
Note no, this kind of small couple family is too fragrant, just because both parents are only children and have pensions

author:Ming Ruoxiao Creek Lucky

My niece Xiaoyue only earns more than 3,000 yuan a month, but her life is like she earns 30,000 yuan. It's been a beautiful day, and she often goes to the most exclusive shopping malls in our area. Every time she goes there, she will spend 300 500 yuan to buy a piece of underwear, and more than 300 yuan to eat at a high-end buffet and drink Starbucks coffee, and she can't get out for 2,000.

Let's talk about her daily consumption. None of her phones were replaced with broken ones. Whatever new model Apple releases, she buys. She also travels by car with her husband and children once a month, and travels abroad once a year. Who doesn't envy such a standard of living?

I often say to her, "What are you bothering about?" Don't worry about eating and drinking, you can do whatever you want. She always laughs: I really don't have any distress right now. My child is cared for by both parents. My parents subsidize me with more than 10,000 yuan a month. My husband also dotes on me. I'm really happy in my life.

Her monthly salary is only more than 3,000 yuan, and her husband is also an employee of a general state-owned enterprise, with a monthly salary of 7,000 yuan.

Note no, this kind of small couple family is too fragrant, just because both parents are only children and have pensions

Satsuki and her husband are both the only children in the family. Xiaoyue's parents are both retired, and their total monthly pension is more than 10,000 yuan. Her husband's parents are both retired from the government, and their combined salaries are more than 10,000 yuan. Both of them are old people with one child, so four old people support their family of three.

When Xiaoyue got married 6 years ago, her mother-in-law's family lived in a good location to the west of us, and she paid 1.6 million yuan in full to buy them a set of 120 square meters of two-bedroom and one living room, which was very spacious, and spent more than 400,000 yuan on decoration and furniture and appliances. Her mother's family gave her a car worth 500,000 yuan and gave Xiaoyue 300,000 yuan in cash

Just after getting married, the young couple already had hundreds of thousands of savings, a car and a house without a mortgage. After giving birth, Satsuki was admitted to a 50,000-month confinement center. After returning home, the elderly on both sides give them 5,000 yuan a month and take turns to take care of the children.

Since the birth of the child, Satsuki has taken care of the child for no more than an hour a day. has children who are unfettered and unrestrained, and she still eats, drinks and has fun like when she was single, because she doesn't have to care about anything.

Note no, this kind of small couple family is too fragrant, just because both parents are only children and have pensions

Compared with her peers who have mortgages and car loans, Xiaoyue's life is simply the envy of all her peers, but some people are worried about her, saying: "There are only you and your husband at home, how do you take care of the four old people?" It should be quite stressful in the future. ”

But she wasn't worried at all: my mother-in-law lived in the same neighborhood as us, and my parents lived ten minutes away from my house. If something happens in the future, we can hire a babysitter. They all have pensions and health insurance, so we don't have to worry too much about money. When we need to hire people, we can find a few more nannies and caregivers.

Money is not everything, but it can solve more than 90% of the distress, which is beyond the reach of ordinary families.

Therefore, the current marriage market emphasizes the matching of family backgrounds and requires the other party's parents to have a pension. This is indeed more real and heartbreaking.

Although this requirement is quite high and unavoidable, for young people, marriage is a second life, and finding a family with a stable economic foundation, the right family, and the same values can really save a lot of trouble.

Of course, in other words, there is ash at the bottom of every pot, and no matter what kind of family it is, there will be antagonisms or problems that cannot be dealt with by itself, and every family situation is not like that.

However, using the example of Satsuki, it can be seen that there is indeed such a family that lives happily. We are not jealous, we just want everyone's life to be happy, and we hope that all my friends can live happily.

Note no, this kind of small couple family is too fragrant, just because both parents are only children and have pensions

Here today, gone tomorrow. If you can live happily, richly, and happily, it is also a blessing. But I also hope that young people like Xiaoyue will cherish their current happiness, don't be extravagant and wasteful, and be appropriately thrifty.

Because, while we have many good fortunes, they may stay away from us if we squander them wantonly. So, no matter what the conditions are, we still have to cherish the life we have now!

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