
I'm a class flower, and after becoming an elementary school teacher, my marriage is completely over

author:Chen Ruoyu who writes the story


The night before the wedding, Song Jiayu received a text message.

Around one o'clock in the morning, although it was an unfamiliar number, she knew that Wei Huai sent it.

He said, "I wish you happiness." ”

Song Jiayu looked at this word coldly, didn't reply anything, just threw her phone aside, she lay on the window in a daze, the moon outside the window was very light, and the city was about to sleep.

Wei Huai's text message was still like a pebble messing up her heart.


Wei Huai is Song Jiayu's ex-husband.

Song Jiayu has been very beautiful since she was a child, she was 1.72 meters tall when she was in junior high school, and she was regarded as a class flower in junior high school and high school, so she is a little proud of some beauties.

Wei Huai is her classmate, and she has been chasing her since the second year of junior high school, and a scumbag began to study hard for her to change her temperament, and she was admitted to the same key high school as her. Song Jiayu, like many girls, was moved by such a long-term infatuation, and Wei Huai's family background is good, but he is average-looking, very tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, because of her change in his opinion, even a few pimples on his face are pleasing to the eye.

The two finally started to fall in love, sweet and beautiful. Even if her friends around her don't understand, she still chooses to follow her heart.

During the college entrance examination, probably because they were in love, neither of them played well, they took a junior college exam, and during the internship period after graduation, both parents knew that they were in love, so as soon as they graduated, they urged them to get married.

Wei Huai's family does business, it is good in the county, he learns to do business with his parents at home, and Song Jiayu is a primary school teacher, picking up children with the school bus every day, because she is beautiful and eye-catching, many parents remember this beautiful teacher Song Jiayu.

When it came to getting married, she felt that it was a little too fast, and she was a little unhappy in her heart, so in the matter of having children, Song Jiayu decided to follow her heart, fight for her career, and regenerate a few years later.

Wei Huai held Song Jiayu in the palm of her hand, she always said what she said, and when the two got married, the money given by their parents was also a lot, and it was more than enough to live in the county.

After two years of marriage, Song Jiayu suddenly felt that Wei Huai was a little cold to herself, but she didn't think much about it, the idea she had been instilled since she was a child was that love would be gone when she got married, not to mention that Wei Huai was also very busy. It wasn't until the new male teacher at the school suddenly confessed to Song Jiayu that she was startled.

The male teacher's name is Chen Qi, thin and tall, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and he always wears a white vest after school to shoot alone, which caused a sensation among the female teachers as soon as he came to the school.

When Song Jiayu embarrassed and apologetically said that she was married, Chen Qi looked incredulous, "I'm sorry, I really didn't see it." ”

In the past, Wei Huai always came to the school to look for her, and sometimes accompanied her to work overtime to prepare for classes, but now he rarely shows up, and it is normal for this male teacher not to know that she is married.

After returning home, Song Jiayu mentioned this matter to Wei Huai, he looked vigilant, and came over to hug Song Jiayu, "It seems that I still have to go to school, lest you be abducted." ”

As a result, what Song Jiayu didn't expect was that the person who was abducted was not her, but Wei Huai.


In the years when Wei Huai chased Song Jiayu, he actually got very close to a girl, but in Song Jiayu's eyes, that girl was not even a rival in love, so she didn't take it to heart.

The girl's name, Song Jiayu also knows, is Lin Wanqiu.

Lin Wanqiu is not tall, her skin is not white, she has small eyes, and she is a little fat, but I don't know why, she seems to be very popular among boys, and several boys chased her in the third year of junior high school, but she didn't agree to any of them, and it was rumored that she liked Wei Huai.

In high school, Lin Wanqiu was not admitted to a key high school, and they lost contact.

Recently, Song Jiayu discovered that Wei Huai actually had a connection with Lin Wanqiu.

At the end of last year, junior high school classmates held a class reunion, and Song Jiayu didn't attend the parent-teacher meeting at that time, Wei Huai went to attend it herself, and when she came back, she talked to her about the current situation of many classmates, but Lin Wanqiu was not mentioned.

How did Song Jiayu find out?

She has always been confident, from love to marriage, she has never checked Wei Huai's mobile phone, that day she used his mobile phone to watch TV, the network is not good and she can't watch it, she opened his WeChat by magic.

