
The operating data of express companies in May: business income increased year-on-year compared with the same period last year, and the revenue of Yunda and Shentong single tickets decreased significantly year-on-year

author:Bread Finance
The operating data of express companies in May: business income increased year-on-year compared with the same period last year, and the revenue of Yunda and Shentong single tickets decreased significantly year-on-year


Recently, the operating data of the express delivery industry and related enterprises in May 2024 have been disclosed one after another. Researchers from Xinhua Finance and Bread Finance used listed companies that have disclosed monthly data as samples to calculate their business income, single ticket income and total business volume respectively.

The main operating indicators disclosed by the four A-share listed express companies in May show that in terms of business income and total business, the four express companies increased year-on-year. In terms of single ticket revenue, 4 express companies decreased year-on-year.

Business revenue: YTO grew faster than the same period last year

As of press time, a total of 4 A-share listed express delivery companies disclosed their main operating indicators in May.

The operating data of express companies in May: business income increased year-on-year compared with the same period last year, and the revenue of Yunda and Shentong single tickets decreased significantly year-on-year

Figure 1: Ranking of the four A-share express delivery companies in May

In terms of operating income, in May, SF Holdings' operating income reached 17.097 billion yuan, ranking first, far surpassing other express delivery companies, YTO Express's operating income was 5.093 billion yuan, ranking second, Yunda followed closely behind, with operating income of 4.136 billion yuan, and Shentong Express's revenue was lower, 3.902 billion yuan.

Judging from the year-on-year changes, the business income of the four express companies has increased, among them, YTO Express has the largest increase, reaching 22.62%; Shentong Express ranked second with an increase of 17.61%.

From the perspective of month-on-month changes, the business income of the four express companies has increased, among which Shentong Express has the largest increase, reaching 10.29%; SF Holdings ranked second with a 6.22% increase.

Single ticket revenue: Yunda decreased significantly year-on-year

From the perspective of single ticket income, the single ticket income of SF Holdings in May was 15.25 yuan/piece, and the single ticket income of YTO Express, Yunda Co., Ltd. and Shentong Express was between 2 yuan/piece and 2.5 yuan/piece.

The operating data of express companies in May: business income increased year-on-year compared with the same period last year, and the revenue of Yunda and Shentong single tickets decreased significantly year-on-year

Figure 2: Ranking of 4 A-share express companies in terms of revenue per ticket in May

Judging from the year-on-year change, the single ticket income of the four companies declined in May, among them, Yunda shares fell the most, reaching 16.8%; Shentong Express ranked second with a decline of 9.05%.

From the perspective of month-on-month changes, the same trend as the year-on-year changes, the single ticket revenue of the four companies decreased in May, among them, YTO Express had the largest decline, reaching 3.04%; SF Holdings saw the second-largest decline, at 2.68%.

Total business: Shentong grew faster than the previous month

In May 2024, among the four express companies mentioned above, YTO Express and Yunda Co., Ltd. ranked among the top in terms of total business, with 2.284 billion and 2.042 billion votes respectively. Shentong Express followed closely behind, with a total business volume of 1.946 billion votes. The total business volume of SF Holdings was smaller, at 1.121 billion votes.

The operating data of express companies in May: business income increased year-on-year compared with the same period last year, and the revenue of Yunda and Shentong single tickets decreased significantly year-on-year

Figure 3: Ranking of the total business volume of the four A-share express delivery companies in May

From the perspective of year-on-year changes, the total business volume of the four express companies has increased, among them, Yunda shares have the largest increase, reaching 32.68%; Shentong Express ranked second with an increase of 29.48%.

From the perspective of month-on-month changes, the total business volume of the four express companies has increased, among them, Shentong Express has the largest increase, reaching 12.55%; SF Holdings ranked second with a 9.15% increase.

[Read Financial Report] is a column jointly created by Xinhua Finance and Bread Finance with the interpretation of financial reports of listed companies as the main content. Xinhua Finance is a national financial information platform built by Xinhua News Agency, which comprehensively covers the global stock market, foreign exchange market and bond market, and provides authoritative, professional and comprehensive financial information services.

(Article serial number: 1803604176450752512/JZY.)

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