
Terrible! I found that many self-media bloggers are really disappearing in batches

author:Everybody is a product manager
The cold wind in the workplace has blown to the circle of self-media - many bloggers have begun to choose to break off or even cancel their accounts due to economic pressure. Building a complete commercialization system from self-media bloggers to IP "one-person enterprises" is the way out for the vast majority of bloggers.
Terrible! I found that many self-media bloggers are really disappearing in batches

In the past two days, I have been focusing on cleaning up the official accounts I follow, because reading a lot of push content will make me anxious and internal, and too much cluttered information is easy to distract me from work.

That is, in the process of cleaning up, I found that many bloggers who had written good content before stopped changing, and even canceled their accounts, but those who created anxiety and nipple content accounts were more diligent every day...

Terrible! I found that many self-media bloggers are really disappearing in batches

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Later, I brushed up on a lot of articles about the collapse of self-media bloggers, and I couldn't help but think about why self-media bloggers are disappearing in batches, don't they all say that now is the era of everyone's self-media, why do so many people choose to exit the trend?

After some research, I found that the core reasons for the mass disappearance of self-media bloggers mainly appear in the following two levels; At the end, I will also give a way to break the game, I hope it can help you.

01 There are more and more self-media bloggers, and it is more difficult to make money

You'll find more and more bloggers with the slogan "freelancing to make money".

In fact, to put it bluntly, a group of unemployed people have been taken care of by self-media platforms. In particular, you will see a lot of Tencent, Byte, and Ali resignation bloggers on Douyin and Xiaohongshu, and most of them are either optimized by the workplace, or they are "talents" who can't get along in the workplace.

Yes, this situation has led to the intensification of the involution of peers in the field of self-media, and the cake itself is so big, and there are naturally people who can't make money and can't eat.

In addition to making it difficult to make money, the intensification of involution also affects the serious homogenization of field content.

We media people with a little common sense know that if you want to get the favor of system recommendation traffic, the fastest shortcut is to follow the popular style, which leads to the consistency of many bloggers in the field in the topic selection content, which not only makes it difficult to obtain traffic, but also makes many people lose their desire to express themselves over time and feel that it is boring to be self-media.

In addition, for self-media bloggers, the instability of income, the internal friction of work data anxiety, and the enthusiasm for continuous content creation are also influencing factors!

02 The brand has no money and wants to do its own IP influence

Yes, many brands don't have the money to do marketing, and they can't raise money.

Because I used to work and was exposed to marketing, I saw a lot of PRs in the previous brand circles saying that the company's budget was tight and there was no money for promotion.

The vast majority of bosses no longer consider spending money on product promotion, that is, not doing a lot of blogger grass content. It is more necessary to cooperate with cost-effective bloggers to achieve the integration of quality and efficiency, that is, to give the brand a lot of exposure at the same time, but also to convert users and increase turnover.

Due to the rising promotion costs of bloggers and platforms, many brand companies are already on the way to do founder IP and employee IP.

Like Yu Minhong of New Oriental, Lei Jun of Xiaomi, Zhou Hongyi of 360, Li Bin of Weilai, Li Xiang of Li Auto and many other bigwigs, they have entered the short video as the founder IP, and the achievements of using IP influence to empower the development of enterprises are obvious to all.

After all, a good founder IP can save the company hundreds or tens of millions of advertising expenses every year in marketing costs!

Another example is the quiet incident of "second batch" overturning a while ago, from the business level, many companies have realized that they want to matrix employee IP.

In fact, it is to let employees do brand promotion for the content produced by the enterprise. This is also a disguised job grab from media bloggers, after all, staff costs are low and controllable, and KPIs can be used to motivate employees to improve the quality of content.

Because of this series of market changes, I often encounter many bloggers who communicate with me, saying that in the past, when the market was good, there were 7 Prs a week to talk about cooperation, and I could also encounter brand advertisements from many large manufacturers; But now it is not easy to receive 2 compliant and insured advertisements a week, and most of them are low-cost spam advertisements.

Therefore, the decrease in business orders has also led to the loss of most bloggers who make a living from pure content creation, and lack of their main source of income; If you don't have enough to eat, of course, you won't take the time to continue making content.

03 How to break the situation if the self-media blogger wants to survive?

For me, I did not position myself as a pure content-based self-media blogger, but used self-media to amplify the influence of my own IP; And in the back-end, we will provide corresponding products and services to solve some of the pain points of target users and obtain IP entrepreneurial income.

In this way, I don't do self-media for the sake of self-media, and I don't rely on the income of advertisers and the income of platform traffic owners, so that the instability of economic sources and the ability to resist risks will be much stronger.

So, I share with you some thoughts on ordinary people who are self-media bloggers through the current cycle:

1) Towards an IP "one-person enterprise" with multiple channels of income

This year is a year for self-media bloggers to consider whether to transform and find their own stable way to monetize and generate income. Either combine your influence to integrate and monetize resources, or do your own IP "one-person enterprise".

From the opinion of most of the people I contacted, the IP-based "one-person enterprise" should be more suitable for most self-media bloggers, that is, to provide products and services to solve the needs and pain points of certain types of target users, and to do a good job in delivery to obtain entrepreneurial income; Of course, if you have the ability and energy, you can also make multiple products to get multiple incomes.

Yes, not only to do a good job of content to make explosive models, but also to think about business advertising, users, products, sales, delivery, after-sales, etc.; This kind of transformation will also force the comprehensive input learning of self-media bloggers, and the more involution, the more we must continue to learn to maintain competitiveness.

2) Don't work behind closed doors, peers are a mirror

People who do not have a utilitarian heart to "copy" homework will take many detours. We-media entrepreneurship is actually copying, copying the operation model, copying the popular content, copying the business model... To put it bluntly, peers are used to "copy" first and then "super".

There are already people in the same field who have achieved big results, and you are still working hard and can't find the direction and method, which is a typical closed-door operation; If you want to break the game, you have to go to the big guy in the industry who has got the results to copy it and pay to learn.

3) Don't break the change and occupy the ecological niche

You have to know that fans have no loyalty, and a user of the same type of blogger will follow at least 5; A blogger who is constantly active and updated is an ecological niche for his followers to occupy his attention to you.

What is Ecological Niche? For example, when you think of "carbonated drinks", you think of Coca-Cola. When you think of "fried chicken", you think of KFC.

When you are not active in front of the user, then you may be replaced by someone else, after all, the most important thing in this world is "back waves".

Therefore, the frequency of updates should be slowed down, and the updates should not be interrupted; Hold on, and you'll win!

Write at the end

In the context of the self-media market with serious involution, building a complete commercialization system from self-media bloggers to IP "one-person enterprises" is the way out for the vast majority of bloggers.

Of course, I don't recommend that you abandon your main business and choose a full-time self-media IP business; As long as you can obtain a stable income from your main business, there will be no excessive anxiety and internal friction when you do self-media IP commercialization part-time.


Uncle Seven, public account: Lao Qi Entrepreneurship Notes, everyone is a product manager columnist. Focus on self-media IP content marketing, good at content traffic tactics and various traffic integration methods.

This article was originally published by Everyone is a Product Manager and is prohibited from reprinting without permission

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