Wei Huai and Lin Wanqiu's chat history is like a boulder, smashing her world to pieces, in fact, there is no excessive ambiguous content, let alone a record of cheating, but three meals a day, morning, noon and evening greet each other, Lin Wanqiu all reply in seconds, and will send some meat emojis, and even ask about Song Jiayu, and ask Wei Huai if he dares to let Song Jiayu know that he chased her and the like, and Wei Huai is as diligent as when he chased her, gave her some milk tea, and made an appointment to meet, and she has not gotten such courtesy for a long time.

How could a proud person like Song Jiayu accept it?

She showed the record to Wei Huai and filed for divorce, Wei Huai thought she was joking, he explained that Song Jiayu had always rejected him before, and a group of boys often played with Lin Wanqiu, many people chased Lin Wanqiu, and he also jokingly chased her for two days, with no result at all.

After graduating from junior high school, they never kept in touch, but they added it the last time they attended a class reunion, and they chatted normally like ordinary classmates.

Song Jiayu looked at Wei Huai coldly, he gained a lot of weight after marriage, and the whole person looked like a greasy middle-aged man, and she has always maintained her figure and maintained it properly, and the two of them will usher in a lot of attention when they go out, but this is such a man, after getting married, he will have other thoughts after a long time.

Song Jiayu suddenly felt that there was an indescribable sadness enveloping her from head to toe, she thought that Wei Huai would be infatuated with her for a lifetime, she really had this confidence.

When I fell in love with him and married him, many friends felt sorry for the two of them, but even so, he could still change his mind for a woman he never got.

Song Jiayu's self-confidence collapsed, it turned out that in marriage, it is useless to be beautiful, and love alone is useless.

Song Jiayu insisted on divorce, Wei Huai refused, the two quarreled for nearly a year, Song Jiayu could only move back to her parents' house, and she couldn't see him anymore.

In the end, Wei Huai agreed to the divorce.


Wei Huai and Lin Wanqiu actually fell in love.

There are many friends who know each other together, and someone told Song Jiayu that Wei Huai and Lin Wanqiu went to the park for a run together, and Lin Wanqiu said that Wei Huai was too fat and unhealthy.

Song Jiayu sat in the office, trembling with anger, she wanted to call and scold Wei Huai, but she still restrained herself.

The female teacher who had a good relationship on the side also comforted her, fortunately she was divorced, and she should be happy, otherwise she would be cheated on one day sooner or later.

Chen Qi listened silently and didn't dare to interject, but a small hope burned in his heart.

He likes Song Jiayu, he likes it as soon as he enters school, he was sad for a long time when he knew that she was married, and now he knows that she is divorced but has an immoral snickering joy.

After Song Jiayu's divorce, she devoted herself to work to numb the pain caused by marriage, many people said that Song Jiayu was because of Wei Huai's good family background, but in fact, among the people who chased her, there were more people who were richer than Wei Huai, and she had feelings for Wei Huai, and it was precisely because of this that she was difficult to accept.

When she got divorced, her parents persuaded her, Wei Huai didn't cheat, she was good to her and them, but she just couldn't accept it.

A person, why does he have to compromise and seek perfection in a good way.

Two years after the divorce, I heard that Wei Huai and Lin Wanqiu broke up, and after being single, Wei Huai remembered Song Jiayu again, and proposed to remarry, but Song Jiayu ignored him.

Now Song Jiayu has completely let go, and since the past is indelible, let him sink to the bottom of his heart.

Occasional remembrance, occasional nostalgia, but in no way affect the present life.


Chen Qi only started chasing Song Jiayu half a year after her divorce.

Song Jiayu directly and decisively refused, she said, "I don't want to fall in love, I don't want to get married, and I don't want an office romance." ”

Chen Qi said, "Then I'll wait for you to change your mind." ”

Song Jiayu was on a whim, but he didn't expect Chen Qi to wait for a year and a half, and in the past year and a half, he greeted Song Jiayu with cold and warmth, but he was very good at grasping the measure and not disgusting, and he liked and waited carefully, but he was not too popular.

Gradually, my colleagues saw it.

In fact, Chen Qi's conditions are also very good, he loves to play ball and sports, he keeps his figure very well, his parents are also teachers, his grandparents opened a farmhouse in the county, and several of their colleagues have been invited to dinner.

