
This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe


On 21 June, Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" will vote on a bill to reform the legislature, and according to the Taiwan media, there will inevitably be a quarrel in the parliament tomorrow, and it is not even ruled out that "fierce conflicts" will break out again. You must know that on May 17, a number of Green Committee members were violently beaten by the Blue Committee and rushed to the hospital.


Click to play: Fu Laiying angrily denounced the DPP

In order to prevent the reform bill from finally taking effect, the green camp launched a flank and a blue bird to rush to the vicinity of the conference hall tomorrow to "protest"; The Blue Committee also did not show weakness, and also called on the Blue Bird to gather around the "Legislative Yuan" to support the reform bill. Anyway, the smell of gunpowder between the green camp and the blue camp is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that a slight spark can detonate. The Taiwan authorities have decided to arrange 500 police forces to maintain order tomorrow.

According to Taiwan media reports, Hong Shenhan, a member of the Green Committee, tried to sneak into the meeting hall with a sleeping bag in the afternoon, but this scene happened to be bumped into by Xu Qiaoxin, a member of the Blue Committee. Xu Qiaoxin was worried that Hong Shenhan would obstruct the voting on the reconsideration bill by frantically submitting the bill the next day, so he immediately asked Hong Shenhan why he wanted to take the sleeping bag.

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

This change completely alarmed the Blue Committee, and they rushed to the front of the meeting to put pressure on Hong Shenhan, including Fu Laiqing, the chief of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan caucus. Fu Laiqing immediately called Ke Jianming and scolded angrily: Didn't you say okay?

Previously, Ke Jianming had promised that he would not disrupt the voting order, and if the reconsideration bill was passed, the green camp would immediately submit a request for "constitutional interpretation". In the end, Hong Shenhan said that his waist has been uncomfortable recently, and he just put the soft sleeping bag in advance to the seat in the meeting room. Although this explanation did not convince the Blue Committee, it was finally dismissed.

Under the leadership of Fu Laiqing, at least 5 or 6 Blue Committee members and Fu Laiqing stayed outside the meeting hall at night to prevent the Green Committee from carrying out sneak attacks early in the morning and disrupting the voting in the meeting hall.

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

In fact, in addition to the green camp, the blue camp should be wary of the white camp, especially Huang Shanshan.

At present, the Blue Camp and the White Camp are in the stage of cooperation, but Huang Shanshan in the White Camp is an alternative, she has never been very "cold" to the Blue Committee, and has repeatedly criticized the chairman of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun and the bigwig Han Kuo-yu in public. More importantly, after the Kuomintang reached initial cooperation with the People's Party at the beginning of the year, it was at the instigation of Huang Shanshan that the chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, repented, and the Kuomintang lost some important vote sources, and Huang Shanshan was regarded as an "unfriendly object" by many Blue Committee members.

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

In the first vote on the reform bill, the other White Committee and the Green Committee "stumbled", and Huang Shanshan actually fell asleep on the table with her head covered. After Taiwan media exposed Huang Shanshan's on-site actions, she didn't think so, and even didn't make any excuses. It is not difficult to see that Huang Shanshan does not agree with "Blue and White Cooperation" deep down.

On the contrary, Huang Shanshan and the Green Committee often "eyebrows and eyebrows", some time ago the Green Committee Wu Siyao hosted Huang Shanshan at night, and the two talked very happily, and afterwards Wu Siyao wrote an article on social media, saying that there is not only "blue and white cooperation", but also "blue and white cooperation".

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

On the evening of 18 July, Han Kuo-yu, responsible person of Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan," hosted a banquet for Ko Wen-che, chairman of the People's Party, and a number of White Committee members, and the whole meal lasted two and a half hours. However, as the reconsideration bill is approaching, the content of the conversation must be very important, but it is such an important banquet, Huang Shanshan did not attend on the grounds that her family has been ill recently and needs someone to take care of her.

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

The next day, Huang Shanshan once again proposed to Ke Wenzhe the "green and white cooperation", one of the important reasons was that the blue camp was using the White Committee, and many of the bills proposed by the Blue Committee were successfully voted on with the help of the White Committee, and the White Committee members almost became the little brothers of the Blue Committee. There is another reason for rumors, the Blue Committee recently tried to claim the confiscated "party property" that was taken from the Blue Camp by the joint efforts of the Green Camp and the White Camp, and Huang Shanshan is worried that the Blue Camp still wants to take revenge on the White Camp.

This trick is really ruthless! On the eve of the green and blue "voting war", Huang Shanshan proposed a "green and white combination" to Ke Wenzhe

What exactly does Ke Wenzhe think? The Taiwanese media did not report it. What needs to be admitted is that although Ko Wenzhe supports the "blue-white cooperation" in the general direction, he also has differences with the Blue Committee members on certain issues, for example, Fu Lai-hsu has always advocated the establishment of a special investigation group after the reform bill takes effect to thoroughly investigate the outstanding malpractice cases of the Taiwan authorities in recent years.

It is estimated that there will be an answer to how long the "blue-white combination" will last, and whether the "green-white combination" will occur.

Original: Potatoes