
These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

Lovers of flowers and succulents often fall into the trap carefully set by merchants while chasing the beautiful. From the succulent "medicine brocade" that looks dazzling on the outside, to the beautifully packaged flowers with rotten roots, to the fraudulent act of using plastic flowers to pass off as real plants, these "junk flowers" not only waste the money of flower lovers, but also hurt their enthusiasm and trust. I sincerely suggest that you expose these "garbage flowers" as soon as possible, and you can't continue to harm flower friends, and you can't give them away for free.

These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

1. Fleshy that has been medicated

Succulents are popular for their rich colors and varied shapes, but there are also many unscrupulous merchants in the market who will apply various chemicals to ordinary succulents in order to change their color or form in pursuit of quick profits. This behavior not only deprives the succulent of its natural beauty, but can also cause long-term damage to the health of the plant.

How to tell? Authentic succulent color should be natural and even, not overly gaudy or unusual in one part. In addition, observing the growth of succulents and whether the leaves are normal is also an important basis for judging its authenticity.

These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

2. Flowers that have rotten roots

When buying flowers, pay special attention to the health of their root systems. In order to reduce costs or sell expired plants, some unscrupulous merchants often carefully prune or cover the flowers with new soil that have severely rotted roots to hide their essence. These flowers often fail to survive in a short period of time, bringing great disappointment and loss to flower lovers.

How to tell? When buying, you can gently pluck the flowers to see if their root system is tight and if there are signs of rot. At the same time, pay attention to the color and touch of the leaves of the plant, as well as whether they are growing in a healthy state.

These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

3. Real flowers masquerading as plastic flowers

This is one of the most common fraud tactics in the market. In pursuit of high profits, some merchants will disguise plastic flowers or other artificial floral products as real flowers and then sell them at the price of natural flowers. This kind of behavior not only deceives consumers' buying trust, but also seriously damages the credibility of the entire flower market.

How to tell? The petals and leaves of real flowers often have a natural sheen and touch, while plastic flowers appear too smooth and stiff. In addition, the petals can be gently touched with your hands, and if there are vivid touches and subtle details, it is likely to be real flowers.

These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

4. A potted plant made of a variety of flowers

While mixing and matching potted plants is often visually appealing, there are many pitfalls in actual conservation. In order to beautify the appearance of bonsai, some merchants may mix different species or growth habits in a potted plant. Such a combination of plants can easily lead to nutrient competition, pest and disease spreading, and uneven growth, which can affect the overall growth condition.

How to tell? When choosing a potted plant, you can carefully observe the growth and health status of each plant to see if there are any signs that certain plants are clearly unsuitable or have pests and diseases.

These "garbage flowers" should be exposed as soon as possible, and they can no longer harm flower friends, and they can't be given away for free

When buying potted plants, it is recommended that flower lovers choose reputable merchants or experienced growers, and avoid choosing flowers from unknown sources for the sake of cheapness. Only in this way can we avoid falling into the trap of "junk flowers" and enjoy a truly healthy and beautiful plant world. It is hoped that the above content can help more flower friends to avoid detours in the process of flower selection and maintenance, and jointly promote a good flower market order.
