
Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

author:Xiao Xia loves to talk about things

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Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

Reading guide: Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

In this era of information explosion, it is an unusual thing that the story of an ordinary girl can spark a heated discussion across the country.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

What followed was a storm that was enough to make people doubt human nature.

The beginning of the story is full of inspirational colors. It is undoubtedly exciting news that a girl from an ordinary secondary school has stood out in a global mathematics competition with her own efforts. It tells us that as long as there is a dream, as long as you are willing to work hard, anyone can create miracles. For a time, Jiang Ping became an idol in the hearts of countless people, and her story was widely praised and became a model for inspiring young people to struggle.

Recently. Just when people were still immersed in the praise of Jiang Ping, a voice of doubt quietly rose. Some people began to wonder whether Jiang Ping's results were real and whether there was a possibility of cheating. These voices of doubt are getting louder and louder, and some people who claim to be certain universities have sworn on major platforms that Jiang Ping is fraudulent.

The doubts of Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University, and Fang Zhouzi, a well-known popular science writer, are the most eye-catching.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy
Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

These voices of doubt quickly spread on the Internet, forming a strong pressure of public opinion. Some people began to speculate that Jiang Ping would retire due to pressure, and there were even rumors that she had decided to withdraw from the competition. For a while, Jiang Ping's situation seemed to have become precarious.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy
Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Ping would back down, she gave all the doubters a resounding slap in the face with practical actions.


Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

At this moment, everyone who was expecting Jiang Ping to retire was disappointed. Those who spread rumors that Jiang Ping would retire were undoubtedly slapped in the face. Jiang Ping used her persistence and courage to prove her strength and determination to everyone.

On June 22, Jiang Ping officially participated in the finals. According to the final notice issued by the Ali Damo Academy, the final is an individual online closed-book competition, with a total of five tracks, and the contestants can choose one of them freely. Each track has three awards: Gold, Silver and Bronze, as well as 10 Excellence Awards, each with a corresponding prize money.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

Jiang Ping's performance is not only a personal victory for a 17-year-old girl, but also a powerful response to the whole society. Her experience reminds us that in this age of rapid information travel, we need to be rational and objective. In the face of a sudden rise to the stars, we should neither blindly worship nor question them lightly. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, and it is our responsibility to support and encourage, not pour cold water on them.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

Jiang Ping's story also tells us that in the face of doubts and criticism, the best response is to prove yourself with practical actions. She did not choose to back down, but bravely stood in the spotlight and responded to all doubts with her strength. This kind of courage and perseverance is worth learning from all of us.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

We also need to reflect on those who spread rumors and slander on the Internet. In the age of the internet, everyone has the right to speak up, but that doesn't mean we can speak irresponsibly. Our words can cause harm to others, so we need to be responsible for our words and actions.

Jiang Ping's story teaches us a lesson: dreams belong to everyone, regardless of age or background. As long as we have the courage to pursue and the perseverance to persevere, it is possible to create miracles. Jiang Ping used her actions to tell us not to be easily defeated by the doubts of others, to believe in ourselves and move forward bravely.

Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy

Now, let's look forward to Jiang Ping's performance in the final. Regardless of the outcome, she has proven her courage and strength with her actions. Her story will continue to inspire more young people to pursue their dreams and move forward despite the odds.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need more brave and strong young people like Jiang Ping. They dare to break the rules, dare to challenge themselves, and dare to face doubts. It is this spirit that can promote the continuous progress of our society and create more possibilities.


Let's wish Jiang Ping good results in the finals, prove herself with strength, and silence those voices of doubt and slander completely. I also hope that each of us can be inspired by Jiang Ping's story, learn to stay calm in the face of doubts, speak with actions, and prove ourselves with strength. Only in this way can we find our place in this challenging world and realize our dreams.

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Jiang Ping disappointed many people, she did not withdraw from the competition, and the makeup photos for the finals were beautiful and sassy
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