
In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

author:Forest Talks Business

In the next 10 years in China, the most valuable thing may no longer be houses, facades, factories, cars, etc., but the following new outlet, understand this new outlet, you may have the opportunity to become the next batch of rich people!

1. How is the rich second generation refined?

2. The difference between digital assets and physical assets

3. The core elements of the transformation of the poor

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?


Nowadays, many young people choose to lie flat, because they can't afford to buy a house, it's hard to find a job, the consumption is too high, and they don't have a good old man, so most people think that no matter how hard they try, it is difficult to get ahead.

In fact, this view is wrong, as long as you understand the opportunities brought by digital development in the next 10 years, you will have the opportunity to become a new batch of wealthy people.

You have to know that in the past 40 years, there have been a lot of rich second generations, but in the next 10 years, these rich second generations are about to become rich second generations.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

How so? You have to know what the current rich second generation is, whether it is the house, factory, façade, car, machinery or equipment or currency left to them by their parents.

Over the past 20 years, these have indeed been the most valuable assets, just as a house can not only increase in value exponentially, but more importantly, it can also be realized.

It's like I know a rich second-generation friend who buys a house or a good car when he has no money, and has savings at home when he has no money.

But their good days may be coming to an end, which also brings new development opportunities to ordinary people.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?


You must know that today's house has become a hot potato, and the car is no longer worth much.

This is not to say that house prices have dropped and no one is buying a house, but more importantly, the house may become a debt now.

How so? Let's talk about the house first, if you go to the beautiful country and other developed countries, their houses are subject to property tax, that is to say, even if they inherit the property of their parents, they need to pay property tax every year, and some people can only donate their houses if they can't afford to pay them.

In the same way, we are expected to do this soon, which means that people who have a large number of properties in their hands will no longer have assets but liabilities.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

With the rise of new energy vehicles, you can buy your favorite car with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and you don't need to refuel, so now fuel cars are being built at reduced prices, not to mention second-hand cars.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

It is precisely because physical types of assets are no longer good that ordinary people have the opportunity to change from the poor generation to the rich generation.

You must know that in the traditional business and market, buying real estate, buying stocks, and doing traditional business are simply a dream for ordinary people who are poor and white.

Because these are heavy assets, they need hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions to start.

But in the digital age, real assets are no longer houses, cars, etc., but digital assets. What is a digital asset? To put it simply, it's knowledge, information, and data.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?


In the traditional business form, houses can be bought and sold, facades can be rented for cash, and cars can also be leased, but how can this digital asset be realized?

The reason why today's short video bloggers and Internet celebrities can earn tens of millions of dollars a year is that they have digital assets, such as personal brands and fans, which are digital assets.

Because with a personal brand, you can monetize by selling goods, selling services, advertising, etc.

At the same time, ordinary people can also monetize knowledge, such as writing novels, e-books, columns, making audio content, and courseware, which also belong to a kind of digital assets, and if you do well, you can also realize tens of millions of dollars a year.

Secondly, it is also possible to develop and design NFT artworks and sell them for cash.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

Of course, ordinary people must learn to use AI to empower themselves before monetizing their digital assets. Why?

Even if you have professional experience in a certain field, but if you are asked to write an article, a column or a courseware, you will not necessarily write a textbook or copywriting, and you can use AI tools to complete it for you.

At the same time, when you were building a personal brand and doing fan operations, you also needed AI assistance, especially when you started a business as a super individual, and you had to write copywriting alone, and it was definitely not possible to edit and operate.

But with the empowerment of AI, even if you operate 10 short video accounts alone, there is no problem in operating 10 personal accounts.

In the next 10 years, the house will no longer be "fragrant", and the other 2 areas may be more profitable?

If you also want to monetize in the digital era with the help of AI, but you don't know how to do it, you can click on the AI training camp below to learn, and I have a more systematic explanation in the training camp.