular.

This means that as long as it does not affect your body, you do not have to quit smoking.

On the other hand, if you realize that your body is uncomfortable due to smoking, or that you are not able to ensure that your mind, sleep, and diet are normal in your daily life, you should quit smoking as soon as possible.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

And the doctor has long emphasized that for the sake of good health, you can't smoke these five special cigarettes, which is also the last concession condition for the majority of smoking patients.

Fourth, don't smoke these five cigarettes

1. Don't smoke in the morning

Morning is a very special stage for the elderly population, because this time is the time when the sympathetic nerves are most excited, which means that the blood pressure, heart rate is the highest and fastest stage.

In order to avoid possible cardiovascular and cerebrovascular symptoms, it is best not to smoke in the morning, otherwise it will cause the greatest harm to the body.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

2. Don't smoke after exercising

This is the same as not smoking in the morning, the cells in the blood vessels are the most excited after exercise, and the blood circulation is the fastest.

Although it may mean an acceleration of metabolic capacity, smoking during this time period can easily cause damage to the body due to the time difference.

3. Don't smoke before bedtime

This is mainly because cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine and carcinogens, and if you choose to smoke before bedtime, your sleep quality will be affected because of the addictive effect of nicotine.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

At the same time, sleep is the stage where the body recuperates, and it is the stage when the body's immunity is the weakest.

If you choose to smoke at this time, the carcinogens produced will be more likely to harm the human body.

4. Don't smoke after eating

When you stop eating, your body enters the stage of rapid digestion and absorption.

This means that the brain will focus more on the digestive system, which is manifested in the accelerated blood circulation in the digestive system.

If you choose to smoke at this time, the toxic substances that enter the body are more likely to invade the digestive system and increase the risk of disease.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: Smoking after the age of 60 keeps in mind the "5 don't smoke", which is good for the body

5. Don't smoke when you're sick

It's easy to understand that being sick means that the body's resistance and immunity are the weakest, especially for those with chronic lung disease.

If you choose to smoke at this time, you will give the enemy an opportunity.

Not only will it not have any positive effect, but it will also aggravate the previous condition, and in severe cases, it will lead to death.


Nowadays, smoking is a very common phenomenon, but from the perspective of physical health, the harm caused by smoking is 100% certain.

In addition to the above-mentioned people who have a perennial smoking habit but still have a normal life and body, in fact, most people need to quit smoking as soon as possible through certain measures.

If you can't quit smoking all at once, then doctors have also clearly emphasized that there are five situations where you should not smoke.

After doing this well, you can get a good quit effect by cooperating with the persuasion of your family, the stubborn resistance of your personal will, or by cultivating a long-term hobby instead of smoking.

Do you have people around you who have successfully quit smoking? Do you have any tips to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.


Baidu Encyclopedia cigarettes

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