
Today 4 mao 6 was harvested

author:Colorful green hills A

Text: Colorful Aoyama A

Yesterday I wrote a review article about Ai Gong. The number of impressions has reached eight or nine thousand, and the number of views has also reached hundreds. It seems to have been pushed forward by the headlines, thanks to the headlines.

I deleted the article in the afternoon.

Today 4 mao 6 was harvested

There are many people who like it, and there are many people who oppose it. In the process, some inspiration also appeared, and it was also written as a form of poetry. In short, unconsciously, it involves the political field again.

The reason is that I saw one, and I don't agree with Ai Gong's comments, and I want to correct him. wrote my comment on Ai Gong, which is equivalent to the introduction of characters in Baidu. In fact, I don't agree with Baidu's evaluation of Ai Gong either, (of course, I haven't checked Baidu's evaluation, I just evaluated Baidu according to what he said) So I wrote a review that I thought I agreed with.

So today I harvested 4 gross 6. Thanks to Toutiao, this is already a good result for an author who doesn't make a video, but just writes text. At the same time, I would like to thank Ai Gong. I would also like to thank those who disagree with me, as well as those who agree with me and like me.

To be honest, I don't understand Toutiao's political stance right now, I don't know what they think. How do you write them to be satisfied? In short, it is very dangerous to write about politics. Maybe there's some trouble. So my principle is to try not to touch on the political side of the subject.

Today 4 mao 6 was harvested

Even when it comes to the political side, I think. Being able to show the headlines for a day, get nearly 10,000 impressions and hundreds of people read them, I think the goal has been achieved.

There is visual fatigue in people, and they can't accept it if they see too much. Anyway, for Ai Gong, I can be regarded as fulfilling my responsibilities, and I can be regarded as at ease.

Today 4 mao 6 was harvested