
Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury



In online games like League of Legends, there are some unwritten but recognized iron rules, such as winning and losing, e-sports relying on strength and results to speak, and e-sports is the "rice of youth", and the peak career of e-sports professional players is very short, except for a few players, such as Faker. Since Faker's debut, he has won four championships in the World Championship at LOL's highest specification event, coupled with Faker's outstanding contribution to LOL, he is recognized as "LOL No. 1", but unfortunately Faker has been playing for a long time, and his physical health problems have gradually become prominent, this time Faker publicly talked about his hand injury, and was forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was compensated 600W for a hand injury.

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury

Very few esports players are at their peak for more than three or four years, but Faker is a special case where he is at his peak for more than 10 years. Most of the players in the same season as Faker have retired, such as Benji and Marin. But Faker still sticks to the front of the summoner canyon, and he spends time exercising every day, and he also wants to extend his e-sports time, but the sky is not beautiful, Faker's hand injury problem is still very serious, and no matter how you investigate, you can't find out the reason.

When Faker interviewed about his hand injury this time, he still insisted that although the injury has not healed, he has been managing his health, but Faker thinks that this is his own business, so he doesn't want to show his head in the media, and Faker said that he will continue to work hard to let everyone see his good competitive level.

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury

Faker was forced to use his left hand to brush his teeth and eat due to a hand injury

Faker has also revealed before that his level of competition in the game has declined due to a hand injury, and I hope to be more considerate. At the same time, Faker also said that he is already undergoing treatment, so everyone should not worry. However, attentive players will find that Faker's right hand is too painful to lift during the interview, and he uses his left hand to speak, and Faker's right hand is usually placed on the table when he is interviewed, but this time it is hidden under the table.

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury

And Faker has also revealed before that he has caused some inconvenience to daily life due to a hand injury, such as being forced to brush his teeth with his left hand flexibly and eat with his left hand, but this is not very easy, after all, he has to adapt again. Faker also said that after a certain game, his little thumb was directly numb, and he also elaborated on the condition, as if it was not intervertebral disc herniation, but elbow tunnel syndrome, because the ulnar nerve was somewhat compressed.

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury

Faker may be compensated 600W yuan for a hand injury

In fact, Faker's hand injury should not be long ago, after all, e-sports players need to sit quietly in front of the computer for a long time, and they have to habitually wear headphones, hit the keyboard, click the mouse, even if the e-sports club is equipped with a special health therapist to control the health of e-sports players, but it is still difficult to prevent bad situations such as "mouse hands".

And Faker, as the "first person in LOL", has been broken by foreign media before, saying that Faker has signed an insurance policy, and may be compensated 600W yuan for a hand injury, not Korean won! This is the money after the exchange rate has been converted. At present, Faker's hand injury problem is already very serious, after all, they have all talked on the table, maybe Faker is just uncomfortable at first, and then gradually deteriorated, even if Faker will exercise every day, muscle stretching and other conditions.

Faker spoke openly about his hand injury, having been forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, or was paid 600W for a hand injury


E-sports players eat "youth rice", and Faker, as a veteran of the field for more than ten years, is still active in the LOL arena, so let's watch and cherish it. Hope Faker recovers from his hand injury soon. In the end, I don't know what everyone thinks of Faker's public talk about the hand injury, he was forced to brush his teeth with his left hand to eat, and he was compensated 592W for the hand injury? Everyone's comments and attention are welcome.