
How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

author:Esports, the biggest event in esports

Recently, Riot officially released another new hero this year, a rabbit mage of Vastaya, from the model, is a female character, with classic European and American freckles, big wavy curly hair, wearing a wizard hat, and its background setting is also quite mysterious and powerful character.

According to the designer, Aurora's skill mechanics have been revised several times, and many of the previous mechanics of heroes such as Silas and Yon were taken from her, and if it was conceived at the beginning, this hero is simply invincible.

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

Of course, now Alola's skill mechanism is also very good, judging from the current official skill data, Aurora has a combination of control, teleportation, stealth and unique field development and other abilities, so this character from the current game environment, is it strong?

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

Let's start with a brief look at her skills

The passive skill is a basic attack or a skill that hits the enemy three times will stack the spirit buff on Aurora, and this buff will increase Alora's movement speed and health regeneration

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

The Q skill has two effects, one Q is a linear piercing damage with a curse, and the second Q retracts the curse and will deal damage to the enemy on the way back, a bit similar to Ahri's Q, except that compared to Ahri, Aurora's second Q can be controlled by the player.

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

The W skill is to briefly jump in a specific direction and enter the stealth state, killing or participating in the kill can refresh the CD, it is worth noting that this short distance displacement can jump over some relatively thin walls, such as above the big dragon area, river walls, etc.

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

E skill is to release a dimensional window of the spiritual realm in front of you, dealing damage to the enemy and slowing down, after Alora releases the skill, it will be displaced backwards by the effect of recoil for a short distance (can pass through some small walls), a bit similar to the male gun's ultimate, but the range is much smaller than that of the male gun

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

The ultimate is to open a domain enchantment, the enemy in the enchantment will be damaged and slowed down, and trapped in it and unable to get out of the field, Aurora can touch the edge of the field for point-to-point mirror teleportation, of course, the enemy in this field can leave by some special means, such as flash, EZ's E, etc., it is not like the iron man or the absolute realm of the green steel shadow.

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

After a brief understanding of Alora's skills, combined with the designer's positioning of her, Alora's future positioning is a mid-laner mage, it is said that it was designed to be a top laner at the beginning, but because it was too OP, so after the adjustment, let her go to the middle lane, from the perspective of skill mechanism, it is indeed very suitable for the short and fast rhythm of the middle lane, but the small skills belong to soft control, so it will only change qualitatively after level 6 with the jungler.

How do you evaluate LOL's new hero Alora? The mechanics are good, and if the values are in place, it will be strong!

On the whole, Alora is very good in skill design, and the only thing to worry about at present is the value of the hero itself, after all, there are too many heroes in this position in the middle lane, and the strength of the line is also very large, if your body itself is not hard enough, it will be difficult to stand, so as long as the data of this hero is not so conservative, the future is definitely a strong role in the middle lane.