
The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

author:The first pharmacy Caizhi
The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!
The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Entering June, it is not only the temperature that has risen, but also the live broadcast of major chains.

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

On the afternoon of June 18, Good Pharmacist Pharmacy held a national live broadcast of investment promotion, with an online viewing popularity of more than 1.08 million, and 842 signatories signed in just two hours. At the same time, it has attracted reports from Sina, NetEase, Tencent and other media, and the good pharmacist has really become popular again with his strength!


The "heat wave" of the live broadcast of investment promotion continues

Up to now, Good Pharmacist Pharmacy has deployed more than 22,780 stores nationwide, demonstrating its strong influence in the pharmacy retail field. Mr. Liu Huanghe, General Manager of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy, together with Xu Bin, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Fan Jilai, Head of National Investment Promotion and Franchise, came to the live broadcast room to share and discuss in-depth hot topics such as the current industry development trend, the digital transformation of pharmacies, and the franchise policy of Good Pharmacist.

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Special guest-General Manager Mr. Liu Huanghe explained the development trend of the industry

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Sharing guest-CTO Xu Bin shared "Digitalization Helps Business Upgrading"

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Sharing guest - Fan Jilai, the person in charge of national investment promotion, introduced the "Good Pharmacist Franchise Policy"

During the live broadcast, Mr. Liu Huanghe, General Manager of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy, shared the latest industry trends and emphasized the important measures of Good Pharmacist in the empowerment of pharmacies. CTO Xu Bin deeply analyzed how digitalization can empower pharmacy operations and improve franchisee experience from a technical perspective. Fan Jilai, the person in charge of national investment promotion and joining, introduced the franchise policy, franchise advantages and cooperation mode in detail, so that the audience has a more intuitive understanding and understanding of the franchise of good pharmacists.

After the live broadcast, the good pharmacist once again became the focus of market attention. Interested customers have consulted about joining matters and expressed a strong willingness to join. Good Pharmacist also actively responds to market enthusiasm and increases efforts to provide customers with a full range of high-quality services.


Pharmacy "soul torture" franchisee "show up"

Is it good to be a good pharmacist? Let's listen to what franchisees have to say.

The live broadcast room invited Ms. Zhao Ling, general manager of Hubei Good Pharmacist Shu Huitao chain, which has 12 franchised stores, and Chen Ruqian & Cheng Xiaoxing, owners of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy Puyue Store, to come to the scene to share their own road to entrepreneurship and prosperity.

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Zhao Ling, general manager of Hubei Good Pharmacist Shu Huitao chain

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Good Pharmacist Pharmacy Puyue Store Owner Chen Ruqian & Cheng Xiaoxing couple

Ms. Zhao Ling, as the general manager of Hubei Good Pharmacist Shu Huitao chain, said that after joining Good Pharmacist, she not only received help in brand support, product supply and marketing guidance, but also improved the operational efficiency and profitability of the store through training and management guidance from the headquarters. Chen Ruqian & Cheng Xiaoxing shared their experience of joining Good Pharmacist Pharmacy Puyue Store. Before joining, they were not familiar with the pharmaceutical retail industry, but Good Pharmacist provided perfect training and guidance to help them quickly get started and successfully operate their stores, especially the market influence and good reputation of the Good Pharmacist brand, which brought a steady stream of customers to their stores.


The service is upgraded again, and good pharmacists build a win-win ecology for joining

With the continuous change of market demand and the intensification of competition in the pharmaceutical retail industry, Good Pharmacist Pharmacy has always stood at the forefront of the industry, actively responded to challenges, and continuously optimized its service content. After two successful service upgrades, in 2024, Good Pharmacist Pharmacy will once again comprehensively upgrade its franchise services, with "Top Ten Franchise Advantages" and "Eight Module Empowerment" as the core to help franchisees achieve digital upgrades and improve the quality of operation, thereby greatly enhancing their competitiveness.

The live broadcast of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy 618 to join ended successfully, and more than one million people shared the trend of joining online!

Liu Huanghe, general manager of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy

This service upgrade is an in-depth insight and positive response to market trends and franchisee needs. Mr. Liu Huanghe, General Manager of Good Pharmacist Pharmacy, emphasized: "We should not only provide product output, but also deeply consider how to help small and medium-sized chain pharmacies and single pharmacies to achieve chaining and standardization, improve service quality, improve profitability, fundamentally solve their business pain points, and make up for shortcomings." ”

Looking forward to the future, Good Pharmacist will continue to be committed to empowering franchisees and continuously promoting brand development and market expansion. At the same time, we pay close attention to industry dynamics and market changes, constantly explore new service models and business areas, and provide more diversified and personalized service support for franchisees. Work together with more franchisee partners who are interested in the development of the pharmaceutical industry to create a better future together.