
The night could not envelop Nongfu Spring

author:Cliff let go

A certain buddy used to be a columnist for the Chinese edition of the New York Times, and the day before yesterday I had coffee with him, and there was a topic that could not be avoided, why did you stay in Dali.

He has a friend who lives in Shenzhen Bay and bought a whole floor with an invincible sea view, and now the house price is worth 100 million if it falls.

He lived there for a few days, and then sighed that he was far from Cangshan and Erhai. You spend 100 million, I spend a few thousand, and enjoy the landscape twice as good as you.

In the United States and Europe, where the land is private, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the private island, you have to spend tens of millions of dollars to get it, and in the end, it is more than money, and in the end, the best places are monopolized by the rich.

But Dali is the opposite, and all the B&Bs along Erhai Lake were demolished, which were originally places for rich people to play, with 3,000 yuan for a room and 3,000 for a meal, and you can't get in without money.

Now build a corridor along the Erhai Lake, a complete public space, you don't spend a penny, you can touch the water of Erhai Lake, feed the seabirds with bread, while looking at the Cangshan Mountain, basking in the sun, skateboarding and riding under the clouds, or lie down on the big lawn to sleep, next to the sea ducks are cooing.

It is the feeling of entering Cangshan and Erhai Lake completely and becoming one with her.

It can really get people drunk.

The houses in the village along the corridor, single rooms with toilets, 1,000 a month, plus 1,000 meals, the most beautiful scenery of mountains and seas in China, 2,000 to stay.

This dude said, this is socialism, this is the civilian economy.

This pierced the eye of the sky, and from this perspective, everything in the real world can be re-recognized.

Seeing a mountain is no longer a mountain, seeing water is no longer water.

When the Industrial Revolution first came, there were two schools of thought, whether it was to make the queen wear better stockings, or to make the women who made stockings affordable to wear them.

One is the upward economy, the other is the downward economy, the other is high-tech, and the other is inclusive.

The typical example of the upward economy is luxury, and the typical example of the downward economy is Muji.

No matter how low the cost of luxury goods is, the pricing will always make ordinary people drop their jaws, and they will be envious and jealous when they see this logo. Muji is no brand, no logo, you only look at the condition, quality, how much to give.

The typical high-precision is the chip, and the typical Pratt & Whitney is Ford's Model T.

Chips are only a few companies that can handle it, and it is basically an oligopoly, and it can price how it likes. In order to keep the price to the lowest, the Model T is only available in one color, black, and a Ford worker can buy one after three months of work.

Let's call these two kinds of noble goods and commoner goods respectively. Aristocratic commodities are sold for emotions after all, and commoner commodities are sold for fairness after all.

Fairness is the opposite of emotion, and when it is fair, there will be no emotion, and it will be pure.

There is an eldest brother, we eat together every three or five days, every time he brings himself a bottle of good wine, and the sister-in-law carries all kinds of LV.

But recently, he doesn't bring his own wine, so he drinks the fruit wine in the restaurant, and his sister-in-law doesn't carry LV anymore, so she has a homespun bag in her hand, I'm curious, no matter how bad the economy is, it won't affect you.

He said that if the economy is sluggish and these luxury goods are still engaged, others will be uncomfortable, we have to follow the local customs, and when others are nervous, we must be cautious.

You see, this is Big Brother.

Therefore, when consuming aristocratic goods, there are always emotions, and there are emotions in looking up and being looked up to.

There are also a few channels for selling aristocratic goods, but every time you turn a hand, there are hundreds of profits. So there are a lot of fakes, and there are a lot of second-hand goods.

But civilian goods are very different.

It is no longer an economy of the few, it is the economy of the vast majority, and its goal is to make it affordable for all individuals, and the price must be hit to the lowest.

So when these things are consumed, like Ford's Model T and Muji, you just think it's easy to use and you don't have any emotions. You won't be jealous of people, and people won't be jealous of you.

