
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever

author:Colorful Mausoleum City v Sun Song

In this sea of gorgeous flowers, I walked along a highway that led to poetry and distance. The sky is as soft as blue silk, and it is dotted with dreamy clouds, purple and pink, as if it were a dream on the horizon. The mountains are gently outlined in the distance, like ancient poems, telling the quiet of the years.

Every step is a romantic encounter with nature, and every moment is worthy of being remembered by time. Thanks to this flowery field, I can appreciate the purest beauty of life. May we all find our own peaceful sea of flowers in this noisy world.

Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever
Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever

In this noisy world, sometimes we need some gentle strength to soothe the heart. And the four words "flowers bloom like poetry" are like the most beautiful interpretation of life - there is not only the splendor when it blooms, but also the elegance in the quiet.

Each flower has its own story, and when they quietly open, it seems to tell the secret of life. Every bloom is a rebirth, and every withering is a reincarnation.

Just like depicted in the poem, there are endless philosophies and insights between the blossoms and falls. The footsteps of spring are coming gently, bringing the spring colors of the garden, but also bringing those surprises hidden among the branches. The cherry blossoms are like snow, fluttering romantic; The peach blossoms are like fire, burning with passion; Peony is proud of the frost, showing luxury...... Each flower is writing the poem of life in its own unique way. When we stop to look at these beautiful flowers, we might as well experience the beauty of that moment with our hearts.

Let the mood flutter with the wind, and let the worries drift away with the petals. There may be too many unsatisfactory things in life, but as long as we are willing, we can always find a poetic life in the time when a flower blooms. At this moment, I want to share this beauty with you: #花开如诗# May you and I find a peace and tranquility in this flowery world. Let us learn to grow as tenaciously and gracefully as a flower, and strive to bloom towards the sun, no matter how stormy the wind and rain are. May your day be as poetic as a flower, and every smile will be filled with the taste of happiness. Grasp the rhythm of life and feel the temperature of the years. Because in this world, there is nothing more precious than having a mood as beautiful as poetry. So, please remember: no matter when and where, with the love of flowers blooming like poetry, to meet a more beautiful scenery and a better self!

Flowers bloom and fall, the years reincarnate, only beauty lasts forever