
"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

author:Chai San talks about history


He talked about the ancient saying of the mainland, "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil", and discussed the retribution brought by good and evil behavior, as well as reflection on the truth of history. In particular, the film and television work "Da Yangge" is recommended, which arouses people's conjecture about history and cherishes today through the true reproduction of the bully Liu Wencai.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

Good and evil are not compatible

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

There is an old saying that "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil", which means that if you do good things, you will have good retribution, and if you do bad things, you will have evil retribution. This sentence tells us to think twice about what we do, because there will be retribution for good and evil, and there will be no exceptions. However, some people think that doing some superficial good deeds can offset their evil deeds, and even erase the stigma of history. This is impossible, because the retribution of good and evil has its own law, and no one can control it.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!
"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

History and Truth

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

Recently, Liu Wencai's descendants have tried to rehabilitate him and "return history to its original state", but as a person with a conscience in the East, we cannot turn a blind eye to history. Liu Wencai's use of the money to build a nursing home in his old age by squeezing the people to obtain wealth, and the use of thistles to beat the people who dared to be angry and dare not speak up when he was alive are not good deeds. Just like what we say now, "good people can't stop when they can't do bad things", Liu Wencai's evil deeds cannot be covered up.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!
"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

The Mirror of Art and Historical Reflection

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

How can we make people understand the past, cherish the present and look forward to the future? The author recommends an excellent film and television work here: "Da Yangge". Through the true reproduction of the history of the Great Purge, Eastern Henan, Sichuan during the Anti-Japanese War, the play highlights the advantages of the new era with artistic contrast, and interprets the inevitability of historical progress through the fate of the characters.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

In the play, Sichuan bully Liu Wencai is portrayed as a "cow, ghost, snake and god"-style character: he is not only synonymous with the landlord overlord and the people's fatness, but also a wolf-hearted dog and a mourning person. In order to satisfy his appetite, he snatched milk from the mother for the "first time", and even made drinking human milk part of his sex; In order to squeeze the people and keep his career in the officialdom of the Golden Bottle, he did everything he could, including killing Communist Party members and members of peasant associations.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

As a form of literature and art, film and television works convey the aesthetic orientation, values and world view of the main creators to the audience through the reproduction and reshaping of historical events, characters and thoughts. It is based on this that "Da Yangge" can dig deep into the crimes of Liu Wencai and other evil forces, show the great victory of Qingming and the people as the masters of the country after the establishment of the New Oriental Power, and let the audience see the real heroes and negative teaching materials in history.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!
"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

Liu Wencai's hypocrisy

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

Liu Wencai's descendants washed the ground for him, claiming that he had built "a town office and a primary school", and he was also "the first son of the Liu family to open a nursing home in Jixian County". If these statements are true, then Liu Wencai would not have the titles of "bully in the eyes of the common people" and "beating people with thistle" when he was alive back then.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

Let's take the fact that he built a primary school, what is the purpose of Liu Wencai's school? How much money did he come up with to build the school? How many students has the school really served? If it is just to wash the floor for himself and leave the "name of filial piety and love for the young" to future generations, this so-called good deed will not be able to cover up his other evil deeds. On the contrary, these hypocritical acts can only be better illustrated: "Liu Wencai can't be a good person, but the evil person has been doing it." ”

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

As for the nursing home, it must be to give yourself a place to enjoy when you are old. But we can't forget how much wealth he had in Liu Wencai's era, how ruthless he was in oppressing the people, and how cruel he was to the people around him. And how much did it cost him to build a nursing home? How many elderly people have you really served?

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!
"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!


"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!

History cannot be tampered with, and whether it is good or evil, there will be corresponding rewards. The film and television work "Da Yangge" shows the truth of history in an artistic way and arouses the audience's reflection on the present. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, let us cherish today, correctly understand history, and never forget our original intention. This drama allows people to see the negative teaching materials in history, and it also makes us cherish the happy life now.

"Liu Wencai, drink human milk", has he ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son reveals the truth!