Push to the extreme, the most civilian temperament on the Chinese market today, you can say Redmi, you can say BYD, you can say Mixue Bingcheng, and even Pinduoduo, but the one who goes to the end must be Nongfu Spring.

A 550ml bottle of Nongfu Spring costs two yuan, and the price has not increased for more than 20 years, and there is no national product with a lower price. When a bottle of water is drunk, it is only thirst-quenching, healthy, and nothing else.

You also drink Nongfu Spring, and I also drink Nongfu Spring, just like you wear Muji, and I also wear Muji, so everyone doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

The dealers and mom-and-pop shops that sell Nongfu Spring, the millions of terminal stores scattered throughout the capillaries of China's towns, townships and villages, are the people at the bottom with the lowest incomes.

Nongfu Spring's last terminal mom-and-pop shop earns one dollar, and the middle channel earns five to three cents a dime, and finally Nongfu Spring's ex-factory price is six cents and nine.

For the rich, 1,2000 is not a big deal, but for the rich, these few cents are saved up to the children's tuition, a day's food, and the money for going to the hospital when they are sick.

In Nongfu Spring's business circle, every penny is no longer just a business, but a life with calluses.

Take a look at the whole chain of Nongfu Spring, which goes into nature to find the best water, divides it into bottles, sends it out, and then sends it to every place where people live.

Every penny is paid for the divine power of nature, paid for health, and then entered the most basic economic capillaries to the maximum.

The link in the middle is two words, simple. Finding water sources is simple, transportation is simple, selling bottles of water, drinking a sip of water, all are simple.

There are three things that people depend on for survival: air, water, and food.

Even if the market economy coupled with fantasy technology allows people to have the most advanced mobile phones, hot short videos, and rapid takeaways, many people think that life is too good, but they despise the most basic things, if it is dirty air, hardened water, industrialized food, and how much other wonderful it is.

Some scholars have put forward the view that how good the air, water, and food that ordinary people can obtain indicates the degree of civilization of a country and a society.

These three things are 1, chips, mobile phones, short videos plus takeaways, but there are countless 0s behind.

Air is the hardest thing to monopolize because it's everywhere. So the air is the fairest for the rich and the not.

Of course, you can have an air purifier in your home, office, or even in your car, but after all, you will still get out of the enclosed space, go out into the playground, go out on the street, and breathe the same air as everyone else, otherwise it will be no different from going to jail.

Relatively speaking, food is the easiest to monopolize because it is not as ubiquitous as air, it requires human labor, so it is scarce and has a high price.

So even in the same city, in the same building, the food we eat is completely different. Those that are ecologically grown, grown in the mountains, and then carefully packaged, the food transported through the cold chain will be ridiculously expensive, and only the rich can enjoy it.

The best thing in Cangshan is matsutake mushrooms, but the locals can't afford to eat them, hundreds of yuan a catty, all of which are eaten by tourists and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.

Most people still eat industrial, fertilizers and hormones. But this knot is currently untied, there is so much land, in order to feed the increasing number of people, they all want to eat meat every day, fertilizer and hormone greenhouses are inevitable.

Water is not like air, nor is it like food. Because air is a gas, water is a liquid, and food is a solid, the difference in physical properties determines many things.

Nature produces good water like air, but it is buried deep in the mountains. If no one goes to get them out, they flow into the river and become polluted, just like the air.

But luckily someone went to find them, sealed them in cans, shipped them out, and they were drunk before they were contaminated.

Fortunately, such a bottle of water only sells for two pieces instead of ten, unlike organic food, which has become a sign of wealth differentiation.

The business of these two dollars is to bring you the basic survival materials of health and achieve the greatest fairness.

Erhai Corridor, even if it is free, can only be enjoyed by Dali people, only if you buy a ticket of a few hundred yuan to Dali, but Nongfu Spring, no matter where you are, you can enjoy it as long as you spend two yuan.

