
The old Chinese medicine doctor said in plain language: What is the lack of qi and blood? What are qi and blood?

author:Ya Yi Caprice

Qi is yang, blood is yin, qi is the driving force of the human body, and blood is the source of this driving force. The "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon" says: "All that people have, blood and qi ears." ”

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "blood is the mother of qi, and qi is the handsome of blood". Qi and blood are one yin and one yang, qi is invisible and moving, it belongs to yang, and blood is tangible and still, and belongs to yin. Without the command and impetus of blood, it will not be able to reach where the body needs it; Qi without blood As a foundation, qi becomes an evil fire in the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called "all diseases are born from qi".

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the body's qi includes liver qi, lung qi, kidney qi, spleen qi, health qi, camp qi, and zong qi. Qi is the foundation of life. The ancients said: "When qi gathers, it is born, and when it disperses, it dies." The "Book of Difficulties" says: "Those who are angry are the root of people, and if they are rooted, their stems and leaves will wither." "Yi Si says that Qi is the essence of life.

The old Chinese medicine doctor said in plain language: What is the lack of qi and blood? What are qi and blood?

In nature, the wind and clouds are surging, and the wind and grass are moving, which is all qi in motion. Water energy can be converted into electrical energy, and wind energy can be converted into heat energy. In the human body, energy can also be spheroidized in the kidneys, water can be converted into kidney qi, blood can be converted into sweat, and water valleys can be transformed into blood... In short, the mutual transformation and metabolism of essence, qi, blood, jin and fluid in the body are all achieved by qi, and we call this process of energy transformation "qi". When the human body is sufficient, the gasification function is strong; If the human body is deficient in qi, the qi function will be weak. Gasification is powerful, can dispel evil, dampness, cold, poison, lipids, tumors, and diseases, even if you eat some harmful substances, it doesn't matter much, the body can quickly "gasify" it, metabolize it out of the body. This is what people often say, "Righteousness is in memory, and evil cannot be done". Therefore, qi determines a person's health and longevity.

What is Qi and Blood Deficiency? It is a general term for the lack of qi and blood. Qi and blood complement each other. What Qi is, it is our functional composition. We can breathe, we can work, we can practice, we can sleep, we can rely on our breath, we can eat, we can digest, we can absorb, we can excrete, our hearts beat, our eyes can turn, we can think, we can move.

If we don't eat for three days, we won't have the strength, and if we don't eat for 10 days, we will starve to death and lose our breath. This qi is so important.

So what is blood? It is made up of substances. We can grow into human beings, our internal organs, and our healthy bodies, all of which are nourished by blood. Therefore, qi and blood are the key material components of our lives. Sufficient qi and blood are the guarantee of our health, and qi and blood are sufficient to eliminate all diseases, and insufficient qi and blood are born of all diseases. Why does the lack of qi and blood lead to the imbalance of the five internal organs and cause lesions? We understand qi and blood, in fact, in layman's terms, qi and blood are the acquired foundation of the human body, and the body's internal organs, bones and meridians, and even hair and skin must rely on the nourishment of qi and blood. Without blood there is no life. Whether the qi and blood flow are smooth and sufficient or not becomes the key to whether a person can avoid all diseases and live a long and healthy life.

If a person is overloaded with work for a long time, overworked, irregular life, etc., it will inevitably be insufficient qi and blood, and the power and energy that can supply the internal organs will not be enough, and the internal organs must be overloaded in order to maintain normal life activities. Getting sick became something to be expected. "Yin and yang are harmonious, qi and blood are sufficient, and all diseases are eliminated."

The old Chinese medicine doctor said in plain language: What is the lack of qi and blood? What are qi and blood?

Only the harmony of yin and yang, sufficient qi and blood, is conducive to the smooth flow of the meridians of the whole body, with sufficient qi and blood and smooth meridians, the human body's internal organs can be better nourished and make the function stronger. With sufficient qi and blood, smooth meridians, and strong visceral functions, our body will have a very good internal environment and a strong immune system, which can not only clean up all kinds of internal toxins in time, but also be able to resist external pathogenic factors.

If the qi and blood are smooth and full, there will be no diseases and live to the end of the day; If the qi and blood are stagnant and insufficient, there will be many diseases, and half a hundred will fail. Therefore, qi and blood control the power of life and death, and if qi and blood are sufficient, the body will be strong; If qi and blood are deficient, all kinds of diseases will be born. Let's go back and say angry. One is the innate vitality, kidney qi. If the kidneys are out of gas, people will be afraid of the cold, and people will be bored, so they must have kidney qi. Who else is there? Temper. If you don't eat, you will lose your energy, and if you don't eat for ten days or eight days, you will starve to death, which is a temper. What is the other one? Lung gas. If you don't do anything in the hospital, you should inhale oxygen first, so only when you have lung qi can you have the qi of the five organs. So if the kidneys, spleen, and lungs are not enough, will they still honestly give you normal work? Definitely not.

The old Chinese medicine doctor said in plain language: What is the lack of qi and blood? What are qi and blood?

Let's talk about blood. Where does the blood come from, from heaven? Underground? Neither. Who was the first to produce blood? Who is the acquired foundation? The spleen is the source of qi and blood, hematopoietic. Then the blood has to be hidden, right? Where is it hidden? Liver. And then push the whole body, who pushes? Heart: The main bloodline. Then let's think about it, who is the blood related to, the heart, the liver, and the spleen. Who is Qi and Blood plus a piece? It's the five organs. Therefore, you have to nourish qi and blood to heal the five internal organs.

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