However, Song Jiayu felt that she was moved by the reason she had chased Wei Huai long enough, and this time she didn't want to do this, she wanted to like it. She believes that the feeling of liking someone is more precious than being liked.

If you like it, you will be enthusiastic about Akagi, full of a beautiful vision of life, and be liked, and in the end, if you are not liked, you will lose the initiative.

It's just that even Song Jiayu herself doesn't know that she has gradually become interested in Chen Qi.

Until one day Chen Qi was injured, the two parents came to school because of the child's fight, and they moved their hands again in the office, Song Jiayu was also involved in the fight, and was almost hit in the face by the thermos cup in the parents' hands, and it was Chen Qi who rushed over and beat her for her. The old-fashioned hero saves the beauty, but it works.

The parents immediately stopped when they saw the teacher, Chen Qi's cheekbones were bruised, Song Jiayu immediately accompanied him to the school doctor's office, and Song Jiayu quickly apologized.

Chen Qi applied medicine after applying ice compresses, and Song Jiayu accompanied him back to the office, and both of them walked very slowly.

Song Jiayu said, "Thank you." ”

Chen Qi glanced at her, and after she looked at each other, she immediately turned her face to look out the window, it was recess, the children were cheering downstairs, the June sun was scorching, and the air was full of heat waves. Song Jiayu discussed with Chen Qi how to deal with this matter, and after returning to the office, several female teachers teased them.

"Teacher Song, you have to invite our Teacher Chen to dinner in the evening."

Previously, they had also joked with Chen Qi, but she didn't feel anything, but today was different, she blushed inexplicably.

Chen Qi also said, "Yes, Mr. Song, you have to invite me to dinner." ”

Song Jiayu said, "Okay, okay, I'm in for a treat." ”

In the evening, Song Jiayu not only invited Chen Qi, but also invited all the teachers in their grade to dinner. Everyone was very interested, and they dispersed after eating, leaving only Chen Qi and Song Jiayu, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle again.

The night breeze was cool, the moonlight was faint, and the county town was not so brightly lit, and the two of them scattered along the street, probably for fear of embarrassment, Chen Qi had been taking the initiative to find a topic.

Song Jiayu also began to really understand Chen Qi from this time, his parents are in free love, the relationship is very good, originally his father had the opportunity to go to the school in the city, but in order to stay with his mother. They still live in a small house assigned by the school, and as soon as Chen Qi joined the work, they kicked him out and let him live on his own, only to go home on weekends.

Song Jiayu can hear that their family atmosphere is very good, unlike Wei Huai, her parents are busy with business, and the two parents talk like they are quarrelling, and in the two years since she married him, she didn't say a few words to her in-laws, and sometimes she called her over to serve as a façade when talking about business, after all, her appearance and her work are top-notch in the county.

Song Jiayu was distracted for a while, looked up at Chen Qi, and he was still talking.

People say that if you like someone, you will have a filter for him, she looked at Chen Qi talking at the moment, and found that he was very handsome, with sparse eyebrows and high spirits, and looked at her from time to time when he spoke, suddenly, she remembered that a fifth-grade girl wrote him a confession letter last summer, Song Jiayu thought of this, and laughed.

"Teacher Song, what are you laughing at?"

Song Jiayu shook her head, but her mouth couldn't stop rising.

Half of the moon hid behind the clouds, looking at them shyly.


The wound on Chen Qi's face took ten days to dissipate.

In the past ten days, the relationship between Song Jiayu and Chen Qi has improved by leaps and bounds, and almost every day he uses going to the infirmary as an excuse to ask her to go with him. Song Jiayu didn't expose it, he was almost careful on the table.

The female teachers snickered in private, and their faces were hurt, not their feet.

The relationship between the two is attracted to each other and affects each other, and Chen Qi also knows that Song Jiayu treats him differently than before, so he is more daring.

Chen Qi asked her to dinner, and she didn't refuse, one day or two, sometimes he didn't leave when he didn't have class, and sat in the office to accompany her to prepare for class until late at night, just to send her home.

Chen Qi was finally about to confess, Song Jiayu could feel his excitement, and snickered in his heart, he had obviously been in love, how could he make it look like he was in love for the first time.