Some people still say that two dollars is still expensive, just a bottle of water. But did you know that the pure water made from the tap water in the city is sold for two dollars?

This pure water is made without prospecting, without the need to build pipelines, without the need for long-distance transportation, and without dealing with the local area in order to protect the water source, all kinds of protection, but most importantly, it does not contain the natural combination of minerals that nature has infiltrated after countless purifications.

But they all sell for two bucks.

Luxury goods must be the most free thing to price, it rises by 50 yuan and falls by 50 yuan, and the person who buys it does not feel it.

Nongfu Spring may be the most free commodity to price, let alone five cents, even if it is only one cent more expensive than the bottle of pure water next to it, many people will not buy it.

It is precisely in this way that we can see the preciousness of Nongfu Spring, and its value lies in not being free, in serving the most sensitive civilians, and in the most basic needs.

If you measure a "common life index", or environmental protection index, for each commodity, then I believe Nongfu Spring is the first.

If there is no longer a natural water source on the earth that has not been polluted, Nongfu Spring will have no business to do, so it will desperately protect the earth. At this point, it is more positive than anyone else.

Since the first pipeline was laid in 1996, Nongfu Spring's principle has been "not disturbing nature". To bypass the trees, the pipes were cut shorter and buried deep underground, leaving enough soil for vegetation to grow.

The construction materials are all anti-corrosion and environmentally friendly, and cannot affect the soil, plants and water sources. The steel pipe lining is stainless steel, which is connected by electrofusion welding. The service life is 50 years.

Water can be drunk at any time when you are thirsty, so selling water needs to penetrate into every space of people's lives, so Nongfu Spring must maintain this ecology and make every mom-and-pop shop make money.

During the three years of the epidemic, many small shops were not opened, and Nongfu Spring still gave display fees for three years, which may be life-saving for mom-and-pop shops during the epidemic.

Let's not talk about bad conscience, this is determined by the business model itself. One less shop, one day and one less bottle of water will be sold.

This business is naturally bound to the earth and the common people, and it is necessary to die and live together.

Some time ago, Nongfu Spring was exploded on the Internet, and I didn't dare to come out to rub the traffic, after all, how to cross the mountain in an interlaced line, I am afraid of saying the wrong thing.

But after observing this period of time and reading some information, I feel that there is no Nongfu Spring that we don't understand, because this business is too simple and transparent, and it is under everyone's noses.

Find a water source, repair the pipes, ship it out, transport it to every mom-and-pop shop, and give them half of the money.

All the factories of Nongfu Spring are open to the outside world, what is its water source, you can go to the field to test, what materials are used in the pipeline, you can go to the field to see, whether the water transported is good or not, you can also measure, and the final price is also transparent, two pieces.

Everyone can imitate it, but they can't.

There is no secret to be guaranteed and nothing to learn from the grand strategy. The highest level of business competition is reflected in a water delivery company. Nongfu Spring always summed up itself very simply: good quality, low price, good service.

Because civilian goods are sold fairly, and they are fair at the lowest price, so that it has no opponents, how can you beat the fairness of a minimum price?

This cyberbullying almost gave Nongfu Spring a 360-degree physical examination, but in the end, except for the red bottle cap, which was obsessed with the Japanese flag, no hard injuries were found.

Nongfu Spring has been delivering water to college entrance examination students for 13 consecutive years, and has been accused of marketing.

Because it is Nongfu Spring, there is no secret, it is the simplest product, the most transparent production of the whole industry chain.

I went to search for the mission vision of Nongfu Spring just now, and I felt familiar after seeing it.

"Let every store sell our goods and make it affordable for everyone."

Many years ago, Bill Gates said something similar, let everyone have a computer on their desk. This sentence made him the richest man in the world.

Computers are about the future, and water is about every moment of everyone.

Computers are magic created by man, and water is magic created by nature.

Computers make people excited and arrogant, in fact, today's smartphone is a small computer, and water makes people humble and alive.