
Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Sister Loulan Yu

2024-06-21 12:08Published in Shaanxi film and television creators

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Who understands? The plot of "The Story of Rose" is getting more and more upside down, but it is also getting better and better!

The two brothers and sisters of the Huang family are talented and rich, but their love and marriage are more worry-free than the other!

Huang Yimei finally got rid of the cage of "love" carefully poured for her by Fang Xiewen, and divorced smoothly, but in a blink of an eye, she fell in love with Fu Jiaming, who was dying soon.

The love between Huang Zhenhua and Su Su was even more twists and turns, and a thunder broke out a moment before marriage, which caught everyone off guard and frightened.

Let's just say, is it easy for young people nowadays to fall in love?

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

The most exciting highlight is Huang Zhenhua, who is obviously an affordable man with well-known parents, a solid family, talent and beauty, and is a sought-after commodity in the marriage and love market.

But what is the thought, planted in Su Su's hands, the love experience behind is thrilling.

In the latest trailer, the blind date he admired before, Bai Yueguang Bai Xiaohe, unexpectedly broke out a photo with his illegitimate child.

The mother and son smiled brightly, their eyebrows and eyes were very similar, but it was this photo that made Huang Zhenhua mutter in his heart, and even felt extremely frightened when he thought about it, which made his relationship with Su Su have a crisis again.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Who is Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate biological father? Zhou Shihui guessed that it was Huang Zhenhua, is this guess correct?

When did they get skin-to-skin? Sister Loulan Yu saw the end of the whole process, what did she miss?

However, it was also Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate child who was exposed, and the editor knew why she suddenly showed favor to Huang Zhenhua before and designed a chance encounter; I know why Bai's father handed over such an important hotel design project to Huang Zhenhua.

Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua's ambiguous past

In fact, the most talented and beautiful couple in this drama are Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua.

Bai Xiaohe, a female doctor from Tsinghua University, is handsome, cute and direct, and the key is that her parents are still rich.

Therefore, she is a promising Bai Fumei.

But it's a pity that she was too deep with her first love before, and she couldn't get out of the trauma of love after breaking up, so she missed Huang Zhenhua, such a good marriage partner.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Huang Zhenhua, whose parents are intellectuals, has a harmonious family, has a successful career, he is humorous and caring, he is a full warm man, and he is also a favorite in the blind date market.

So, at first, these two people were just too compatible!

But love is like this, it's not that we feel like a good match, and people can spark love.

Bai Xiaohe still can't forget his predecessor after all, and he can't look down on Huang Zhenhua. She just doesn't hate Huang Zhenhua, she has a good impression, and she doesn't like it.

Therefore, she was able to tell everything truthfully, act as a couple with Huang Zhenhua, and finally parted ways and went their own way.

However, just after Huang Zhenhua completely let go and officially fell in love with Su Su, Bai Xiaohe appeared inexplicably!

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

She deliberately went fishing to create a chance encounter with Huang Zhenhua, and then chatted and dated and invited Huang Zhenhua to eat and cook fish at home.

Even, Bai Xiaohe also said that she didn't want to get married, but she liked children very much and wanted to have children with Huang Zhenhua.

At that time, Huang Zhenhua was in the Cold War period after the quarrel with Su Su, and when he saw his favorite predecessor Bai Yueguang say this, he did not express his position immediately, and his attitude was ambiguous.

For this reason, many netizens also scolded Huang Zhenhua as a scumbag on the barrage!

Who knows, in the next shot, Huang Zhenhua confessed everything to Su Su after she came back, and the two reconciled as before.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

At that time, everyone thought that Huang Zhenhua really refused the other party's request to "borrow seeds to have children" at Bai Xiaohe's house at that time, and he was a proper upright gentleman who did not live up to Su Su.

Unexpectedly, this is a foreshadowing laid by the screenwriter.

