
Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

author:Han Pang said decoration

As we all know, the bathroom is the wettest and dirtiest functional area in the home. In addition to washing and bathing, it is used to urinate and defecate. In the bathroom, the dirtiest part is the toilet, and when people urinate, there will always be some stains and bacteria left on the toilet.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

Therefore, after the toilet is used for a long time, it is prone to yellow stains and peculiar smells. Not only is it very unsightly, but it can also affect the environment of the restroom.

Some people find that they still have yellow stains and odors even though they clean the toilet every day. What should I do if I encounter this problem?

Today I will share with you a trick for scrubbing the toilet, sprinkle this into the toilet, no matter how dirty and thick the stain is, it can be flushed clean in an instant.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

Tips for cleaning your toilet

1. Prepare materials

Prepare table salt and baking soda.

Salt is an essential condiment for every household, and in addition to cooking food, it also has the effect of sterilization and disinfection.

Baking soda is also a common item in life, and it can be used to fry food and make pastries. In addition to that, there is a nice cleaning ability.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

2. Ratio of salt and baking soda

Scoop 2 teaspoons of baking soda and salt separately and mix together in a 1:1 ratio.

Sprinkle the stirred salt and baking soda evenly on the yellow stains on the inner wall of the toilet, especially the location of the toilet drain hole, don't ignore it.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

3. Brush the toilet wall

Use a toilet brush to scrub the inner wall of the toilet, and in the process of brushing, do not get wet. Use the grainy feeling of table salt to rub the yellow stains on the inner wall of the toilet bowl, which can increase the cleaning effect.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

4. Add toilet water

On a hot summer day, you can also add a few drops of toilet water to the toilet. Because, the smell in the toilet bowl is easy to attract some small flying insects or mosquitoes.

Adding some toilet water can not only eliminate odors and exude fragrance, but also have the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

5. Dip the water and continue to brush the toilet

After adding the toilet water, you can use the toilet brush to dip some water and continue to brush the toilet.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

6. Flush

After brushing, you can press the flush button to use clean water to wash away the yellow stains and other stains that have been brushed off. After flushing the toilet, I found that the toilet bowl, which was originally yellow and smelly, had become clean.

Not only is there no odor, but it also exudes a faint fragrance, which can also repel mosquitoes.

Sprinkle this on the toilet, no matter how dirty or thick the stain is, and flush it clean in an instant

Summary at the end of the article

Whether it is the thick yellow stains and stains that have not been brushed for a long time. It is still cleaned every day, but the yellow stains and stains that are not cleaned are brushed. It can be solved with baking soda + salt, which can be easily brushed and cleaned, and solve the hygiene troubles of every household. #理想家生活#