Chen Qi saved Song Jiayu in her lover, she specially put on makeup to go to the appointment, but before Chen Qi confessed, she took the lead in making a confession.

She said, "Although I don't think there is anything wrong with divorce, the world still thinks that divorce is inferior, and I know you don't care about it, after all, you watched me get divorced, but what do your family think?" I don't want to be with you because of this incident that will affect my life. ”

Chen Qi smiled when he heard this, and his face was full of anticipation: "I haven't confessed yet, do you mean that you promised me?" ”

Song Jiayu was not polite, "If you don't want to confess, I'll take it back." ”

Chen Qi hurriedly said, "Of course, of course!" What does it matter if you divorce, in this era, besides, my parents are also married for the second time......"

This was something Song Jiayu never expected, Chen Qi said that when his mother met his father, it had been two years since her first husband died, and his father was desperate for his mother, and after chasing him for a long time, they finally became a couple, and the two have a good relationship until now. Song Jiayu heard Chen Qi talk about his parents' love, and when he heard it, he was fascinated by it, and completely forgot that he was being confessed.

It was Chen Qi who reacted first, "I haven't confessed yet." ”

Song Jiayu's face was hot, but she smiled calmly, "I haven't agreed yet." ”

Chen Qi confessed seriously, he liked Song Jiayu, at first it was indeed her beauty that attracted him, and then he knew that she was quite disappointed when she was married, and he was also despicably happy for a long time when he knew that she was divorced, but he suppressed his excitement and planned to wait for her to slow down before confessing, and now he has waited for her for two years, even before he decided to confess today, he was not sure of it, but now Song Jiayu's words made him completely relieved.

When Chen Qi said this, the corners of his eyes were also moist, and Song Jiayu supported his arms and cheeks to watch him confess, there was no exaggeration, no falsehood, only sincerity.

When he walked out of the restaurant that night, Chen Qi took Song Jiayu's hand for the first time.

Both of them trembled a little.


After half a year of love, Chen Qi proposed to Song Jiayu.

He really didn't lie, his parents didn't have any idea about Song Jiayu's divorce, respected Chen Qi's choices, and said that Song Jiayu was so beautiful, it was really his blessing to be able to fall in love with Chen Qi and improve their family's genes.

Song Jiayu's parents are also very supportive of their daughter's choice to remarry, in their opinion, Chen Qi and Song Jiayu are more right, and his family is better.

It's just that after Song Jiayu experienced a marriage, she wanted to be cautious, so she was still hesitating.

Chen Qi was not angry, he said, "You have experienced a marriage, a little hesitant, I can understand it." ”

Song Jiayu was deeply moved by Chen Qi's understanding and thoughtfulness.

Proposed here, Wei Huai was still remarrying that year, and he went to school to find Song Jiayu once, Chen Qi, as Song Jiayu's boyfriend, naturally didn't give them a chance to be alone, the teachers all went to lunch, he didn't eat lunch, sat in the office and pretended to work, but his eyes went back and forth on the two of them.

Song Jiayu didn't disappoint Chen Qi either, she had already blocked all Wei Huai's contact information, and she didn't expect him to come to school this time, so she only said two words and let him go. There are already teachers who have come back from eating, and Wei Huai knows these teachers, and he is embarrassed to continue pestering.

As soon as Wei Huai left, Song Jiayu sent a WeChat message to Chen Qi, "What, are you jealous?" ”

Chen Qihui, who was sitting diagonally across from her, said, "I'm not jealous, but how can I be indifferent?" ”

Song Jiayu smiled, "Then what do you want?" ”

Chen Qi said, "I just want to marry you quickly." ”

Song Jiayu smiled again, looking at the teachers who came in one after another, she restrained her laughter, but her heart was full of joy.

After another half a year, Song Jiayu decided to marry Chen Qi, I don't know how Wei Huai knew, and came to send blessings again, it has been more than once, Song Jiayu did not reply, and blocked this strange number again.

In fact, she did not regret marrying Wei Huai, but she was even more grateful that she firmly chose to divorce at that time.

Song Jiayu has experienced a marriage, and her friends advised her to be cautious when remarrying, but she has already thought very clearly, and she is still young, has a career and a family, and has the confidence to accept marital changes.

No matter what the future holds, she just wants to enjoy the happiness in front of her.