
How does Bondex, a decentralized recruitment platform, break the dilemma of traditional platforms?


Original author: 1912212.eth

原文来源:Foresight News

There are two types of talent recruitment around the world, one is the acquaintance recommendation type, and the other is the recruitment platform APP. The former relies on trust, while the latter relies on screening. Generally speaking, when a company recruits talents, it often pays a high fee on multiple recruitment platforms to obtain resumes and other information, and then conducts a large number of screenings through personnel, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The acquaintance recommendation type can often save costs for the enterprise, after all, there is the trust of acquaintances as an endorsement.

If everything can be decentralized in the Web3 world, why can't talent acquisition? Bondex integrates traditional recruitment and acquaintance referrals, and shares referral rewards with platform revenue to users. Bondex recently closed a $4 million funding round with participation from Animoca Brands and others. In addition, at the end of March this year, a public sale was launched on CoinList, raising more than $6.5 million for a single $0.08 each.

What is Bondex?

Bondex is a distributed talent network that supports Web3 and gives Web3 Natives and beginners the opportunity to find jobs by creating a decentralized talent marketplace.

Bondex incentivizes all users by tokenizing rewards, and users can play one or more roles: talent, introducer, recruiter, or employer.

Bondex incentivizes users to actively participate in the growth of the network through tokens, which is just one thing, and the second is that users' network data is no longer owned by the platform, but is owned and controlled by users. In addition, the value-sharing model can improve the transparency and efficiency of the recruitment process and reduce the cost of recruitment.

Whether you are a job seeker or a recruiter, you need to deposit BOND points after logging in to their recruitment website or downloading the app to perform subsequent operations on Bondex. These points can be earned by filling in the profile or by purchasing them directly. However, if the screening of information such as resumes is not passed, or the recipient rejects the request or does not respond within 14 days, or finally fails to pass the screening stage, it will be defined as a failure and BOND points will be deducted. These points have a certain weight in obtaining token airdrops.

Similarities and differences in differentiation

The basic operations are similar to those of traditional recruitment platforms

Unlike some Web3 applications, Bondex actively absorbs the benefits of traditional recruitment platforms, rather than just issuing tokens. Bondex has launched its apps not only on PC, but also on more user-accessible channels, such as Apple and Google Play Stores. Bondex has also launched BOND points as a reward for users to complete their profile, etc., similar to traditional platforms, which can be used for resume recommendations, unlocking new features, and more.

How does Bondex, a decentralized recruitment platform, break the dilemma of traditional platforms?

In terms of user experience, it is no different from traditional recruitment websites, which greatly lowers the threshold for new users to adapt.

How does Bondex, a decentralized recruitment platform, break the dilemma of traditional platforms?

It is worth mentioning that Bondex also received a donation in May this year to develop the Telegram Mini app on TON, which is scheduled to be officially launched in Q3 this year.

What's the difference?

The referral bonus is clearly priced

Bondex introduced referral bonuses as incentives that allow participants to earn fiat currency, stablecoins, or tokens. How is this approach different from traditional Web2 giants? The answer lies in scope, and in the past, only employees of giant companies were eligible to share referrals, but Bondex opens up the channel to everyone. In addition, not all talent uses multiple job search apps, and even some real talent is hidden on Twitter, TG, etc., and now users can simply share the link with the referrer, and the referrer can apply through the link.

In addition, in the past, the bonuses for referral hires were not transparent, but Bondex clearly marked all the referral bonuses to improve transparency and incentivize users to promote.

How does Bondex, a decentralized recruitment platform, break the dilemma of traditional platforms?

For example, the position in the figure will be marked in a prominent position with the reward amount for successful recommendation. This means that the bonus will be awarded to the candidate when he or she is successfully hired and regularized.

Reduce recruitment costs

In traditional platform recruitment, recruiters need to spend a lot of time and energy to screen candidates, in addition, recruiters also need to pay a large amount of membership fees on the platform to download resumes and view the talent pool. When it comes to headhunter recruitment, the fees paid will be higher. Most of the fees are paid to third-party intermediaries. That's not to say they don't have any value, but rather that they're relatively costly.

Bondex focuses on the talent pool in the Web3 space, both for job seekers and recruiters, and because it is positioned vertically enough, it saves a lot of time for both parties. In addition, Bondex will leverage machine learning and an internal talent assessment team to review candidates' skills and suitability based on the specific position, followed by testing and interviews, to quickly review and verify authenticity for business owners and reduce recruitment costs.

The platform's revenue is shared with users

As an intermediate platform, the traditional recruitment platform obtains a large number of job seekers and resume information for free, but the users do not get any benefits from the platform. On the contrary, information data is sold to business owners to make a lot of money.

Bondex launches its token and issues governance rights to token holders. Bondex will use the proceeds from the product to repurchase the platform token BDXN in the open market and distribute it to users on a regular basis, initially on a quarterly basis and gradually transitioning to a monthly basis. BDXN's revenue streams include the following:

  • In-app payments
  • Corporate Membership Fees
  • Promotional revenue
  • Traffic and ad revenue
  • bounty
  • Premium User Membership Fee

The tokens received by the user will be airdropped based on three factors: the user's reputation score, the quality and frequency of interactions within the network, and the number of tokens staked.


The total amount of BDXN, the native token of its platform, is 1 billion, 7% for angel round, 3% for seed round, 8% for public sale, 10% for liquidity/market making, 4% for advisors, 16% for teams, 28% for ecological rewards, 18% for treasury, 4% for marketing, and 2% for airdrops.

The minimum criteria for users to receive the airdrop are: fill in the complete profile, have uploaded their resumes, invite and register 3 contacts successfully, and have been using the platform for 3 months. The airdrop will be claimed during BDXN's TGE time, and the specific date is July 10th. At the same time, it was officially announced that a well-known exchange would be launched on the same day.

How does Bondex, a decentralized recruitment platform, break the dilemma of traditional platforms?

The utility of the BDXN token consists of three aspects, one is the redistribution of value (through airdrop and bond point trading for users) and lock-up, the second is to give holders governance rights, and the third is to generate income for users.

In the official whitepaper, Bondex revealed that in addition to the above-mentioned plans such as token TGE and token distribution, it will also create on-chain professional identities, add a discovery function bar, a message bar, an education marketplace, and a news feed.

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