
Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends

author:Half the sky in Shanxi

Since the beginning of this year, the Shilou County Women's Federation has steadily promoted the work of changing customs with the "four promotions", giving full play to the unique role of women in social life and family life, and guiding the masses to break stereotypes, resist extravagance and waste, and establish a new style of civilization by strengthening the leadership, building a publicity matrix, selecting advanced models, and carrying out various activities.

Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends

Promote linkage and cooperation, and improve the ability of women's federation cadres to perform their duties. Fully enhance the understanding of cadres and workers on the importance of the work of changing customs and customs, establish a leading group for women to change customs and customs, convey and study the spirit of relevant documents of the city and county, and arrange and deploy work related to changing customs and customs. Seize the opportunity to be grounded and improve the participation of grassroots women. Relying on the county's village (community) women's councils, through carrying out women's deliberation activities, guide the women to make suggestions and suggestions for changing customs and customs, participate in the revision of village rules and contracts, publicize civilized weddings, oppose high-priced bride prices and vulgar marriage troubles, and simplify the handling of red and white ceremonies, and lead the majority of rural women to consciously abandon bad habits. Focusing on the themes of changing customs and building civilization, 12 women's deliberation activities were carried out, and more than 600 people participated in the women's deliberations. Create a brand, set a benchmark, and enhance the role of women in demonstration. Incorporate changing customs into the selection criteria for the most beautiful family and green family, and through carrying out selection activities, stimulate the enthusiasm of women with the role models around them, promote the in-depth development of changing customs and customs, and drive more people to learn from role models, get closer to role models, and become role models, and carry out activities such as finding the most beautiful family and good daughter-in-law throughout the county, and select and name more than 20 objects of various kinds. Emphasize propaganda and build platforms to enhance women's ideological understanding. Seize traditional festivals and time nodes to actively carry out publicity activities, strengthen publicity and guidance, give play to the important role of women in the family, raise the public's understanding of changing customs and customs, and change outdated ideological concepts.

Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends

At present, Shilou County has carried out a total of 3 family civilization construction activities, and 16 lectures on changing customs and customs have been carried out in communities and rural areas; Combined with the creation of provincial-level civilized cities, more than 20 volunteer service activities such as civilized creation, rule of law publicity, respect for the elderly and love for children were carried out; Relying on platforms such as WeChat groups for rural women's work, publish civilized wedding proposals, and create a positive atmosphere for deepening the change of customs and establishing a new style of civilization.

Correspondents | Bai Kaibing, Zheng Donghui

Edit| Zhang Xiumei

Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends
Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends
Shilou County: The "Four Promotions" action breaks bad habits and establishes new trends


"Shanxi Women's Daily" "Life Tide"