
Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

author:Stay King Xixi

After the host contest ended, a large number of new faces got the opportunity to join CCTV, it can be said that CCTV has returned to the general trend of reusing new faces, of course, through the employment position, most of the young new faces have been arranged to join the variety channel, with the help of the revision of the variety channel, these new faces have been arranged to the corresponding hosting positions.

In contrast, CCTV News Channel has not hired any young anchors, which is related to the rules of the host competition.

In terms of the design of the rules of the next competition, the news track is the key, and the CCTV news channel will also recruit more new faces.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

From the perspective of the person in charge of the CCTV news channel, in order to adapt to the entry of new faces in advance, a series of streamlined work needs to be carried out on the post, that is to say, the so-called minor adjustments, including the adjustment of the appearance rate of veteran anchors, including the suspension of some unpromising news programs.

In fact, the rectification of the CCTV news channel has begun, take "News Network" as an example, the appearance rate of veteran anchors such as anchors Kang Hui and Li Zimeng has been declining, and CCTV will give more opportunities to young hosts such as Yan Yuxin and Wang Yinqi, just to let these young people support the show after the veteran anchors leave the first-line stage.

Compared with the adjustment of the appearance rate of the anchor of "News Network", the suspension of "Weekly Quality Report" is more complete, this is another news program that has been suspended, and the suspension of the program also represents the loss of the anchor's job.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

"Weekly Quality Report" is a weekly program, considering that the time and energy required for production are relatively limited, so the number of anchors in the column group is not large, and Cui Zhigang is the only anchor in the live broadcast room of the program.

Coincidentally, Guo Zhijian, the anchor who left "News Network", was also arranged to a weekly program, and also served as the only anchor of the program.

From this point of view, Cui Zhigang and "Weekly Quality Report" are similar to Guo Zhijian and "World Weekly", which also makes the audience start to speculate whether the two programs and the two anchors are moving towards the same development trend.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Based on the fact that the "Weekly Quality Report" has been discontinued, and Cui Zhigang has obviously been completely abandoned after losing the position, as for Guo Zhijian and "World Weekly", with the arrival of new faces, I am afraid that his development trend will be similar to Cui Zhigang.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Getting back to the point, let's go back to the program "Weekly Quality Report", which can still be understood by the audience when it is suspended during the Dragon Boat Festival, after all, special programs will be arranged during the holidays, and CCTV needs some unpopular programs to make room for special programs.

However, after the end of the holiday, the "Weekly Quality Report" was still on the air, and the program anchor Cui Zhigang did not continue to appear in other CCTV programs, and since then he has faded out of the audience's sight, his career development has stagnated, and his market positioning has begun to decline.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Looking back at Cui Zhigang's work and development experience, before appearing in the "Weekly Quality Report" column group, his main job was to broadcast "News 30 Minutes", and his appearance on the show also proved Cui Zhigang's market value.

It's just that with the increase in age, and at the same time, new faces have joined the "News 30 Minutes" column group, Cui Zhigang's appearance rate in the show has declined significantly, leaving opportunities for new faces, while reducing his workload until he completes the transfer.

After bidding farewell to the "News 30 Minutes" column group, Cui Zhigang's broadcast work on the CCTV stage was only left with the "Weekly Quality Report".

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Therefore, once the show stops broadcasting, Cui Zhigang will completely disappear from the CCTV stage, and his career development may come to an end.

At the end of his career development, Cui Zhigang focused his work on the "Weekly Quality Report", and it was precisely because of his dedication to the program that more audiences began to recognize this excellent anchor.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Of course, the only thing that can be determined at present is that the "Weekly Quality Report" is off the air, and it is uncertain whether the program will be revised and adjusted or completely leave the CCTV stage.

In any case, in terms of Cui Zhigang's development considerations, he may disappear from the audience's sight from now on, completely leave the CCTV first-line stage, or even leave the CCTV camera.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

After all, in terms of age, Cui Zhigang has reached the stage of retreating behind the scenes, not to mention that CCTV needs to prepare for the entry of new anchors, and Cui Zhigang is not impossible to leave at this stage.

Another CCTV news program was suspended, and the program anchor was completely abandoned

Based on the analysis of the program development of Cui Zhigang and "Weekly Quality Report", the departure of veteran anchors either reduces the appearance rate or directly transfers, which proves the development trend of an anchor.

In this adjustment process, more young anchors will also be entrusted with important tasks and appear in important news broadcast positions.

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