
Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

author:Jingyuan financial media

June this year is the 23rd national "safety production month", in order to further promote the implementation of safety production responsibility, comprehensively improve the safety quality of cadres and workers and the masses in the irrigation area, popularize safety production knowledge, strengthen the awareness of safety production, and effectively prevent and curb all kinds of safety production accidents, recently, Baiyin Xingdian Engineering Administration organized a series of safety production month activities with the theme of "everyone stresses safety, everyone will be emergency - smooth life channel" in the irrigation area under the jurisdiction of our county.

Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District
Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

At the same time, the staff publicized water laws and regulations to the masses and students, explained the significance of water conservation, water resources protection and drowning prevention, self-rescue and emergency skills, etc., aiming to achieve the effect and purpose of "safety propaganda for everyone to grasp and safety knowledge into ten thousand homes".

Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

Hu Guangxing, water manager of Duzhai Village, Beitan Town: Today, through the propaganda of the Water Law, we must strengthen the conservation and utilization of water resources, vigorously promote efficient water-saving irrigation, strengthen the management and protection of channels at all levels, and ensure the efficient use of water resources and the safe operation of channels.

Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

【Liu Sihui, a student of Chaixin Primary School in Dongsheng Town】Through today's drowning prevention knowledge learning, I know that we can't swim in the water without permission, and we can't swim with others without authorization.

Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

Safety in production, the responsibility is on the shoulder. Baiyin Xingdian Engineering Administration will take this safety production month activity as an opportunity to carry out in-depth rectification actions for safety accidents, comprehensively improve the level of safety management, earnestly perform the safety responsibilities of the first responsible person, further enhance the safety production awareness and emergency response ability of the people in the irrigation area, and create a good environment for safe production with practical actions.

Xingdian Engineering Administration held a publicity activity for safety production month in Jingyuan Irrigation District

[Ma Guolong, Chief of the Irrigation Management Section of Baiyin Xingdian Engineering Administration] Through the publicity activities of safety production month, we must firmly establish the concept of safe production, tighten and compact the responsibility of safe production, comprehensively eliminate potential safety hazards, and earnestly keep safety production in mind, carry it on our shoulders, grasp it in our hands, and implement it to ensure the safe and stable operation of water conservancy projects.

Reporter Zhu Liqian of Jingyuan County Rong Media Center

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