
Change the name of the "one thing, one station" operation process

author:Heian Etsu

Residents with household registration in Chongqing who need to change their names can log in to the computer terminal of "Chongqing Kuaiban" ( Chongqing Government Service Network), find the "Personal" package service items in the "Municipal Co-ordination" module of the "Efficiently Done One Thing" page, and then find the "Change of Name" application entry from the drop-down menu of the "Other" section;

Or log in to the Chongqing Municipal Government APP on your mobile phone and select the "Integrated Office of Related Matters" section, click "More" to find the "Other" section in the "Personal Service" package, and find the "Change of Name" application entrance. According to the operation prompts, the applicant for name change needs to fill in the "One Thing to Change Name" application form online, upload the applicant's resident ID card (which can be obtained through the electronic license of Yu Kuaiban), and upload the certificate of kinship between the applicant and the person who changes to a minor.

The specific operation steps for handling relevant business are as follows:


Log in to the homepage of the "Yu Kuaiban" APP and select the "Integrated Handling of Related Matters" section.

Change the name of the "one thing, one station" operation process


Find the "Other" section of the "Personal Services" package, and find the "Change of Name" application entry.

Change the name of the "one thing, one station" operation process


Click "Smart Guide" to start the process.

Change the name of the "one thing, one station" operation process