
Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

author:Baiyun Obo released

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest
Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest
Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

I will tell you the story of the party

Strive to be a red scarf docent

Childlike heart to the party to grow up happily

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest
Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of children and the Young Pioneers, take the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, give full play to the characteristics of the Young Pioneers' practice and education, and continue to do a good job in the echelon construction and practical experience activities of "red scarf explainers", on June 18, the third red scarf docent competition in Baiyun Obo Mining Area was sponsored by the Youth League District Committee, the District Education Bureau, and the District Young Pioneers Working Committee, and co-organized by the District Culture and Tourism Bureau, with a total of 11 red scarf docents participating in the competition.

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest


In the competition, the red scarf commentators closely focused on the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping's hopes and requirements for children and teenagers, the 75-year glorious course of the Chinese Youth Pioneers under the leadership of the party, the story of national unity and progress, the story of the pioneer role model, the 60th anniversary of the deeds of the little sisters of the grassland heroes, and the ten-year development and changes of Inner Mongolia. The red scarf commentators are generous, full of affection, and the emotional explanations and touching stories are very infectious, fully demonstrating the spirit of the young pioneers in the new era of our district to keep up with the times, forge ahead, and take on the promising, and the wonderful explanation won the applause of the judges and the audience.

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

Award Presentation Session

After fierce competition, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, 5 excellence awards, and 2 excellent instructor awards were finally selected.

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

Excellent instructors

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

First prize

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest


Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest


Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

Award of Excellence

A good player in the new era

In the next step, the Youth League and District Committee will continue to give full play to the advantages of the Young Pioneers' organization and practice in educating people, continue to promote the practice of "Red Scarf Explainers" to go deeper and more practical, and guide the vast number of Young Pioneers in the region to draw spiritual sources from the infiltration of red culture, and strive to be good team members in the new era with ideals, noble character and all-round development.

Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest

Source: Youth Baiyun Obo

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Xin

Editor: Wu Xiaoya

Editor-in-charge: House Xuan

Editor: Xing Tian


Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest
Red scarves love the motherland | Wonderful! This red scarf explainer contest