It wasn't until I saw Huang Zhenhua facing the photo of Bai Xiaohe hugging his son on his mobile phone, a little panicked and a little confused, that the editor felt that he and Bai Xiaohe had already had a relationship with Bai Xiaohe.

So when did they have a relationship, before or after falling in love with Su Su? Read on!

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Bai Xiaohe's mysterious illegitimate son

In fact, in addition to Bai Xiaohe's sudden overtures to Huang Zhenhua, which seemed to be eating back grass, which was a bit confusing, the Bai family also did a strange thing to Huang Zhenhua!

It stands to reason that after Bai Xiaohe broke up with Huang Zhenhua, Bai's father had no reason to be entangled with Huang Zhenhua.

But after many years, Bai's father actually invited Huang Zhenhua to participate in the hotel design work, and personally handed him such a big cake.

This business opportunity not only made Huang Zhenhua officially resign, come out to start a business, and start a company, but also allowed him to directly get the first pot of gold in entrepreneurship and become a proper winner in life.

This kind of help is something that many entrepreneurs can't come up with!

Why did Father Bai reward such a big cake to Huang Zhenhua for nothing?

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Contact Bai Xiaohe and his son for that photo, everything is reasonable!

The editor guesses that the story between Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua is like this.

At the beginning, Huang Zhenhua and Su Su quarreled, Bai Xiaohe took the opportunity to find Huang Zhenhua to borrow seeds to have children, and after the two learned to make sea bass, they drank a little wine, and the alcohol was on their heads, and then they had a relationship.

After that, Huang Zhenhua consciously split his legs during the relationship, sorry for Su Su, so he broke off the relationship with Bai Xiaohe, reunited with Su Su, and the two continued to fall in love.

And Bai Xiaohe secretly got pregnant and gave birth to a child during this period, giving birth to a big fat boy. This child is also the heir to so many properties of the Bai family.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Bai's father knows all this, he respects and supports his daughter's choice, but he also feels ashamed of Huang Zhenhua, so he gave Huang Zhenhua such a big gift in his career to help him reach the peak of his life.

Therefore, the hotel design project is the Bai family's compensation for Huang Zhenhua.

With such a connection, the previous doubts and speculations are reasonable!

Therefore, Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate biological father is most likely Huang Zhenhua's.

Huang Zhenhua has the high IQ genes of his parents, not only handsome, but also gentle, considerate and kind, talented, sincere and reliable.

Bai Xiaohe chose him as the father of the child, which is understandable.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Therefore, until this time, the editor knew that Huang Zhenhua had already split his legs and was sorry for Su Su, and it turned out that "borrowing seeds to have children" was the Bai family's most ruthless calculation against Huang Zhenhua!

However, what they don't know is that paper can't hold the fire, Huang Zhenhua will know that the child is his sooner or later, and how will he face Su Su at that time? What about this illegitimate child who popped out of nowhere?

According to the original book, Su Su and Huang Zhenhua ended with a be, I don't know how the drama version was adapted.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

In short, Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate child will definitely lay a thunder in the marriage of Su Su and Huang Zhenhua, but I don't know when it will explode!

Huang Zhenhua's love story tells us: When you love, please love deeply! Step on two boats, and sooner or later the boat will capsize.

I don't know if Su Su will continue to marry him, have children, and enter the marriage hall after knowing that Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe have children?

Today's topic:

1. Do you think Huang Zhenhua is a scumbag?

2. If you were Huang Zhenhua, would you choose Bai Xiaohe or Su Gengsheng?

3. Do you think Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe are still possible together?

4, do you think Su Gengsheng hid so many secrets before marriage, can she and Huang Zhenhua get together?

5, in this drama, do you knock Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe, or Huang Zhenhua and Su Su?

Welcome everyone to pay attention to "Sister Loulan Entertainment", and chase dramas, watch movies, and gossip together~~

  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family
  • Rose's story: It wasn't until Bai Xiaohe's illegitimate son was exposed that he knew that Huang Zhenhua was ruthlessly calculated by the Bai family

Personal opinion, for reference only

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